Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 6

November 3, 2008

3:29 p.m.



We walked in Mike's house, majority of the school was here, I'm not going to lie, I was nervous, especially when I was all dressed up my school has only really seen me dressed up once and that was the day after I met Max. I could hear everyone whispering even over the loud music. They were saying stuff like, "Omg, is that Cher Sulmon?" or "WHOA, total make-over." I didn't like when people talked about me, but I was more worried of all the faces starring at me.

"Relax, there just not used to seeing you like this" Max whispered into my ear.

"Like what? With make-up, or at a party?" I replyed back a little shaky.

"Well, both, actually"

"Yeah, I noticed, hey do me a favor and don't leave me alone, okay?" I asked him.

"Alrighty then" He answered

We where headed over to the living room, because he noticed one of his friend when:

"Hey, it's Cher, wow, didn't think you where going to come, welcome to the outside world."

I could tell he was making fun of me

"Uh...Ya...Thanks, bye" I tried to push me and Max forward but Kyle grabbed my arm, I only knew who Kyle was because he is Mike's best friend, or crime buddy.

"Hey, Let go of her!" Max yelled.

"Hey, alright, relax man, just trying to have a conversation, chill, okay? Geesh!"

"You can speak without touching her, Man." He spat back.

I tried not to laugh at the face Kyle made, but when he left I couldn't help but to laugh anyway.

"What an asshole."

"Thanks, Max."

"Anytime." He did his gorgeous smile and we continued to walk.

You know how every school has their one bitch, and everyone hates her, but she thinks shes loved by everyone. Well thats Cindy Afleens, and boy was she giving me a stare down. I tried to ignore her but I could feel her eyes burning into me. I just smiled and tried my best to ignore her.

"Hey you two, brought ya something to drink" It was Mike again.

"Oh, yeah, thanks" Max said.

"Thank you." I said without eye contact.

I took my drank and sipped it, it was DISGUSTING!

"EW!,What the hell did you give me?"

"Haha, it's vodka, go ahead, don't be a party pooper, drink it" He answered.

"Oh, if she doesn't want to don't force her to" Max said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll drink it but just this one so I'm not wasting it and wasting your money, okay?"

"Fine by me" Mike said.

He watched me drink it down until it was gone, I drunk it in one gulp because how nasty it was I handed him the plastic cup and he said:

"Well, we have soda, would you like that instead?"

"Um, I guess" I replyed.

I watched him walk away, then I turned to Max:

"Your not going to get smashed are you? Because I can't drive!"

"No I'm only going to have a couple, then I will have soda, like you!"

"Okay" I said releaved.

Mike came back with a soda and another vodka, he handed me the soda and Max the vodka.

"Thank you." I said again not looking at him.

I took a sip, it was Cola, but it had an unusual taste to it, i ignored it. I just thought it was from the vodka I had before.

Max and I, hands interlocked with one another, walked over to the couch and sat down.

"My first party"

"Yeah, nervous still?"

"No, I'm good, but no vodka, it taste horrible, how can you drink it?"

"Well you know, I'm used to it."

"Its disgusting!"

"You get used to it, hey come on I see my science partner here. Come on let's go lingo!"

"No, you go I will stay here."

"I thought you didn't want me to leave you alone" He commented with a smile.

"Well no, but, you will only be right there, and I will wait right here for ya!"

"Alright, be right back." He gave me a kiss on the lips and walked off.

I have no idea what was happening, I had a headache and the music sounded like it was going away, like muffling sounds, my vision was getting blurry, I felt two pairs of arms grab me on, both sides of my body. I panicked:



That wasn't Max's voice! I was trying to scream but everything went all black.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


November ?, 2008

Time: ?

Place: ?


I opened my eyes I had a slight headache still, I looked around it was still blurry. I rubbed my eyes until my vision got better, I looked around again, and I seen a room, So I was in a room, but what happend? I looked down and was completly surprised I was naked, 'What the fuck' I thought to my self, I panicked I looked around again, it looked like a guys room.

"M-M-Max?" I called out.

"H-Hello, Where am I-I?" I studdered.

I wrapped the blanket around my naked body that I found laying on the floor, and I went to the window. I realized this was Mike's house, I was still at the party, but why the hell am I naked?

I searched for my clothes but I couldn't find them, then:

"Oh, your up, well it's about time!"

"Mike?! What the hell am I doing here?"

He walked in and closed the door, I noticed he locked it before coming over to me.

