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I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 13.



Alyson P.O.V

When I walked out of the classroom, I was relief to find Harry, Hermione and Ron waiting for me.

“What was that about?” Ron asked.

"Malfoy was talking bad about Sirius and I started talking bad about Bellatrix and now we both have detention with Snape." I explained.

“Together?” Hermione asked carefully.

“I think world war 3 would erupt if he did.” Harry added. The three of us laughed leaving a confused Ron.

“Good for me, no.”

"You know you shouldn't let Malfoy get to you like that."

"Yes well, Sirius is a bit of a sore topic right now." I replied.

"Yes and now Malfoy knows how to push your buttons, I think you need to start occluding again." Hermione said.

“I know how to occlude my mind.” I sighed. “I just don’t know what came to me just now.”

"Okay. New topic." Ron said, "Hey Harry when are you holding try outs?"

"Haven't decided yet, I don't know how I'm going to be captain on top of everything else." Harry said.

“Let me know when it is. I’m want to try out for the team.” I said.

“You play? What spot?”

“Of course. I use to play as a Chaser. I haven’t play in a while though.”

“I’m sure you will do just fine.” Harry said.

"Speaking of Quidditch." Ron said looking at Jack Sloper, who happens to be a beater last year. He was hurrying towards us holding a roll of parchment in his hands.

"Harry, Alyson. I'm glad I caught you. Dumbledore sent me to give you this note." Jack said.

"Er... thanks Jack." Harry said.

"Listen, I heard you are the new Captain. When are you holding try outs?" Jack asked.

“I’m not sure yet but I’ll let you know.” said Harry.

“Oh right. I was hopping it’d be this weekend-“ But none of us were listening to him. We were more interested in the note from Dumbledore. Leaving Jack behind, we hurried away. Harry was unrolling the parchment in the mean time.

"What's the note say?" I asked.

Harry opened the note and it said,

-Dear Harry and Alyson, I would like to start our private lessons this Saturday. Kindly come along to my office at 8.00 p.m.

Yours sincerely,
Albus Dumbledore

P.S. I enjoy Acid Pops-

"He enjoys acid pops?" asked Ron, who had read the message over Harry’s shoulders.

"It’s the password to get passed the gargoyle outside his study." I explained to him in a low voice not wanting anyone besides the four of us to hear the conversation.

‘Yes at least I could miss a detention.’ I thought to myself.

"Oh, I wonder what he's going to teach you." Ron said imagining.

“Speaking of going out. Where have you been last night?” All of them turned their attention to me, I have been dreading this. I hate lying to the people that actually trusted me. It feels like I’m actually betraying them but I wasn’t exactly given a choice. I had already come out with a lie just now. I knew that they would ask. It’s just a matter of time.

“I went to the library this early morning to check out some books.” I lied smoothly. Harry and Ron believed me but not Hermione.

“I’ve been to the library this morning and I didn’t see you there.” I definitely wasn’t expecting that. Hermione eyed me closely. She knew I was lying.

“Erm… You must have missed me.”

“Why are you lying to us?”

“No, I’m not.” I stuttered. I have to come up with something and fast. Even now, Harry and Ron start to suspect something.

“What are you trying to hide from us?” Ron asked.


“Tell us the truth. Hermione told us that you’re gone most of the nights especially after everyone has fallen asleep.”

I sighed. I decided that I should probably tell them truth. Well at least some of them. They didn’t have to know everything. Them knowing the full truth will only makes things harder for me. At least that’s what I think. “Alright. I found these abandon music room in the fifth floor. I just go there to play the piano that’s all and sometimes I’m too lazy I’ll just sleep there.”

“That’s it?” Ron asked.


“Then why do you have to lie to us?” Hermione asked.

“I just needed some time alone, a little peace mind.” I told them and they just nodded in response.

The four of us spent the whole of break speculating on what Dumbledore would teach me and Harry. Ron thought it most likely to be some really spectacular jinxes and hexes of the type the death eaters would not know. Hermione said such things would be illegal, and thought it much more likely that Dumbledore wanted to teach us advanced defensive magic.

After break, she went off to Arithmancy while the tree of us returned to the common room. Harry and Ron grudgingly started Snape’s homework. I went to the library again to finish the Herbology homework that was due afterwards. I was getting frustrated with my essay.

I couldn’t think of anything to write. Thank god I still manage to finish up on time. I pack my bag and leave. Rounding the corner of a bookcase, I ran into someone and fell to the floor, books flying everywhere. Second person I ran into for today and it is only still morning.

"Sorry," I apologized helping her picking up her books. "I should have watched where I was going."

"No worries." She answered.

Looking up, I saw the girl. I recognize her from potions class. She was the one with Blaise. She was the typical girl next door with straight long brown hair that was tied back into a half ponytail with brown eyes. She was about 5 feet 6. All complete with a mocha complexion. Overall she was pretty.

"Hi, I’m Bailey.” She said once all her books were back in her arms.

“I’m Alyson.” I replied.

“I know. You’re the girl that stood up against Draco.”

“Seems lately I’ve been recognize for that.” I said jokingly and Bailey chuckled.

“No girls in Hogwarts do that. Maybe except Hermione.”

“You know Hermione?” I asked curiously.

“Not really. We talked occasionally when we meet in the library.” She answered.

“I see.”

We continued to talk about random things when Bailey's name was called. Looking around we saw Blaise walking towards us.

"Hey, baby." She smiled.

"Hey." He replied pecking her on the cheek. "At the library again?"

"Yeah," She said. "And then I ran into Alyson."

"Literally." I added. "Hi, we meet again Blaise."

He chuckled slightly, “Yes. How are you, Alyson?”

"All right, you?" I asked politely.


“You both know each other?” Bailey asked.

“We met briefly on the train.” Blaise answered. Bailey just smiled and nodded.

"Drakie, where are you?" The most girly voice echoed through the hallway it gave me shivers. Guess who voice it was though? Of course it’s the one and only Pansy Parkinson.

"Blaise, did you- what is she doing here?" Parkinson sneered.

“This isn't your hallway, Pug face.”

“I wasn’t even talking to you, Potter.” She spat.

"What's your problem?"

"You." Pansy spat.

"Oh, how original." I rolled my eyes.

"Knock it off Pansy, we were just talking." Blaise defended.

"Whatever." She said. "Do you know where my Drakie is?"

"For the last time, Pansy, Draco doesn't like you so stop stalking him." Blaise exclaimed. She stomped the floor and went back the way she came.

"I feel so bad for you guys." I told him.

"Thanks for your sympathy," He crossed his arms. "She drives everybody nuts."

"I believe it," I laughed. “Well, I should get going for class. So I’ll see you guys around.”

“Bye Alyson.” They said. I waved goodbye take the quickest way to class.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 13 up. :) School holidays are almost over. Boohoo. I don't want to go back to school. My best friend and me are still on non talking terms and what is worst is that we are in the same class and we sit together for every lesson. :( I don't know whats wrong with her. She just ignored me all of a sudden and i didn't do anything to make her mad. I should stop complaining on here. :P

Anyway, Enjoy the chapter!!

Remember to