Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 24

July 2, 2009

2:11 p.m.


"Okay what--"

"--But after the party Okay?"


We walked into my apartment, 14c, and Max said:

"Hey Shrimpy. Happy Birthday, you--"

"--Thanks Max"

"Hey whats wrong with--"

"--Alton, lets go cover that up!" I cut Max off.

We walked to my room and I got out my make-up.

"Cher I'm not a girl you--"

"--Its just cover up to hide your bruise, if you plan on swimming I wouldn't go under"


I applied it very gently so I wouldn't hurt him as I did I tried to think of what could of happened the I remembered way back when I first met Max and My father hit me on accident, could he of--NO, I don't--

"Alton, did dad do this?" I asked as I finished covering it up.

"I said I would tell you--"

"--You can tell me details after the party but just say yes or no now"

He thought about it then said:

"Fine yes but you won't know why or any details until later are you done I have to go talk to Max--ALONE!"

"Yes GO!"

"And Cher?"

"Hmmm" I said as I was putting my make-up back.


He walked out of my room in search for Max.

"Your Welcome"

Max P.O.V:

I was sitting at the table no one came yet which wasn't a surprise I said 2:30 p.m. and no one comes on time/early for parties. And it only was 2:22 p.m. Cher was covering Alton's bruise Which surprised me a lot on his birthday poor kid.


I looked over and it was Alton his bruise was coveredcompletely Cher did a good job.

"Hey you can't even tell"

"OH! Yeah uh... Can I talk to you?"

What can I possibly do for him?

"Yeah of Course"

"I don't know how to start so I'm just going to say it, have Cher ever talked about our grandfather?"

"Uh yeah she said he abused you father and Aunt Sarah"

"Yeah and do you remember when my father 'accidentally' hit Cher?"

"Yeah I remember"

I thought about how angry I was when she told me, then she tried to make excuses for him.

"I think he loves her more"

I snapped out of my thoughts and said:

"No! He loves you both the same I--"

"--How do you know that? Huh?! He never hits her! Or when grandpa hits me he never yells at him for it!"

I was totally shocked! He just said his father AND grandfather hits him. What do I say to that?!?

"Is it your father who gave you that black eye?" I finally spoke.

"Yes because he didn't say happy birthday so I asked him if he forgot and he just punched me. Hes gotten worst when Cher left, he drinks more and it's worst when hes not sober I--"

"--Okay calm down I will talk to him and let--"

"--NO! Him and Papa are going to be here you can't say anything"

"Fine but I think you should tell you mother so--"

"--She knows already"

That was a slap on the face. His own mother knew and didn't say anything about it? Or at least try to stop him?


Cher's P.O.V:

I thought it was plenty enough time for them to talk so I left my room and headed for Max and Alton.

"Are you guys done?"

"Yes" Max replied.

He used his distant voice he only used it when he was hiding something from me.

"Whats going on?"

"Later Cher" Alton replied.

I was going to argue but there was a knock on the door.

"Fine later"

I went to answer the door.

"There you two are"

My parents walked in followed by Aunt Sarah and Grandpa Sulmon

"No ones here yet"

"S'Alright. Came a wee bit early, your Aunt and I haven't seen the place yet" My Grandpa said.

"Well you want a tour?"

"I would like to meet your young lad first"

"Nice to meet you Sir, I'm Max. Max Shuckters Jr."

"Hmmm... Alright, nice to meet ya, as well, young boy you taking good care of my granddaugh--"

"--Papa" I cut in.

We call him that for short instead of Grandpa Sulmon.

"Don'tinterruptyour Papa, I'm talking, Men talk"

I forgot to mention hes sexist, and a little rude but other then that and him used to being an abuser, hes loving and nice.

More knocks told me that the party was soon to begin.
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