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I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 12.


Alyson P.O.V

There was another order meeting again last night. Good thing is was midnight so it was easier for me to sneak out. Bad thing is that thanks to the meeting I’m late again for Defense Against the Dark Arts class once again. It makes me wonder that did they do it on purpose just to make me late for Snape’s class. Professor Snape is going to torture me and he just enjoys doing so.

I had spent the night at my secret music room. I had to come up with another lie again to my brother and friends. My hair was tied up in a messy ponytail and school uniform weren’t exactly tidy. I ran as fast as I my legs could take me. I even knocked down a poor little first year. I picked up her things, mumbled a sorry and continue running. I was panting when I had reached there. I stopped and tidy myself up first before entering my nightmare.

Third Person P.O.V

Harry, Hermione and Ron had no clue where Alyson had been. They thought that they would maybe catch her having breakfast at the great hall but when they reached; there was no sign of her. They ate up their breakfast and walk to their first class DADA. Harry kept looking everywhere.

“Relax, mate. She probably went for another job.” Ron said.

“She’s been gone the whole morning.”

“She went for a job too last week and she came to class late, remember?”

“You’re probably right.” Harry mumbled.

“It’s a bit strange don’t you think?” Hermione cut in.

“What’s so strange about it?” Ron asked.

“She’s always gone. I remembered waking up sometimes in the night and she is not in her bed.”

“Do you think she’s hiding something from us?”

“I know she is. I just don’t know what.”

“I think we should confront her later.” Harry said.

They finally got to the DADA classroom and took their seats, none of the students were talking knowing what to expect with this Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher since they had him every year for Potions. Snape came billowing in the classroom in his black robes. Automatically everybody was getting out their DADA books.

"I have not asked you to take out your books." Snape said. Everybody ceased in taking out their books and their full attention was on the professor.

"I wish to speak to you and I want your fullest attention." Snape continued. He really didn't need to say fullest attention because he was already getting everybody's fullest attention.

"You lot have had five teachers in this subject so far, I believe." Snape began but nobody spoke,

‘You believe… like you haven’t watch them all come and go. Snape, hoping you’d be next.’ thought Harry scathingly.

"Naturally, these teachers will all have had their own methods and priorties. Given this confusion I am surprised so many of you scraped an O.W.L. in this subject. I shall be even more surprised if all of you manage to keep up with the N.E.W.T. work, which will be much more advanced."

Still nobody said anything knowing for a fact Snape wasn't done speaking.

"The Dark Arts," Snape began, "Are many, varied, ever changing, and eternal. Fighting them is like fighting a many headed monster, which each time a neck is severed sprouts a head even fiercer and cleverer than before. You are fighting that which is unfixed, mutating, and indestructible."

"Sounds like something from the Hurculese cartoon." Seamus whispered to himself.

"Five points from Gryffindor for talking Mr. Finnigin." Snape said.The Gryffindor’s all groan. Harry was starring at Snape with wide eyes. It was one thing to think of the dark arts as a dangerous enemy, but Snape was speaking of them with a loving caress in his voice?

"Now as I was saying before I was interrupted, your defenses must therefore be as flexible and inventive as the arts you seek to undo." Severus said, "You are, I believe, complete novices in the use of nonverbal spells. What is the advantage of a nonverbal spell?"

Of course Hermione’s had shot straight up.

Snape looked at her and rolled his eyes, "Very well... Ms. Granger?"

"Your opponent has no warning about what kind of magic you're about to perform." Hermione said with a smile

Snape nodded, "Anything else?"

"It gives you about a split second advantage but one second could mean life or death." Hermione continue saying, "But it is very hard. Not everybody can do this. It's mostly a combination of concentration and mind power."

"An answer copied almost word for word from The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 6.” Said Snape dismissively, “But correct in essentials. Yes, some witches and wizards... lack the concentration and mind power." Snape said and Harry scowled when Snape's attention went to him when he said lack.

Harry knew that Snape was thinking of their disastrous Occlumency lessons of their previous year. He refused to drop his gaze, but glowered at Snape until Snape looked away.

"Ok you now will all divide into pairs, one partner will attempt to jinx the other without speaking, the other will attempt to repel the jinx in equal silence... you may begin." Snape said and he returned to his desk.

Everybody divided up into partners and began trying to say the jinxes silently. Although Snape did not know it, Harry had taught at least half of the class (everyone who had been a member of the DA) how to perform a shield charm previous year. None of them had ever cast the charm without speaking, however. A reasonable amount of cheating ensued; many people were merely whispering the incantation instead of saying out aloud.

Ten to fifteen minutes into it Hermione was the first one to cast a silent jinx at Neville. Then suddenly, the door opened and Alyson dragged herself into the classroom.

“Late again, Miss Potter. Five points from Gryffindor. Perhaps I should turn you into a pocket watch. Then from then you might be on time.”

“That would be very useful, Professor.” Alyson mocked. She wasn’t in the mood to fight. She was tired from last night.

“Since you came in late, you don’t have a partner…” Snape started but stopped when the classroom door opened again. This time is was Draco. “Looks like your fellow classmate have arrived. Thank you for gracing us with your presence Mr. Malfoy. Please note the five points from Slytherin." Snape said.

Draco rolled his eyes and tossed his stuff down at the back of the room.

"Because of your tardiness, the both of you do not have a partner for this assignment and therefore you will have to work with each other." Snape said.

‘Well this will be fun.’ Alyson thought sarcastically.

"How grand." Draco replied.

"I'm no happier about this than you. Luckily, we're learning wordless magic today so you won’t even have to speak a word." Alyson said.

After five minutes later Alyson and Malfoy were yelling jinxes at each other and had to be broken up by Snape.

"What's going on here?" Snape asked in a no nonsense tone.

"He started talking bad about my godfather." Alyson hissed.

"She started talking bad about my aunt Bellatrix." Draco said.

"Well your crazy aunt was the one who killed my godfather." Alyson spat and glared.

"Your godfather was that stupid Sirius Black." Draco said.

"At least that’s better than you crazy aunt that should rot in Askaban just like his husband." Alyson spat.

Draco raised his wand and was just about to hex Alyson when both wands flew out of their hands and landed in Snape's hands.

"Enough both of you... Class dismissed. Ms. Potter, Mr. Malfoy you two stay." Snape said. Snape sat behind his desk and with his wand dragged to chairs up to his desk, "Take a seat." They both sat after hesitating for a minute.

"Now I want you two to calmly tell me what happened." Snape said. They both began talking at once.

"ONE AT A TIME!" Snape yelled to be heard.

They stopped talking and looked at each other and began talking again.

Snape rolled his eyes and cast two silencios and waited five seconds until the two teens realized what was done to them.

"Now then calmly tell me what happened." Snape said trying to get his anger under control then released Alyson from the silencio curse first. Malfoy's eyes went wide with surprise.

"Relax Mr. Malfoy. Haven't you heard the term ladies first?" Snape asked. Malfoy scowled but then Snape released Malfoy from the curse.

“I don’t care what happened but both of you have come in late to class and rudely interrupt the whole lesson. Mr. Malfoy you’ll have detention with me at 8.00pm tonight.”

“Why doesn’t she have a detention?”

“In case you don’t remember Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Potter has three weeks worth detention that isn’t over.” Draco wanted to argue further but was cut off by Snape. “Nothing else, now get out of here.” Snape dismissed the both of them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here you go. :) There are some parts from the book itself. I just got back from a vacation. Had lots of fun. I'm going back to school tomorrow to celebrate my best friends birthday. There isn't anything exciting in this chapter. I promise next chapter would be better than this.


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