Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 5

October 30, 2008
2:15 p.m.
"Ugh, today was so boring, I hate the day before Hallowween."
I was talking to Max, we were walking to my house, our hands interlocked with one anothers. Although I was talking to him he was looking down ignoring me.
"Uh....ya, like I was saying, the day before Halloween is suckish, everyone trys to prank everyone." I was talking directly at him yet he was still ignoring me?
"Oh, huh? Sorry what did you say?"
"Are you angry with someone or something?"
"No, I'm good, now what were you saying before?"
"Um...I was saying: I hate today because people are always trying to prank everyone."
"Oh....I rather like today!"
"Oh, your into the pranks?"
"Well, no, not really!"
"Then you like it because, let me guess....you like spooky stuff and you can't wait till tomarrow?"
I really had no idea why people were into the spooky shit but, everyone has their own thing, I guess.
"No, thats not it, either"
"I'm out of guesses....What is it then?"
"I like today, because I was born the 30th of October!"
He started laughing as we turned to walk up to my house. We entered my home and he was still laughing.
"Why didn't you tell me? I could of got you something"
"No its okay, I don't want anything."
"Oh man I feel awful"
"Because all day I seen you and I didn't even know I was talking mad shit about today to! You could of warned me, you know?"
"It's okay, really."
We were now in my room I closed the door behind us, he sat on my bed and I sat next to him.
"Happy Birthday!"
I gave him a peck on the lips thats the least thing I thought of at the moment I really did wish he would of told me !
"What do you want for your birthday?"
He thought about it, then he just looked at me and said:
"Will you sing for me, or is that still not likely?"
Max's P.O.V:
I looked at her, she bit her bottom lip, I noticed she did that when she gets nervous, GOSH! Shes so beautiful, I just stared at her waiting. It was slim to nothing I knew she wouldn't want to sing but it was worth a try.
She said as I was thinking of something else I might want.
"Really?" Is all I could say, I was so surprised!
"Yeah, but, if I sound bad and you laugh, I will leave your ass, understand?!"
I started to laugh she smirked to but I fell quiet when she cleared her throught.
"Okay, I'm going to sing the song my mom used to sing to me when I was younger, for my birthday"
She started singing, her, voice....it was, just....beautiful.... I couldn't believe she never tried this before, I was so stunned, I just stared, I noticed this song to, its wierd, like I knew it or something?....
Cher's P.O.V:
When I was done singing, I noticed he was just staring, I knew I couldn't sing but I couldn't have been that bad?! Right?!
"Oh, wow!"
"Okay, its bad but--"
"--Hell no, you have some pipes, woman, you HAVE to try out for the talent show!"
"Fuck NO!"
Oh, come on I think you would win your singing is great, Please?"
"I'll think about it!"
"I didn't say yes--"
I couldn't even finish the sentence! He pressed his lips to mine so quick, I lost my breath.
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November 2, 2008
10:56 p.m.
Max's Home.
Wow! His house is so amazing, I could stare at it all day and night if I had to! I'm staying the night at his house this weekend, just to get away from my family for a while Max's parents are away for the week because of their anniversary, its just him and his little sister but she is at a friends home for the weekend so now its just me and him.I would normally be nervous to be alone with a guy but Max isn't like that, hes totally not an asshole.
He said there was going to be a surprise Saturday. Tomarrows Saturday. I will ammit I DON"T like surprises, he begged me too tag along but Idon't want to, I said yes though. We will just have to wait until tomarrow.
"Biting your nails is a bad habit." I told him.
"Yeah, but I do it anyway." He chuckled.
"You should try to stop, you'll feel better when you acomplished it!"
"I will give it a try"
We were just sitting there, staring ateach other. You probly think ("Ew, Boring") but to tell you the truth it couldn't have been more fun.
"Why are you nervous?" He asked.
"I'm not" I answered.
"Yes, you bite your bottom lip when you get nervous, I'm not making you nervous am I?"
"Haha, No you aren't!"
"Just making sure."
"Uh....actually I don't really like surprises!"
"Oh?, Well don't worry I'm not going to take you some where illigal, so you get arrested, then I won't see you for a while, and why would I torture myself?"
"Yeah, your right!"
I still wasn't conviced but, I didn't argue. My stomache started growling I tried putting my hands over it, as if shutting the sound off, Max noticed.
"Are you hungry?"
"A little, but I will--"
"--Okay, lets get some food."
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November 3, 2008
1:33 p.m.
Max's Home.
"Hey sleepy head!"
I opened my eyes and seen Max, above me smiling from ear to ear.
"Hey, get ready your surprise is a waiting!"
"Do I have to?"
"Ugh....." I got out of his bed, we fell asleep together talking.
"And wear a nice outfit, okay?"
"Okay, lets see what I brung"
I choose a normal shirt that was white and a skirt that was also white, and I just wore my flipflops yup white as well. I put my hair up in a ponytail. And, yes, ironicly, I did my make-up. I know, I know, I'm just as surprised as you!
"Lovely you ready?"
"Uh.... sure.... but how are we getting there?"
"Well my dad, has a car he doesn't use in the garage the keys are in his room, so I thought we just use that!"
"Well alrighty then."
"We can pick some food up on the way"
I didn't even know where we were going! My heart was pounding fast as we headed out to his garage!
Have I ever mentioned how much I hated surprises?
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November 3, 2008
3:12 p.m.
Stranger's Home.
"I didn't know you could drive so good!"
"Haha, well ya I am sixteen years old, my dad taught me last year when I was fifthteen."
"Thats cool!"
I mentioned as we pulled up to some stranger's home. I realized hes older then me, but only by9 months so it doesn't really matter. I was about to ask where we were, when I seen him, Mike Moss, the boy I was telling you about, you know, the one who says I'm a "Hot geek." I didn't like him because he was a pervert. He thought I didn't notice him and his friends talking about my body.
"What the hell are we doing here, Max?!"
"Uh....This is the surprise Cher, relax, it's only a party!"
"Yeah, but Mike Moss is here?!"
"So, did you two use to date or something?"
"Have a crush on him?"
"No......Max, you know your the first."
"Yeah, just making sure, then what is it?"
"I hate him!"
"No, you don't hate anyone"
"Hes a pervert, Max! What are you doing hanging out with him? You have more class then that!"
"I don't, he just invited me to this party, he said 'hey you want to go to some party? You can bring your girl, Cher, to if you two already had plans.' and then he told me when and where and I said sure!"
"I don't know Max, I don't think today, will go how you think!"
"Alright if you feel to uncomfortable then you say so and we will leave okay?"
"Okay if you really don't want to then we can leave now--"
"--NO, its okay, we can stay, but if it gets awkward we're gone, deal?"
I could tell he wanted to stay so he can socialize and him just offering to leave for me, was the sweetest!
We got out of the car and headed for the party.
"Hey, Max,Cher, nice of you two to make it, thanks for coming!"
"Yeah, no problem, Mike!"
I didn't say anything I was already feeling uncomfy, how mike was staring at me, looking up and down at me, like he was thinking or planning something, but I didn't say anything I wanted Max to socialize.
"Well, enjoy the party, you two!"
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Enjoy. Oh and if you see any mistakes let me know and I'll fix them.