Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 4

October 24, 2008
8:33 a.m.
I think that is the first time my dad has hit me. My parents, no matter how mad, has never went that far,but Monday he called his card to see how much was left and when he found out I only left around $50 bucks he got as mad as I have ever seen him.
It's only early in the morning, but I'm not going to school again, I skipped Tuesday as well. I can tell my father feels guilty about what he did, but it's really nothing, I mean it wasn't like he beat the hell out of me. I think we can get over this though.
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October 25, 2008
2:15 p.m.
"Your father really did that?"
"Oh Max, it was nothing, I mean, I did kinda steal about $250.00 from him."
"Still, no excuses."
He was walking me home today. I thought it was nice of him, but considering he lives the other way then me I also told him he didn't have to, he still did anyway.
"Yeah, but I provoked him, and I'm fine so it's ok really."
"Is that why you weren't in school sence Monday?"
He signed then just changed the subject, I was glad he did:
"You ready for our date tomarrow?"
"Yeah, you?"
"Hell yeah!"
We made it to my house, he gives me a peck on the cheek and we say good bye.
I walk into my house, my mom I know is home considering she doesn't have a job, but I was surprised to see my father sitting in the living room. I knew Alton wasn't home yet, he doesn't get out of school for another hour.
"Hey cher."
"Uh....Dad aren't you suppose to be working, like, right now?"
"Yeah, I.....Uh....Took a break."
"Oh, Ok then"
I was going to go upstairs when:
"Please, come sit down."
"I should do my homework, dad"
"Please, it will only take a minute."
I went to sit down.
"Yeah dad?"
"I wanted to say I'm sorry--"
"--It's ok really its--"
"--No you don't understand, let me explain. When I was younger your grandfather was very....abusive....I swore to myself I would never become him in any way possible, he was very mean to your Aunt Sarah and I. So Monday, when I punched you, it reminded me of your grandfather I was extremly mad at my self and no longer mad at you. I should of never done what I did for any reason, what so ever, and I'am truly sorry, can you forgive me?"
I could see the tears going down his cheeks. I could feel my cheeks as well getting wet. My father has never told me that story ever I didn't even know.
"Of course dad"
I gave him a hug and he kissed my forhead I didn't let go of that hug, niether did he.
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October 26, 2008
6:02 p.m.
Yesturday was so wierd, more wierd then Monday. I still can't believe my Grandpa Sulmon was such an evil person, but I tried to push the thought out of my head as I got ready for my date. Max, was to come at seven o'clock and so I decided to get a move on with my outfit. I never thought I would say this, but, I needed my mother and she wasn't even home.
I already had my dress, heels, neclace, bangles, and earrings on, I just finished doing my hair in tight curls with the barrett, that I had spent....let's just say....enough on. I only needed to do my make-up. I never have before so I had no idea what I was doing. I am so going to hurt my mom
"Dad have you seen mom?"
I yelled so he could hear me from upstairs.
"No." He yelled back.
"Dammit." I whispered to my self.
Suddenly my mom came running in my room.
"Sorry, Sorry, I had to find my camera, left it next door."
"No flash photography sorry."
She smiled and came over to do my face. She put the eye liner on then the masscara, then the eye shadow, blush, then the lip gloss. She handed me my little clutch purse with the make-up in it just in case I needed to fix anything. She showed me about twenty times how to use all this crap. I looked in the mirror to see how I looked I had to ammit I couldn't tell it was me. I was beautiful, which I thought was impossible.
"Your lovely."
"Thanks mom"
My dad walked in, he also took today off for a "break" because he didn't want to miss my first date plus he wanted to meet Max.
"I agree with your mother, Cher, you look stunning."
He gave a big smile and I gave one back.
"Thanks dad"
I was nervous because this was my first time wearing heels. The door bell rang and my heart started to beat faster, I got butterflies and I had thoughts of backing out, but my mom forced me to go down stairs.
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October 26, 2008
7:30 p.m.
Max pulled out my chair, like a gentleman, and I sat down. The waiter, luther, was nice when he asked us what we wanted for drinks:
"Uh....A coke is fine."
I ordered the same.
"Yeah, me to"
"Ok, I'll be back with your drinks, heres your menus"
I didn't even bother opening mine yet, I was to fasinated with my surroundings. This place was gorgeous!
"Haha, yeah I know it's beautiful isn't it, Cher?"
"Beyond, look, you didn't have to take me here, it could of been--"
"--Oh stop, I don't mind, besides I said, I liked you I wouldn't take you to some run down place."
