Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 26

July 3, 2009

7:52 a.m.


"You know its not nice to--"

"--I don't want you to come near me anymore you shouldn't come here either"

"Okay but I don't see what--"

"--Do I really have to explain it to you?"

"No I understand you hate me and Kyle Don't want nothing to do with us"

"Good now go"

"Infact we feel so bad we want to make it up to you"

"Just stay away from me"

"I feel terr--"


"...Okay... Sorry... but... Don't say--"

I went to throw a fork at him and he said:

"Okay Okay fine I'm going see you later"

He left I looked down and he put the money he was suppose to pay and a $20 tip I don't need his charity I picked the money up and put it in the cash register.

"You know you get a tip if you DON'T scream at the costumers?" Tommy Joked.

"Yeah but I still got a tip"

"What?!" He looked down at the screen of the cash register.

"What You scream at the guy and he still gives you a tip AND its $20? You lucky!"


No I'm far from it.

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July 3, 2009

4:32 p.m.

Mom's Home.

I just got off of work about 20 minutes ago, and now I'm going to get Alton I want him to come with me so we can talk, I have that group thing wit Miss. Joke and her Sisters, You know I never understood why she let us call her Miss. Joke Joke is her first name Williams is her last but shes just cool like that i guess.

I got out my car and went to the door. I knocked twice and waited.

"Oh Cher what are you doing here?"

"Is Alton home?"

"Uh yeah but he can't come out--"

"--I need to talk to him It will be only a sec. really mom just go--"

"--Your father grounded him so he can't come--"

"--Fine I'll get him myself then!"

I went passed my mom and went up stairs

"Alton come on Shrimpy we--"

"--Cher? What are you doing here?"

"Well I have to go to an abuse program" I paused "But after we can--"

"--Can I come?"

"Uh it might be boring for you"

"No I want to go"

"Okay its your boredom"

"Yes I choose how to bore myself not you!" He joked.

"Alrighty then"

We walked down stairs and to my car I started it up and my mom came to my window

"I called your father and he said Alton can't go!"

"Mom relax It's not like hes staying with me hes only coming to my program then chillin' then I'll bring him home okay?"

"Well no he--"

"--Okay thanks mom"

I pulled out of the drive way and as I went down the road I seen my mom on the phone.

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July 3, 2009

5:02 p.m.


"Welcome everyone now I want you to say your name, age, what happened to you and how you cope with it from day to day. Who wants to go first?" Miss. Joke said

I looked around and no one had there hand up to my surprise Alton did. I explained to Miss. Joke and her sisters he was my little brother and he wanted to sit in they agreed.

"Okay you start off" Miss. Joke's older sister said. I believe her name is Drew

"My name is Alton I'm 13 and My grandfather and father beat me, I cope by trying to stay away from them or not getting them angry!"

After he said that Miss Joke's little sister Marte said:

"Why do--"

"--How come you never--"

"--Cher please don't interrupt"

"Sorry Miss. Williams but--"

"--No no we use first names here we are all friends plus we three have the same last names" Marte corrected

"Okay Drew and Marte but like I was saying he never told me Alton how come you never--"

"--I tried! But every time I did I just couldn't"

I was so mad, I never knew i mean my Papa yeah but my father no it couldn't be true

"Why Cher do you think it hurts you so much?" asked Joke

I didn't realize I was crying.

"Well those are my family my dad my Papa I never knew he wasn't like that with me--"

"--They liked you more!" Alton shouted.

"Not true!"

"Yeah whatever"

"Okay lets solve this a different way" Marte suggested.

"How about we move on to someone else" Alton said

"Fine I'll go" I was so mad I didn't even care who heard.

"I'm Cher, 16, and I was raped by two guys at once and kidnapped by one of them they both go to my school, I cope by trying to forget everyday it almost worked but I seen one of them today ay my job"

"Is that whathappenedto you?" Alton asked


"--How did you keep that in so long?"

"How did you?"

"Um Can I go now?" Some old lady asked.

"Uh yes you may" Drew answered.

"Can Alton and I go?" I asked

"Yes" Drew Joke and Marte said at once.

"But we'll see you next Monday you welcome back as well Alton" Joke added

"Bye" All three sisters said at once again.


"Yeah bye"

The car ride to mom's home was probably the longest most quietest ride I have everexperiencedwe pilled into the drive way and I was about to speak but Alton beat me to the punch.

"Were you ever going to tell me?"

"Were you?" I countered asked

"YES! Yesterday to be exact!"

"Well I don't know it's a hard subject to talk about"

"I bet you want to confront dad huh?"

"Yes but--"

"--Okay but if you confront dad about this I tell him about yours deal?"

Theres no way I wanted to let them know but I had a bone to pick with dad.

"Fine" I said angryly

We walked up to the house where I know dad and mom would be. My heart raced today would change the relationship with my parents possible for the rest of our lives.
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Almost there, enjoy.