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I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 10.


Alyson P.O.V

I woke up a little late the next morning. It was a Sunday so thank god I wouldn’t be getting into any trouble with any of the professors. Hermione bed is already empty. I rubbed my eyes and went to the bathroom. I tied my hair up into a high ponytail with side bangs. I wore a pair of faded blue jeans with a stripe top and blue cardigan. I put on a pair of black flats and went down to the common room. Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting on the couch near the fire again. That seems like their favorite spot. I’m not going to complain I like sitting near the fire. It gives me a sense of calmness.

“Hey, Alyson. You’re late today.” Hermione was the first one to notice me.

“You guys are just early.” I said yawning.

“Still tired?”

“Yeah. Couldn’t sleep last night.” I mumbled.

“Can we get to great hall for some breakfast now? I’m starving.” Ron complained.

“Ron’s here been complaining for the past 30 minutes.” Harry said. “He said he did barge into the dorm if you weren’t going to come down soon.”

“Like he could.” I scoffed.

“It wouldn’t hurt to miss a meal, Ron.” Hermione said.

“Mom says breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

“You say that for every meal.” They were going to start it again. I mean the bickering.

“Let’s not do this right now. I’m hungry.” I said interrupting them. We walk down to the great hall together. Many students were already in the great hall. Everyone was taking their time enjoying their meals and chatting with their friends. We took a seat somewhere in the middle of the table. Ron immediately started stuffing his face with food as usual. Hermione was reading a copy of the daily prophet while Harry has he’s head stick to the potions book like he did the whole week. I couldn’t help myself but glance at the Slytherin table.

I saw Blaise and his girlfriend. I learn that the pug face girl I saw in Potions was Pansy Parkinson. She was there too with Malfoy’s two cronies but Malfoy himself was nowhere to be found. Blaise and his girlfriend caught my sight and they both gave me a warm smile. I smiled and immediately turned back to my food. Harry, Ron and Hermione were too busy with their own things that they didn’t notice what I was doing.

‘I need to get back the photo but how do I get it back if I didn’t know where he is.’ I sat there thinking and taking small bites of my food. A thought came to my mind. ‘The marauders map! That’s it. How could I not think of it?’ I grinned. I was just about to ask it from Harry but I stopped. Another thing came to me. If I asked it in front of them, they will asked if all kinds of reason and at the moment I don’t have one. I sighed. A plan came up to me. I did let Malfoy himself come looking for me. That is much more fun and it definitely help with things. My thoughts were cut off when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

“Alyson? Are you alright? You’ve been smiling to yourself for the past few minutes.” I look up and saw the three of them staring at me. I realized that I must have look like an idiot to them.

“Fine. I was just thinking of something.” Then Seamus came to our place and took a seat by my side. He greeted them and turned to me last.

“Hi, Alyson.”

“Hi, Seamus.” I looked at him.

“So, I was wondering if you want to hang out? You know just take a walk and talk.” Seamus asked me.

“Sure, Why not.”

“Great. When?” He asked excitedly.

“How about now?”


“Well, it’s a Sunday plus I have nothing to do and I’m free for the whole day.” I smiled.

“Alright then.” He said and stood up. I followed him.

“I see you guys later.” I said and walk out of the great hall with Seamus. Before I left I saw harry shot a glare at Seamus. Lucky me, I have another overprotective brother. Note the sarcasm. We walk down to the lake. The lake has been my favorite place to be so far. We sat down on the grass.

“How do you like Hogwarts so far?” he asked starting up a conversation.

“It’s cool but I prefer my old school better.”


I shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe I’m just more used to it there.”

“You attend magic school there?”

“Nope. Muggle school. It’s a lot more fun.”

“Really? That’s the first time I heard of it.” He laughed.

“It is. You just have to stay there long enough to love it.”

“So Hogwarts is your first time in magic school?”

“Not exactly. I’ve been to Salem for a year but I drop out eventually.” I muttered.

“Don’t like it?”

“Sort of. Plus it was interfering with my career.”

“If that’s the case why do you come here now?” He looked at me curiously.

“I want to get to know Harry.” I said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

“Weird huh. To find out you have a brother all of a sudden.” He chuckled. I thought for a moment before answering him.

“A little but since I had always known I was adopted it wasn’t really much of a shock.”

“Your parents told you were adopted?” I shook my head.

“The children at my school never let me forget that when I was young.”

“How did they know?”

“Bad thing about having famous parents.” I said jokingly

“Right but it can’t be that bad.” He glanced at me.

