Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 7

November 4, 2008
12:43 p.m.
Max's Home.

I didn't talk the whole time to his home. We were in his living room, his sister was still gone, we were sitting on his couch.
"Whats wrong Cher?"
I was queit, just looking down at my hands.
"Your scaring me, tell me why you won't stop crying."
His voice wasn't rude, it was soothing like he was trying to comfort me. I curled up into his arms and put my face into his chest, he didn't reject me, he hugged me, and put his chin on the top of my head I was crying still. He didn't talk, he just held me letting me calm down in his arms. He smelt good, minus the alcohol smell but he didn't smell to much like it, he was warm I never wanted to move I felt safe in his arms safest I have felt. I finally stopped crying I looked up at him and he looked down.
"Are you alright?" He wasn't trying to push me, he was just worried.
"Y-Yes" I said in a shaky voice, my voice cracking a little from all the crying.
"Are you ready to tell me what happend to make you cry like that?"
I shook my head and said:
"I-I can't, s-s-sorry!"
I thought he was going to get mad but he said:
"Thats okay, but when your ready, I'm all ears" he kissed me on the top of my head.
"Okay... Can I-I use y-y-your shower?"
"Of course"
I got off of him and he got up first he helped me up and he walked me to the bathroom he showed me how to use his shower as he was leaving, I panicked, I didn't want to be alone, so I said:
"W-Wait, can you s-stay in here with m-me?" I started to shake from being so scared
"Yeah of course"
He put the toilet top down and sat on it, I turned around and started taking my clothes off, first my flip flops then my shirt my my skirt, bra, then underwear, I could see him in the mirror behind me his head was turned the other way, I was so glad Max wasn't a perv. but to tell you the truth I didn't mind if HE seen me naked. I turned around, he looked over at me. but was looking at my face, he looked down at my upper legs and seen the bruises Mike and Kyle left there. He gasped and said:
"What happend?"
I just looked at him, he got up and walked over to me.
"Cher, who did that?" He said in a stern but caring voice.
"They t-t-told me not t-t-t-to say"
He helped me into the shower, after I was done I stepped out he shut the shower off and wrapped me in a towel. He hugged me and put a loose strand of my wet hair behind my ear.
"When I find out who did this...." He didn't even finish the sentence.
I looked up at him. His eyes where closed, I could tell he was angry. I touched his cheek and he opened his eyes and held the hand that was still on his cheek.
"If I guess will you nod your head if I'm right?"
"I-I don't think t-thats a g-good idea!" But I nodded my head anyway.
"Was it...that boy with the long hair?"
I shook my head.
"Was it....Mike Moss?"
I didn't move my heart started going faster and all my muscles went stiff.
"Was it?"
I nodded.
"T-There, was t-t-two of them"
"Mike and his buddy....what was his name?....Kyle?!"
I nodded again.
"What exactly did they do to you? He sounded pissed, but not at me.
"They t-told me not t-t-to say"
I was so surprised by the tone in his voice, it wasn't rude, or angry, it was more of desperate, like he needed to know but also scared for me, but me being scared took over.
"I'm t-to scared t-t-to s-say"
"I won't let them hurt you I promise."
I was still looking into his eyes, I believed him, I was still to scared but I knew he wanted to know.
"If I-I tell y-you, you c-can't let them k-know I-I told y-you!" I studdered.
"They said t-they drugged my d-drink and w-when I-I passed out, they.......they......raped....me....and when I-I w-woke up dismorning t-they both d-did it a-a-a-again" I started crying again. He hugged me closer.
"Okay, I will beat--"
"--N-N-NO, you p-promised!"
"Your right, I won't say or do anything until you say I can."
We walked to his room he searched my bag and got some clothes out he helped me change. He slid my underwear on but was gentle near my bruises he then helped clasp my bra, and he slid my shirt on then he helped me put my pajama pants on, again being gentle.
I sat on his bed and he told me he would be right back he went to walk away but I panicked and went with him, he called my mom considering it was sunday and I was suppose to go home today, he was polite to my mom when he asked her if I could stay for the week he told her he would bring me to school and I knew she would say no, but to my surprise she said yes, he said thank-you and good bye then hung the phone up. he looked to me and I said:"I-I don't want t-to go t-t-to school near--"
"--I know we arent"
We walked to his kitchen he made sandwiches and we walked to his room with them, he laid in bed and I curled up in his arms he set the sandwiches down on the stand and wrapped his arms around me.
"Are you hungry?" He asked.
"N-No, I'm m-more tired."
He hummed in my ear a soft tone, it was soothing, plus the warmth of his body, and his perfect scent. I was soon drifting into a sleep, he covered us up and kissed me on the top of my head. Right before I fell asleep I hurd him say:
"It is easy enough to be pleasant,
When life flows by like a song,
But the man worthwhile is the one who will smile,
When everything goes dead wrong.....Sweet dreams....My love."
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