"Haha, ok if you say so."
"I say so, You look beautiful, I hope you didn't go to out of hand for me"
"Oh stop, Max, this isn't really anything."
I didn't ammit I got in huge trouble for this date but, what he doesn't know won't hurt him.
"So....What are we going to do after this?"
"I'm going to bring you to meet my parents"
I was so surprised at this, I wasn't in the mood to meet them, I didn't even let him meet mine. Even though my dad did take the day off to meet Max, I refused to let him in my house instead I told him to make a move on it, Haha.
"Yeah you can meet my parents and little sister."
"Uh....um....I-I don't think t-thats a good idea, M-Max."
"Why not?"
"I just don't think I'am ready"
"They will like you, hopefully I can meet your sence, you practically shoved me out your house"
"Oh, you don't want to meet my family, their horrible"
"Haha, nonsence"
"Here you two are." Luther came back with our drinks.
"Thank you" Max and I said at once.
"So, will you let me?"
"Are you two ready to order?"
"No, uh...Luther give us Uh....five minutes."
"Ok, sir." He strolled off.
"Let you what?"
"Let me take you to meet my parents?"
"Hmmm.....I don't know, sure, why not?"
I really didn't want to but, what the hell, whats the worst that can happen?
Uh....Don't answer that!
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October 26, 2008
9:04 p.m.
Max's Home.
"Don't be nervous, Cher, they will love you!"
"If you say so."
I am so nervous, I won't lie, I wasn't ready for this.
He opened the door and we walked in. His house was amazing the hard wood floors were so shiny I could see my self. It was like one of those unbelieveable homes in the magazines.
"Hello dear, I'm Marge Shuckters, Max's mother, nice to meet you." She stuck a hand out to shake mine.
"Oh, I'm Cher Sulmon, Max's girlfriend, nice to meet you too"
I shook her hand, she was laughing, I realized, she probly already knew who I was and I just made a fool out of my self.
"I'm Max Shuckters Sr., nice to meet you."
"Pleasure, Max never told me he was a Jr."
And he told me a lot, we told each other a lot of stuff when we were at dinner.
"Yeah, I never got to it"
I didn't know who said it but it was the smallest voice possible.
"I'm Mia, Max's sister, you must be Cher, lovely dress."
"Thanks, and yes I'm Cher."
She was so small the tiniest thing, I wonder how old she was Alton would like her.
"Your so small, how old are you?"
"Haha, Yes I'am small for my age I'm eleven going on twelve."
"Oh, I have a brother who is super small to, hes twelve."
"Cool" She ran away, I hope I didn't embarrass her.
"Ignore her, Cher, Shes super shy, here come with me, I'll show you the rest of my house."
"Keep your door open, Jr."
"Dad, please."
He looked at his dad as if he was embarrassed, I thought it was cute.
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October 26, 2008
10:47 p.m.
I didn't want him to meet my family, but he seemed so excited to, so I sucked it in and lead him up to my house and through the front door.
"Well it's about-OH!"
"Yeah, hi dad, um....mom, dad, this is Max, Max, My mother, Lisa and my father, Larry."
My house wasn't nearly as nice as his I mean my house wasn't crap but after seeing his house mine wasn't that amazing.
"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Sulmon."
"Nice to meet you too."
My mom and dad said it at once. Oh my, how much I wanted to get out of there.
"I'm not sure were my brother is...."
"I'll go get him."
"Thanks mom"
"Have a nice time you two?"
"Yeah, dad"
"Yes, Mr. Sulmon, we had a wonderful time."
"You don't have to call me Mr. Max, you can call me Larry, if you want to"
"Okay....Uh, Larry."
I could hear my brother in the other hall arguing with my mom:
"But, why do I have to meet him? I don't want to date him!"
"Oh stop, Alton, before they hear you! And be nice."
"Max, this is my, annoying brother, Alton."
"Nice to meet you, shrimpy!"
"Yeah, I did."
"Can I go now?"
"I think it's a good nickname, my sister is also small, little smallier then you"
"Yup, her name is Mia, I'll introduce you two sometimes."
"Ok....Um, Max I'll show you around."
We made it to my room last I plopped onto my bed, and took my heels off, okay thats why I don't wear these my feet were killing me! He noticed me rubbing my feet.
"Here let me"
He sat next to me lifted my feet up and started rubbing them, it felt so good.
"So....This is my room, nothing much just a room."
"I like it, it's....so, you."
We both started laughing it wasn't even that funny, but we laughed at nothing in pacticular for quiet a while.
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