“You have no idea.” We both laughed. Seamus and I spend the afternoon beside the lake talking. It was great. Time passes as we are having fun. We split up at the great hall for dinner. I took a seat next to Harry and started eating. Harry was again glaring at Seamus when he walked away. It was really funny. We talk about the usual when we ate dinner and went back to the common room. Harry and Ron were playing chess. I don’t know why Harry would want to play with Ron. He always losses. Hermione and I went up to our dorm.

“So where did you and Seamus went?” Hermione asked crawling on to my bed.

“The lake.” I said casually while taking off my cardigan.

“What did you do?” Ginny came out of nowhere and sat on my bed.

“Talk of course. What else would we be doing?”

“I don’t know. A girl and a boy alone whole afternoon……” Ginny smirked.

“Eww!!” Hermione and I both throw a pillow at her.

“Ouch. What!? I was just stating the facts.” Ginny said rubbing the back of her head.

“If Ron ever hears that he will kill you.” Hermione said.

“Good thing he is not here then.” She replied. “Come on, Alyson. We want the glory details.”

“What glory details do you want? I don’t have any.” I said looking at them ridiculously.

“Don’t lie. We are friends now and friends share secrets.”

“I’m not lying. Talking was all we did.”

“Fine. What did you guys talk about?” Hermione asked.

“The usual. School and life. That’s all.”

“Really, nothing else?” Ginny asked again still not giving up.

“Seriously. I swear to god that all we did was talking and nothing else.”

“I believe you this time but if things go any further I want to be the first to know.”

“Me too.” Hermione butt in.

“Ye, Madams.” I said jokingly and turn to face the opposite side. Ginny went back to her own dorm. It was a school day tomorrow so everyone went to sleep early. I snuck out again that night to the place I’ve been going to almost every night. It was a quiet night. I sat on the piano bench and played.

Draco P.O.V

The music that calmed and gave me peace. It was there again. I often sat outside the room just listening. I didn’t bother to find out who was the one playing. All I know is that it helps me, gives me time to think. Alyson’s photo had been in my pocket whole day. The photo seems important judging by the words behind it. I thought that by now she would have come and take it from me but she didn’t. Who knows how long have I been sitting there. It was then I heard footsteps. I get back up on my feet and leave to the room of requirement for another long night.

Alyson P.O.V

I heard the sound of footsteps outside. I quietly walk to the door and out. I caught a glimpse of platinum blonde hair just around the corner. I smirked to myself. It seems that things are all going to be easier than I thought. Something distracted me from my thoughts. I could hear someone closing up behind me. I turned around with my wand pointing directly at the person only to find Professor Dumbledore. He didn’t look surprise but instead just smiled at me.

“You could have easily hurt someone with your skills.”

“Thank you for the compliment. I suggest you don’t try to sneak up on me again, Grandpa.” I kept my wand back. He was looking where Malfoy had just disappeared.

"It seems that you have captured the young Mr. Malfoy."

"It seems I have.” I followed his gaze. “Though I would appreciate a little more privacy.”

“Why hide such talent?”

“I’m not hiding it. I just need some place where I could keep my sanity. If he is going to be there every time I play, it’s not going to help.”

“I knew you would say so. That’s why I have something for you.”

“Something for me?” I asked in a soft tone. He didn’t say anything just look at me with his twinkling blue eyes through his half moon glasses and walked the other way. I kept up with his pace until we came across a wall on the sixth floor. “So you’re giving me a plain wall?” I look at it. There was nothing special about this wall. It was just like every other ordinary corridor in the castle.

“Don’t judge before you know everything, Alyson. Place your hand on the wall.” I rolled my eyes but did as Grandpa told me to. As soon as my hand touched the wall something appeared underneath. I quickly took away my hand and looked at the wall in amused. Shapes started to form. It turned into a double door frame. There was a snake and a lion in each of the door frames.

“What is this place?” I asked without taking my eyes off it.

“This is as you wish a place private.” He placed a bronze celtic heart key in my palm and signaled me to open the door. I took a step forward towards it. I put the key into the hold and give it a twist. The snake starts to move and the lions bent down their head as if inviting me to go in. I look at Grandpa for permission. He just merely nodded his head. I push the door opened and I was totally taken back by what I was seeing.
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I'm sorry for not posting for some time. I'm having sorta a writers block. I have to say that this is my least favorite chapter of all. The conversation between Seamus and Alyson is sort of boring i know because I have nothing else to write. So please bare with it. :) I will try to update again as soon as i can. Thank you everyone for the comments. I keeps me going. Thnx!!

Enjoy this chapter !!

As always,