Once In A Blue Moon

Chapter 9

November 7, 2008
6:02 a.m.
Max's Home.

He had asked me if I was ready to go to school today, I told him no, he didn't push me on the subject any more.
"Max, I don't want you to fall behind in school because of me."
"Nonsence, I'm not leaving you"
I liked that a lot. Max and I walked Mia to her bus stop, and waited until it turned the corner and was out of sight before we headed back to his home. I was thinking a lot about what happend to me Saturday. I wondered: 'Why me? Why all of a sudden? How many girls has he done that to?' I rolled these questions around in my head a couple of times before I asked aloud:
"Why me?"
It wasn't directly addressed for Max, but he hurd me anyway.
"I'm....I don't know."
He glared down at his shoes, we where all ready at his house, we where just sitting on his porch considering it was such a beautiful day.I looked over at him, only looking at his face. I grabbed his hand, I closed my eyes and thought to myself 'I'm glad your here' I knew he couldn't hear me but I thought it anyway.
"You alright?"
I wipped my eyes open to see a very much worried Max starring at me.
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November 7, 2008
8:08 a.m.
Max's Porch.

We where still sitting there, I asked him to talk just to distract me from my own thoughts. He decided to tell me about his family. They sounded lovely well, except for his grandmother on his mother's side.
"You should meet them some day!"
"I would love that....your grandmother sounds.....lovely!"
He started laughing I gave him one of my weak smiles, it seemed like thats all I had left in me.
"So what about your family?"
"Well, we don't visit them a lot but my Aunt Sarah comes over fromtime to time, she's on my fathers side."
"I don't like your father much"
This surprised me because I adored his.
"Why not?"
"Well, he hit you" He explained looking away from me.
I held his face in my hands and looked at him, I gave him my weak smile and said:
"It was an accident, Memories from when he was a kid" I pointed out.
"Was his parents the same way?"
I dropped my hands and thought about it, then he said:
"Sorry, I didn't mean to--"
"--Yes, my grandfather, he was an evil man, but I don't think hes like that any more"
"People like that, don't justchange over night" He stated.
"Yeah, but he had years" I pointed out again.
"Your right" He agreed.
I put my hand on his and he smiled. I did a weak one and he said:
"When will I see it again?"
"See what?" I asked totally lost.
"Your beautiful smile."
I sat there, I din't even know myself!
I stopped what I was saying, not because I had nothing to say but because I seen them, Mike Moss and Kyle Gliiff. I started to panic. Max looked behind me and noticed them walking down the street. He froze every muscle in his bodyliterly froze. He looked at me after a good second. I was in shock, how the hell did they get here? It's a Thursday at about 8:30 a.m. What the hell were they doing on Max's street?
"Go wait inside, I will come in when they are gone"
I snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed his arm I was shaking now.
"Come in with me"
He looked at me and just nodded we where headed for his front door when:
"MAX, CHER, HEY WAIT!" Kyleis the one who screamed it.
I looked over and seen Mike looking over our way. He smirked right at me. I turned away and continued near the door.
"HELLO! WAIT! What are you doing out of school?" Kyle shouted at us.
They were standing at Max's porch now.
"Decided to play hooky" Max answered
You could hear the hatein his voice.
I was turned away from them, Max in front of me. He was holding me and both my hands were gripped on his arm. I was shaking even harder now.
"Yeah, we thought we do that to, you know catch up on our socializing" Mike commented.
"Yeah, we was at the mall spy-uh....checking out the ladys" Kyle added.
"You should tag along sometime" Mike offered.
"Why would I do that, When I have a woman that I love and care for? An just asking me in front of her shows how much of a dick you really are!" Max spat at them.
"Well, someone has a temper today" Mike pointed out, he then added:
"Cher, Can I have a word with you?"
Iglared atMax giving him the I-don't-want-to stare. Mikesnatched my arm and tried to pull me over to him. Then everything happend out of no where: Max punched Mike square in the face then, pushed Kyle off his porch. Kyle tumbled onto Mike andKyle's elbow went into Mike's face. Seconds later Mikes nose started bleeding, and then Mike said:
"You abshole what theb fuck ib your broblem?" Mike sounding funny because he plugged his nose.
"What is yours?" Max answered him with a question.
Kyle asked:
"What do you mean?"
"He's the one who grabbed Cher for no reason!" Max answered.
"Iwanbed tob talk tob herb!"
"Well you can talk without touching, I believe I told your friend that at your party"
Max glared at Kyle then Mike Then Kyle again giving them the nmostdeadliest stare! Mike squeezed his nose even harder to try to stop the blood, then he let go and yelped.
"I thinb you broke myb nobse!"
"Well, I think you diserved what was coming to you should of never touched her!" Max commented.
They thought he was talking about when he just grabbed me, but I knew what he really meant.
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November 7, 2008
10:20 a.m.
Max's Home.

We where inside now, Max was walking back and forth in front of me. I could tell he was highly pissed. I just watched him.
"What nerve they have, coming to my house after what they did, lucky I only got to punch him Could of done more--"
"--Should of done more, I hope Kyle busted his nose up, YEAHI do--"
"--Yup, hope he broke the bastards nose! HAHAH!--"
He looked at me, right when our eyes met it's like all his anger escaped him, he came up to me and hugged me. I put my head in the nook of his chest, right under his chin, and he layed his head on top of mine, he, he gently rubbed my back he kissed my forhead and put his head back on top of mine.
"I love you" He told me.
"I love you" I ammited.
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