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I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 14


Third person P.O.V

It was finally Saturday the day of the first lesson with Dumbledore.

"I can't wait. I wonder what kinds of things we're going to learn." Alyson said with an excited smile.

"I wonder if he's going to teach us some of those spells he cast at Voldemort at the Ministry of Magic last year." Harry said.

"That would be so cool." Alyson said.

All day that day they kept thinking of what they were going to be taught and finally it was 8:00pm. The four Gryffindors were in the common room talking. Alyson looked at the time and realized that it was time to go to Dumbledore's office already.

"Harry." Alyson said. Harry looked up from his Potions book. Alyson indicated to the clock and Harry looked then nodded.

"We better get going." Harry said to Hermione and Ron.

“Ooooh!” gasped Hermione. “Good luck you two! We’ll wait up. We want to hear what he teaches you.”

"Hope it goes ok." Ron said. The pair of them watched as Alyson and Harry leaved through the portrait hole.

"Thanks." Harry and Alyson said before going out. The two left the Tower and headed up towards the Headmaster's office.

"Acid Pops." Harry said once they reached the spiral staircase. The twins stepped up on the staircase and waited until it reached the top and then Alyson knocked.

"Come in." Dumbledore said.

"Good evening sir." Both Potters said.

"Ah good evening, sit down." Dumbledore said with a soft smile.

"Good". Dumbledore said. The Potters looked around the office, they couldn't figure out where they would be dueling. Well that's what they figured they would be doing.

"Well it looks like you two are wondering what you will be doing during these... lessons" Dumbledore said. The Potters nodded.

Dumbledore nodded, "I have decided that it is time, now that you know why Lord Voldemort tried to kill you fifteen years ago, for you two to be given certain information."

Harry and Alyson looked at each other and then back at Dumbledore with a bit of a glare.

"You said at the end of last term that you'd tell me everything, what are you hiding from us this time?" Harry asked

Dumbledore nodded, "I figured you were going to ask something like that, I did tell you everything last term. Everything that I knew at that point. This time we are going to go for a little memory diving."

"Does it have to do with the prophecy?" Alyson asked. She knew everything about it. Dumbledore had given her every information about what had happen in the past before she came to Hogwarts. "And will it help us survive?"

It has a very great deal to do with the prophecy, and I hope it will help you two survive." Dumbledore said. He then got up from his seat and walked towards a closet and got out the pensieve.

"Um... Where are we going sir?" Alyson asked.

"Down Bob Ogden's memory lane." Dumbledore said pulling a crystal bottle with a swirling silvery substance from his pocket.

"Who's Bob Ogden?" Harry asked

"He was employed by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement." Dumbledore said, "He died some time ago but not before I had tracked him down and persuaded him to confide these recollections to me. We are about to accompany him on a visit he made in the course of his duties." He then began trying to pull the cork off of the bottle.

"You want some help?" Alyson asked getting up.

"No need Alyson." Dumbledore said and took his wand to get it off.

"Sir, what happened to your hand?" Harry asked.

"Now is not the time for that story, we have an appointment with Bob Ogden." Dumbledore said and then tipped the contents of the bottle into the pensieve, "Ladies first." Dumbledore said to Alyson. Alyson looked down at the pensieve and then plunged in and waited for the other two, Harry came next followed by Dumbledore. The Potters looked at their surroundings. They were in a country lane beneath a bright summer sky, in front of them stood a plump man wearing thick glasses that reduced his eyes to molelike specs.

"That must be Ogden." Alyson said. Dumbledore nodded.

"I think he's trying to pass off as a muggle." Harry said looking at his funny looking clothes. Ogden began to walk and the three followed him and they passed a sign that said GREAT HANGLETON, 5 MILES. They had to walk a short distance until they got to a hill and then they saw a whole valley in front of them.

"Wow, this is beautiful." Alyson said with a smile.

"Look at that. That must be Little Hangleton." Harry said pointing to a village between two steep looking hills. The three kept following Ogden and the twins thought that they were going to go into the village but they were wrong because Ogden turned to the right and walked on a narrow dirt track that was also crooked, rocky and potholed that headed toward a patch of dark trees.

"Are we going in there?" Harry asked. He got his answer from Ogden who took out his wand

"Harry it's a building." Alyson said.

"Are you sure? It looks like a forest."

"Take a closer look Harry." Dumbledore said. Harry did and then he finally saw the building.

"Oh." Harry said and his face turned red. Alyson chuckled softly earning a nudged from Harry.

