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I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 11.


Alyson P.O.V

I couldn’t believe what was in front of my eyes. It was like dreamland. I stared at the place in awe. No words could express just how beautiful the room was.

I step into the room that floor was covered with soft white carpet instead of the usual hard floors. The walls were painted white too but the ceiling was blue and charmed to make it look like the real sky. There was a white grand piano in the middle of the room. It was just like the one I had back home at New York. A golden and white double seated couch was placed at one corner of the room with a shelf just beside it. There was a chandelier on top of the piano lighting up the room.

“This is a room I create. I thought you might like it.” Professor Dumbledore broke the silence.

“Like it? I love it. It’s perfect.” I ran over to hug him. “Thanks Grandpa.”

“This room is yours.” He said pulling away first. “The wall will only recognize your hand for now. If you ever want to show it to someone just place both your hands on the wall and it will recognize the person with you. That person will only be able to know this place though but he or she may not gain entrance to it.”

“Then what’s the point of it?” I asked. I don’t understand if I can’t bring them in why show them in the first place.

“I’m not finished.”

“Sorry.” I mumbled quietly. He placed another key in my hand. It was the same as the one I just used to open the door. They were both tied together with a red ribbon as a key holder.

“It only has a pair. So don’t lose it. Remember, only give it to someone you thrust fully.” He winked.

“So beside me only one person else can gain excess into this room.” I said thinking carefully. “Do you reckon I give it to Harry?”

“The choice is up to you, Alyson. Choose wisely.”

“Can I decorate the room with anything?”

“Of course. It’s yours now.” He smiled down at me. I waved my wand and a few photo frames appear on the shelf along with some of my books I packed along. Pictures of my family and my friends back at home. There was one photo with me and Dumbledore too. I remembered I had to beg him just to get this photo taken. I was 8 and it was my birthday. Thinking about it made me smile. A vase of red and pink roses appear on a side table. Roses were my favorite no matter what color they were. I made sure to put a spell on them so they will not wilt.

“If it’s mine, why does the door has the symbol of a snake?” I asked curiously.

“You will find out when the time arrives.” I should have known. Professor Dumbledore was all about secrecy of course he wouldn’t tell me. I placed my fingers on the piano and let them dance gracefully on the keys creating a soothing melody. He didn’t let me finish the song, “It’s time you head back, and you have classes to attend to tomorrow.” I nodded and lock up the room. I saw the door faded away and there it was again the plain wall like every corridor. Professor Dumbledore escorted me back to the Gryffindor tower. I told him goodnight and hit the sack for the night.

Though I went to bed late last night, I still woke up earlier than the others. I was sort of used to it by now. It’s a good thing I won’t have to wait for the others to use the bathroom. I’m glad I had a free period this afternoon because I had to finish the essay for Herbology. I walked up to the library alone. The library was quite quiet. I placed my things at a table at the corner of the library and went to look for some books. It took me sometime to find the books that I needed.

As I near the table I saw there was someone sitting on my place. The person wasn’t even hard to recognize his bleach blonde hair gave him away. I smirked to myself. This way exactly what I wanted for him to come to me.

I walked up closer and my eyes focused on my school bag sitting on the table in front of him. But what made it worse was the fact that he was twirling a wand around in his fingers. My wand.

‘Damn, how could I be so careless to leave my wand behind.’

He didn't look up, but he knew I was there. "Potter." His voice was low as he said my last name, almost like a growl.

"Malfoy." I held out my hand, "My wand, please." I had the common decency to start off polite, where as he was rude right from the get-go.

He didn't budge. "You shouldn't leave your personal belongings lying around, Potter. It might lead to theft. Having you accusing people of stealing would probably be bad for your reputation. You're usually so level-headed—I'm told at least."

"Oh, you're so full of it, Malfoy. Your taciturn bad-boy act is really getting old. So last season. You might consider changing things up from time to time, you know?" I made a mock smile appear and then become serious. "Give me my wand, now."