"Well, you know, my party."

"Where is Max?"

"Hes sleeping down stairs in the living room."

"Why am I up here?"

"He was looking all night for you when he couldn't find you he asked if he can crash here until morning, I said yes, but hes still sleeping"

"Okay...Then why am I up here?" I repeated.

"Well, that soda I gave you, I spiked it and when Max went to go talk to friends you started passing out so Kyle and I brung you up here, this is my room, and we laid you down to......rest."

He climbed on top of me.




He covered my mouth and pulled the blanket off of me, I got scared so I bit his hand and he screamed and pulled his hand off of my mouth.

"YOU BITCH!" He yelled at me


"Look just let me do it again, it was sooo fun!"


"Well Kyle and I took turns with you, don't worry, we used protection!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I got a lump in my throught, you know, the one that you get right before your going to cry. I wanted to scream on the top of my lungs but I couldn't its like I went mute.

Tears started to go down my cheeks, and it felt like my whole body including my brain, went knumb.

"Oh, don't cry baby, I'm sure if you where up you would of enjoyed it!"

"NO.....I-I....didn't, want...to!"

"Duh, thats what rape means, now lay back down!"

He pushed me down and held my hands above my head I was stuck, and I knew it, he was tougher then me, so all I could do was kick my legs, he held both my arms with one of his and put tape on my mouth, I was crying even harder now. He positioned my legs with his free hand then with the the same hand he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off, and threw them aside.

"Its okay, it will only hurt a little!"

He then shoved into me, I closed my eyes, I was screaming but you couldn't tell because of the tape on my mouth.

He lied...it hurt like hell! I tried to move but he had me pinned down pretty good, about forty-five minutes or so later he let go of my hands. Right when he did I punched him as hard as I can in the face.

"Don't test me, honey!" He said.

Then Kyle walked in:

"YAY!, Shes up, my turn yet?"

"Ya, just finished"

Kyle grabbed my arms so I couldn't hit anymore I swung my legs but couldn't reach anyone of them. I seen Mike take his condom off and throw it in the garbage near the door.

"Don't forget protection, Kyle, We don't need her getting pregnant and having proof we raped her"


He slid one on and I went to punch him, he grabbed my arms in enough time and put them above my head like Mike did.

He started pushing inside of me.

I screamed but again you couldn't tell because of the tape. I have no idea how much longer it was but sometime a little later, probly about an half an hour some one knocked on the door:

"Hey, thats enough Kyle, stop before Max or someone else wakes up!" Mike said.

"Alright" He said back.

He jumped off of me and took his condom off, he opened the door a little and grabbed something and walked over to me, I moved away from him and took the tape off my mouth.


"SHUT-UP, and put your clothes on"

He threw my clothes over to me, I put my underwear, bra, shirt and skirt on.

"Heres your flipflops"

I slid those on. I glanced over and there was the window, my reflection is waht I was looking at, I seen my face first. My make-up was smeared the eye liner running down my face from my tears, I was still crying. Then I looked down and seen bruises on my upper legs near my crotch, I pulled my skirt down a little to cover the bruises. Mike then walked in:

"Alright, now you wont tell anyone what happend okay?"

"Why the FUCK should I keep a secret like this?! To save YOUR ass?! Give me a GOOD reason why I shouldn't go down stairs and tell Max what you did and watch him KICK YOU ASS?!"

"Like I said 'Don't test me, Bitch!'"

I acted tough but I was scared, if they weren't in the room right now I would probly be shaking in the corner, but I put an act on so I didn't give them the benifit of the dought.

"Now you won't tell anyone, got it?"

I nodded with out saying anything.


He came over to me and whispered into my ear:

"It's only once in a blue moon, I get to do this, until next time Cher!"

He grabbed me and I gasped. I pushed him and he just smiled I waited until they left the room before I ran down stairs.

I ran over to max, who was passed out on the couch.

"Max, Max, Please, Max, wake up!" I was shaking him as I called his name.

He woke up and sat up.

"Oh, there you are, I was looking every where for you! You scared me, but I wasn't going to leave until I found you!"

He put his palm on my cheek and kissed my forhead, I stood up and he did the same.

"Can we leave, like right now?!"

"Whats wrong, why are you crying?"


"Yeah, Come on!"

We were walking out the house. The house I was forced to lose my virginity.
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Okay everyone this is when shit starts to get serious. Enjoy.