Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 3

October 22, 2008
12:15 p.m.

I was so nervous. I mean, it wasn't an actual date, but he said it was so thats why my nerves were going crazy. It's wierd I barely know him but yet, I'm getting butterflies. I see himwalking towards me, he sits down and just stares.
He still stares at me!
"What do I have something on my face?"
"HA! No, Just observing."
"Yeah, your face."
"Oh, uh...Why?"
"Because, your pretty!"
I blush and look away, out the corner of my eye I can see him smirk. I ignore it.
"So.... You wanted me to sit with you?"
"How come?"
"I like you, so I thought if I hang out with you, you might think the same."
"Oh" I sit there in silence.
"You think theres a chance?"
"A Chance?"
"Yeah, you and me?"
OH! I could feel my throught dry up, and I could feel my face get hot. I knew I was blushing.
"Uh...Um...I-I-I'm not sure...I-I barely k-know you!"
"yeah, thats why people date, you know to get to know each other."
"I never dated, had a boyfriend, like a guy."
"Theres a time for firsts."
I was still blushing but what the hell I'll give it a shot.
"Cool! How about we go out friday night?!"
"Uh, sure."
My first date ever, first boyfriend ever. So nervous, but excited as well!
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October 22, 2008
4:03 p.m.
"Tell me about it again!"
"Mom, your making me regret telling you!"
"Sorry, but you have a BOYFRIEND! And your going on a DATE!"
"Ya, so what, Not a big deal"
I was just as excited as her if not more! I couldn't wait for Friday and it only was Monday! Max and I, decided to sit with each other at lunch till our date then we would go from there!
"OH! You have to get a new outfit!" She said.
"And make-up?" I teased.
"Why not?"
"Cause I said 'NO!'"
"No Lisa, Now get out my room"
I waited for her to leave before I went down stairs to call my dad, I wasn't suppose to call him unless an emergancy, but I'm sure he will dealwith it.
The phone rang three times before a "hello" came from the other line.
"Hi, dad."
"Oh, Cher, everything okay?"
"Yeah, I was just wondering, were did you put that emergancy credit card you hid from Lisa?"
"Please Cher, call your mother mom, and not by her name."
"Right, uh...Yeah it's under the carpet in the dining room"
"Okay, thanks dad!"
"Ok,I have to hang up bye" CLICK!
Ok, so he isn't a talkative type, but at least he doesn't nag. I lifted the corner of the carpet. It was the third corner one, so I grabbed it and headed for the door.
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October 22, 2008
5:16 p.m.
I hate it here. TO many people. I've never been here except once when I was younger. So I went to the directory and looked for a store that selled something I was looking for.
I came across some store I couldnt even pronounce, I walked in and it smelled like at least twenty different perfumes. It was horrible. I looked around any way.
"May I help you?"
It was a lady, her name tag said her name was Stacey. Even though she had a huge smile on I could tell she was misable.
"Uh....I need some outfit for a first date, but I don't want it to look like I'm easy, or trying to hard like desperate, can you help me with that?" She looked at me, still wearing her fake smile:
"Yes, come with me ma'am"
"Ok you lead the way."
She took me to a section of the store that said teens. It was more of the little girl pop star crap.
"Uh....No, I'm 15 going on 16, not 12 going on 6!"
She looked at me as if I just slapped her. So she lead the way to a more grown section.
"Is this more of what your looking for ma'am?"
"Hmmm, Yeah closer, and my name is Cher ma'am sounds to old."
"Sorry, ma'am--I mean, Cher!'
"Yeah, let's try this." I grabbed a dress but it looked like a big shirt.
"Yeah, you would wear something like leggings with that, uh, over here."
I went to try it on in the dressing room there was a mirror so I looked at the damage. It wasn't bad definitely not what I was looking for. I changed back and stepped out.
"No, not me."
"Oh, ok Cher, well hold on then." She looked me up and down then just walked away, about three minutes later she came back.
"There you are." She handed me this dress it was the softest pink I have ever seen. I didn't like pink but it was so pretty.
I went back to the changing room and put it on. I looked in the mirror. It was a dress that was tight around the chest area and stomache portion, and when it hit the waiste down it was flowly it was so cute. I liked how it huged me so tightly above the waiste up. This dress showed every single one of my curves. I needed someone elses opinion. So I walked out of the dressing booth.
"How does it look?"
Stacey looked me up and down, twurled me a couple times, and squinted her face twice before saying:
"Perfect! It shows all your curves and it's a nice pink to."
"Yeah thats what I was thinking!"
"It is lovely." I looked at a mirror tht was closest to us. WOW! This place has a lot of mirrors.
"You don't think the V-Neck is to low?"
"Hmmm, No it shows you have class and your not to easy, like you wanted!"
"Ok, I'll take it."
I was about to turn around and go change out of it, when she said:
"First date, huh?"
"Uh...Yeah, why?"
"Your going to want to set an first opression!"
"Ok, so?"
"Accessories of course, you need foot wear, flats or heels? You need jewerly to! Where should we start first, OH! That dress has matching heels! Be right back!"
She walked rather fast away from me. I was totally surprised how fast she went from salesperson to total teenager on a shopping spree!
"Ok, heres the heels." She hands me them. There just normal looking heels around the same color as the dress.
"I hope I grabbed the right size."
"5 1/2"
"WOOOH! I'm good!"
"Yeah, I guess."
"Ok and I got this barrett that goes in your hair, and a couple of bangles, and a simple neclace, be right back." She handed me everything and flew away again.
"Ok, almost forgot earrings!"
"Um....is that it?"
"Yup, every thing you need, unless you need make-up, we sell that to."
"You own some already?"
"NO, I'm not going to wear any"
"Oh, you can't wearall this beautiful stuff and not have make-up."
"Uh.... what ever, then."
"Be right back." She came back with 2 big boxes and 5 small boxes.
"What the hell?"
"Haha, 2 big boxes for your heels and dress and 5 small ones for your barrett, earrings, neclace,bangles, and make-up, silly!"
I turned around as she packed every thing up and went to change out the dress. I came back and she packed that up in the last box.
"Ok I picked out the perfect colors of blush eye shadow and lip gloss to match your cute outfit and I threw in eye liner and masscara."
"Ok whatever,ring it up."
She startedringing it up and it came to be: $247.65. My dad is going to kill me.
"Here you go"
"Thanks, Cher, Have a good time!"
"Yeah, I better for $247.65!"
She laughed at my comment, as much as I wanted tolaugh I didn't. The credit card for emergancys only had $300.00 on it I only left: $52.35. Dad was going to be pissed, but I know mom will stick up for me for this one. It's about shopping so I think I'll be fine.
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October 22, 2008
9:56 p.m.
"Where the hell did you go?"
Right when I walked in, my father and mother were staring me down but it was my dad who seemed angry!
"The mall to get some stuff." My mother replys:
"WOOOH, did you shop for friday?"
"Yes, mother." I was headed for upstairs when my dad said:
"Where the hell is the emergancy card?"
"I had it, I needed it."
I handed it to him and made sure I had the bags and went up stairs as quickly as possible.
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