"It's all right Harry. At a first glance it does look like a forest." Dumbledore said.

"It is odd that somebody would actually have all of this grow here. Aunt Petunia would faint if she saw the plants untidy." Harry said. They followed Ogden closer to the building and Harry and Alyson jumped with a start along with Ogden when a man in rags dropped from the nearest tree landing on his feet in front of Ogden.

"You're not welcome." The man said.
The man looked scary, he had thick hair matted with dirt that they couldn't tell what color it's supposed to be, Many of his teeth were missing, His eyes were small and dark and they stared in opposite directions

"Good morning, I'm from the Ministry of Magic and-" Ogden started

"You're not welcome." The man said again.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand you." Ogden said nervously.

"I wonder why he doesn't understand, it was clear to me." Alyson said.

"Yeah." Harry confused.

"You both understand him don't you?" Dumbledore asked.

"Of course we do." Harry said, "Why wouldn't we be able to?

"Take another look at the scenery." Dumbledore said. Harry and Alyson looked at the scenery and then saw a dead snake nailed to a tree.

"He's speaking Parseltongue isn't he?" Alyson asked.

"Very good." Dumbledore answered with a smile. The man in the rags now drew out two weapons, a knife and his wand and was coming closer to Ogden.

"Now look." Ogden said shakily but he didn't finish. The next thing he knew was that he was on the ground, clutching his nose and yellowish goo squirted from it.

"MORFIN!" Somebody yelled. An elderly man came hurrying out of the building, he was shorter but chubbier then the other man who was now laughing.

"Ministry you said?" The older man said looking down at Ogden.

"Yes. That is correct." Ogden said, "And you are Mr. Gaunt is that correct?"

"That's right" Gaunt said, "Got you in the face did he?"

"Yes he did." Ogden snapped.

"Well you should have made your presence known now shouldn't you?" Gaunt snapped, "This is private property. You can't just walk in here and expect my son to not defend himself."

"Defend against what?" Ogden asked.

“Muggles and filths." Gaunt said. Ogden pointed his wand at his nose and made the yellowish pussy stuff go away and while he did that Gaunt turned to his son.

"Get in the house, don't argue." Gaunt said. The man named Morfin looked like he was going to argue but thought better of it and walked towards the house.

"It's your son I am here to see Mr. Gaunt. That was Morfin wasn't it?" Ogden asked.

"Yes that was Morfin. Are you pureblood?" Gaunt asked threatenly.

"My blood status is not the issue Mr. Gaunt." Ogden said coldly and glared.

"Then what is?" Gaunt asked.

"Perhaps we can continue this discussion inside." Ogden suggested.

"No." Gaunt said.

Ogden sighed, "I am here following a serious breach of Wizarding law, which occurred here in the early hours of this morning."

Gaunt looked worried, "All right all right all right." Gaunt yelled, "Come in the house then."
When they entered the house, Morfin was sitting in a filthy looking armchair beside a fire. He was petting a live adder and he was speaking softly to it.

"Hissy, hissy, little Snakey, Slither on the floor. You be good for Morfin or he'll nail you to the door." Morfin chanted

"Hmm, not a real nice guy is he?" Alyson said to herself. There was a shuffling noise in the corner by an open window.

"I think there's somebody else here." Harry whispered to her. He was right. There was a girl in a ragged gray dress. She was filthy but didn't look as filthy as her brother. She was fiddling with pots and pans.

"My daughter Merope." Gaunt introduced.

"Good morning." Odgen greeted with a smile. Merope didn't say anything. She looked fearfully at her father and then went back to whatever she was doing. Odgen cleared his throat and got back to business, "Mr. Gaunt we have reason to believe that your son, Morfin, performed magic in front of a muggle last night."

"So? Morfin gave a muggle a bit of what was coming to him. What's wrong with that?" Gaunt asked.

"He has broken Wizarding law." Ogden said sternly.
Gaunt rolled his eyes, "He taught a filthy muggle a lesson. That's illegal now is it?"

"Yes it is." Ogden said and he took a small scroll of parchment out of his pocket and unrolled it.

"What's that his sentence?" Gaunt asked getting angry.

"It is a summoning to the Ministry for a hearing." Ogden explained.

I happen to be the Head of the Magical Law Enforcement Squad." Ogden said.


"Well I believe I am speaking to Mr. Gaunt," Ogden said,

"That's right. The Gaunts," Gaunt said and then indicated to a ring on his finger, "You see this? You know what this is? This has been passed down for centuries from generation to generation, that's how far back we go. We're pureblood all the way. Do you have any idea how much I've been offered for this?"

