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I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 01.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Alyson Potter. Shocking isn’t it? Well same to me. I’m known mostly as Alyson Van Hooven. Sounds familiar to you?? The daughter of the famous director, Carlisle Van Hooven and also the owner of the Trendz fashion line and the famous designer, Lauren De’Lore. I’m sixteen this year. I look nothing like a Potter except for the eyes. I’m 5 feet 9, average height for a model with light blonde hair and a pair of emerald green eyes. Ok, so these are the basics of me other info will be in the story. So, let’s begin.

Alyson P.O.V
“Miss Lexi, wake up or you’re gonna be late.” Dorota shake my shoulder, waking me up. Dorota is our maid since I was 3. She is more like family to me. We live in the upper east side of Manhattan, New York in a very luxury pent house. The house was basically all mine since my mom moved out with her husband 5 years ago and my brother move out 2 years ago.

“I’m up, Dorota. Thank you.” I mumbled, sitting up on my bed. Dorota open my curtains and then went out of the room, shutting the door behind her. I walked towards my mirror and tied my hair up in a messy ponytail. “It’s a brand new life. This year is gonna be so different.” I told myself and smiled into the mirror. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Dorota had already prepared the tub with water for me. I took my clothes off and slid into the bathtub, relaxing myself. After for about 15 minutes, I dress into my Constance Billboard’s uniform, my former high school. I look around the drawer to find my contact lenses but all I got was a blue contact lenses. I put it on, grabbed my bag and headed down.

“Morning, Dorota. What’s for breakfast today?” I asked walking down the stairs. I threw my bag on the couch and went to the kitchen counter.

“Morning, Miss Lexi. Pancake. It’s your favorite.” She replied with a smile. She place a plate of pancakes with honey on it in front of me.

“Just the way I liked it.”

“Coffee or milk, miss?”

“Coffee, please.” I said, cutting a piece of pancake and putting it in to my mouth. I thank Dorota when she brought me the coffee. I was taking my own sweet time enjoying my breakfast. “By the way, what time is it Dorota?”

“It’s almost 8.00 miss.”

“WHAT!” I almost choked on my food. “I have got to go.” I grabbed my bag and put on a pair of converse black high top sneakers.

“What about your breakfast miss?” Dorota shouted behind me.

“I’ll just grabbed something at the nearby café with Serena and the guys. I’m going to meet them. I’ll be back by 10.” I shouted back. “Oh, and before I forget. Dorota can you get me a box of contact lenses later. I ran out of it.” I said poking my head through the door before leaving.

“Yes. Miss and be careful.” I ran out to our usual spot at the nearby café just down the street. Serena, Nate and Chuck are already there. I ran in out of breath when they were all enjoying a cup of coffee, chatting away. I pulled out a chair and sat beside Nate.

“Hey, people.” I smiled at them.

“You’re late, A. And I like your new hair color.” Serena said looking at my hair.

“Thanks. It was the look for yesterday’s photo shoot and sorry, S. I lost track of time.” Just then, a waitress came over here.

“Excuse me, Can I get u anything?”

“A cup of cappuccino, please.” I looked at her and smiled.

“So A, you’re going to the new school today?” Nate asked.

“Yeap, my train leaves at 11. “ I said taking a sipped of my coffee.

“Get everything packed yet?” Serena asked.

“Not to forget the things the three of us got you for your sweet sixteen. Bring it with you. Who knows what will happen in London.” Chuck smirked while the others chuckled.

“Haha. Nice one chuck. I’m so going to miss your flirty little comments and humor while I’m gone.” I said faking a smile at him before turning back to Serena. “I’m done packing a few days ago. I’m so excited to go there. Meet my brother and new environment.”

“We are so going to miss you when you are there. Without you and your games. School is going to be so boring.”

“I’m going to miss u guys too.”

“Guys, we might want to start heading to school if we don’t want to get into trouble.” Serena said then drinking up all her coffee like the rest of us. We grabbed our bags and start heading to school. We talked and laugh on our way to school. We reached school just 5 minutes before the bell rings. Before they leave to class, I bid them goodbye and hugged every one of them. The last one was Serena. She rushed over to me and hugged me tightly.

“I’m going to miss you so much. Remember to call, e-mail, text or even write to me. I want a letter every two days.” Her tears rolling down her cheek. She was crying.

“I’ll try and don’t cry.” I said patting her back. I know I would really miss her. Not to forget Nate and Chuck too.

“Remember to write to us too. If you get bullied which is impossible” Nate and the rest of us chuckled.

“Tell us, we will fly to London in my private jet to teach them a lesson.” Chuck finished. He patted my shoulders.

“Ok, guys. I promise. Now get to class. You don’t want to be late for school.” I smiled and waved at them as they walked away. I went to my locker and get some of my old stuff. When I opened it, the picture of the four of us brings back tons of memories together. We’ve been friends for like forever. Things are going to be different without them by my side. I grabbed everything and walked out of Constance. This is going to be the last time I walked through those doors. I looked back with a smile on my lips and then turned and leave. I walked to my manager’s apartment just around the corner. We had a little chat and make sure everything was in place before I leave to Hogwarts.

When everything was done it was already 9.45 am. I walked back to the penthouse slowly taking in this place I called my home. I was so going to miss it here. The trees, the busy streets, the birds singing, the people here. Everything.

“I’m back, Dorota.” I said shutting the door behind me. “Are my things ready?”

“Yes, miss. You should probably be leaving soon because the train doesn’t wait.” Dorota said smiling at me.

“Thanks. Dorota.” I walked over to her and give her one last hug. “I’m going to miss you.”

“I will too. Call me when you’re there. Take care of yourself and be safe miss.”

I grabbed my luggage and walk to the fire place. I waved at her before grabbing a hand of floo powder and shout, “King Cross Station.”

Bye bye New York were the last thoughts I have.
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This is my first time writing. You might notice a little gossip girl character in it. Well, just imagine the charcter Alyson is part of it. there will be a little like gossip girl some parts. Please review... :)) i wanna know what you think.