His head finally turned and his gaze fell on my face. He was looking very grave and serious, a look I had often seen on his face. It wasn't cruel…yet. He held out my wand by the tip and I snatched it away from him.

My snatch had been quick, but his movements had been quicker. A bookshelf on either side of the table, and a long row back the way I came there really was nowhere to go. So he backed me up into a shelf and put both hands on either side of my head. He startled me, which made me gasp, a reaction that he mistook as fear I suspect. I have got to admitted that I was taken back but I wasn’t afraid of him.

He glared at me. I glared back. He didn't intimidate quite as well as he thought he did. He then spoke. "You have a sharp tongue, Potter. But do you have sharp actions to match?"

He pressed closer to me, but I still kept the smirk on my face. "Test me, Malfoy. I dare you. Test me, and we'll see how well you hold up."

"You're much more fun than Pothead," he commented. "Pothead doesn't smell as good as you."

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm flattered, Malfoy," I replied dryly before narrowing my eyes at him. "But I'm afraid I'm immune to your flattery. It's probably your bad breath that's the real issue here, but it could also be the fact you're a cold, heartless guttersnipe."

He didn't back away. In fact he got closer. I held my resolve however. I didn't move a muscle. My eyebrow muscle probably twitched but that's about it. We were almost nose to nose when he stopped advancing and just stood there, stalk-still. His gaze hovered over my face—my eyes, my nose, my cheeks—and finally stopped to linger on my mouth.

"A very sharp tongue," he whispered the barely audible words then back away a little bit.

“Compliment coming from you. I should be honored but why am I not?”

“You should learn your place here in Hogwarts.”

“You mean learn to fear you like everyone else?” I snorted. “If it’s so, I don’t think I want to.”

“That is not up to you to choose.”

“I believe it is.” I pushed him away and walked back to the table. I sat down as I go through my books. He came over to where I was. “I think you have something of mine.” I said without looking up.

“So what if I do?”

“I want it back.”

“What makes you think I’ll give it back to you?” he said taking out my picture from his pocket.

“Naive thinking I guess.”

“Something I can finally agree with you.” He sneered. “I’m guessing that he is your boyfriend.”

“Maybe. Maybe not.”

“Wonder what he will think if he finds out you have been flirting with someone else.”

“Been stalking me have you Malfoy?”

“I have not.” He stuttered a little but then recovered. “If this goes to the dark lord things should be interesting.”

“You wouldn’t.” My head snapped up.

“I just might accidently slip it.”

“I know you wouldn’t.” Standing up in front of him.

“What makes you so sure?” He lips curved up forming a smirk that match the one I had on.

“Because you are falling for me.” He froze. I took the photo from his hand and put it in my pocket. “Everyday slowly.” I whispered.

“I am not. You tend to think too highly of yourself.”

“I don’t. I just know guys like you. You want what you can’t get.” I stroked his cheek with my finger. Okay now I was definitely flirting with him.

“I can get everything if I want to.”

“Whatever makes you sleep at night.” I chuckled. I packed my things and walked away leaving him there the second time. “Oh and Malfoy. He is not who you think he is.” I turned back one last time. I left the library feeling so satisfied and that’s when I realized that I haven’t touched my essay at all. I groaned. ‘Thanks to Malfoy.’

Draco P.O.V

She left again. This has been the second time. She had the effect of me that no one else had. She wasn’t falling for my charm like every girl in the school is well except maybe granger. She was definitely a challenge. I was more determined than ever to make her fall for me. Something else she said that caught my attention though. If the guy in the picture wasn’t her boyfriend than who is that?
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter up for all of you. I forced myself to sit in front of the computer till i finish this chapter. I hope you all will like it. I hope I don't get you all confuse by constantly changing the point of views. Tell me if it does. Then I'll try to not to change it so much. I had think of stopping the story but all your comments motivates me to keep writing this story. Thanks a lot to all of you. :)))))

Well, Enjoy this chapter!!

Again everyone,