"I really have no idea" Odgen said, "And that is not what we are discussing Mr. Gaunt, your son……" He didn't get to finish because Gaunt yelled and stormed after his daughter.

"OH MY GOSH HE'S GOING TO STRANGLE HER!" Alyson yelled and for a split second forgot this was a memory and stepped forward to help the girl out but Dumbledore held her back. Gaunt grabbed something that was around the girl’s neck and pulled her to Odgen with it.

"You see this?" Gaunt asked and kept tugging on it while it was still around Merope's neck chocking her.

"I SEE IT! I SEE IT!" Ogden replied quickly. He didn't want Merope to hurt too bad.

"SLYTHERINS!" Gaunt yelled, "Salazar Slytherins. We're his last living descendants. What do you say to that?"

"Mr. Gaunt, let go of your daughter. You're cutting off her air supply." Ogden said worriedly. Gaunt let go and pushed her back.

"Why are you treating her like that?" Ogden asked.

"She's a filthy Squib." Gaunt said, "So what do you say to that?" He asked with a smirk.

"Mr. Gaunt, I am afraid that neither your ancestors nor mine have anything to do with the matter in hand. I am here because of Morfin and what he did last night that made the muggle erupt in highly painful hives." Morfin began to giggle.

"BE QUIET BOY!" Gaunt yelled. Morfin immediately grew quiet. Before anything else was said there was a clopping sound of horses and laughing coming from outside.

"My Goodness." A girl said from outside, "Couldn't your father have that cleared away Tom?"

"It's not ours." A young man said, "Everything on the other side of the valley belongs to us but that cottage belongs to an old guy called Gaunt and his children. The son is quite mad. You should hear some of the stories they tell in the village." Morfin growled and got up

" Keep your seat Morfin." Gaunt said

"Tom, I might be wrong but is that a snake nailed to that tree?" The girl said.

"Good lord you're right." The man said, "That would be the son's doing, I told you he's not right in the head. Let’s go darling." Merope watched the two rode away on the horses.

"Darling." Morfin whispered to his sister in parseltongue, "He called her Darling. So he wouldn't have you anyway." Merope looked at her brother. She looked so pale, terrified and sad.

"Oh poor girl, she really needs a hug." Alyson whispered.

"What did you say?" Gaunt asked.

"She likes looking at that muggle." Morfin said with an evil smile. Merope looked scared. "Always in the garden when he passes, peering through the hedge at him… and last night." Morfin said. Merope was shaking her head and mouthing no to her brother but he wasn't listening and continued, "Hanging out of the window waiting for him to ride home"

"HANGING OUT OF THE WINDOW TO LOOK AT A MUGGLE?" Gaunt yelled. It was like the three Gaunts forgot all about Ogden who looked very confused because all he could hear was a bunch of hissing noises.

Gaunt turned to Merope and in a terrifying voice asked, "Is it true? My daughter... pureblooded descendant of Salazar Slytherin, desires a filthy muggle?” Merope shook her head frantically and tried getting as far away from her father as she could.

"But I got him as he went by and he didn't look so pretty with hives all over him did he Merope?" Morfin said with a smirk.

"YOU DISGUSTING LITTLE SQUIB, YOU FILTHY LITTLE BLOOD TRAITOR!" Gaunt roared and lunged for Merope and closed his hands around her neck.

"NO!" Ogden, Harry and Alyson yelled. Ogden raised his wand and said a spell that made Gaunt be thrown backwards away from his daughter. To add to that embarrassment Gaunt tripped over a chair and fell flat on his back. Morfin got up from his seat and took out his knife and started chasing Ogden. He then took out his wand and began firing hexes at him. Ogden saw that and ran for his life.

"It is time to go" Dumbledore said and the two agreed and they ran out of the cottage with Merope's screams ringing in their ears. The next thing they knew, they were back in Dumbledore's office.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is another chapter up. :) This chapter is more about the memory only nothing interesting. So its a new year already. I want to apologize before hand if i don't update often in this year because it's my last year of high school. I taking tuition everyday for my O-levels. It's gonna be a really tired and stress year. I need good results for scholarship and so I'll be focusing more on my studies. School starts tomorrow. Let the senior year begin!!!

I just wanna wish everyone Happy Late Christmas and Happy New Year.
Enjoy this chapter.

Don't forget to