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I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 02.

Alyson P.O.V

I stepped out of the fireplace. King Cross Station was packed with people. I grabbed my luggage and put it on a trolley. I put on my sunglasses and kept a low profile so that people will not recognize me easily. Fortunately, I’m able to avoid all the attentions and get to the barrier between platform 9 and 10. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and ran through the walls. When I opened my eyes again, I was fascinated to see Hogwarts express in front of me.

Every where I could see parents bidding farewell to their child, hugging and kissing them. I had to admit that I was a little jealous because I never had a chance like that. Mom and dad are always busy. I shake that thought and continue walking towards the train. Everyone was busy saying their goodbyes and I was glad that no one noticed me. I get onboard and started to find a compartment. It was still early there were many empty ones. I was heading to a compartment at the end when a person bumped into me.

“Ouch!” I said rubbing my forehead.

“Watch where you going, bitch.” I looked up and saw a guy with platinum blonde hair and eyes that were as blue as oceans. He was tall about 6 feet I assumed. He’s rather good looking but the way he spoke that was a total downfall. I immediately recognize the guy in front of me. I mean how could I not. The infamous Draco Malfoy. At the back of him there were 3 guys. Two fat one and a dark skinned one. I gather my things and stood up.

“Jerk.” I said before I turned and walk away. I felt a hand on my shoulders. I swept his hands away and turned around.

“What did you say?”

“I said you’re a jerk. Aren’t you? You knocked me down, didn’t say sorry and called me a bitch. Didn’t your parents ever teach you manners?” I glared at him. I could see the shocked expressions on his face but it was quickly covered by anger.

“How dare you speak to me that way? And I talk to you how I see fit.” He snapped.

“Exactly, so that gives me the right to talk to you how I see fit too.”

“You insolent brat.” He narrowed his eyes.

“Wow, that's new. Admitting you’re one yourself?” I smirked. I could see pure anger in his eyes.

“How dare you? Do you know who I am?” he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Let me guess. Tall, platinum blonde hair and arrogant. You’re Draco Malfoy. Only son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. One of the wealthiest pureblood families in the wizarding world. Am I right?”

“Looks like you know who you’re talking to. So I suggest you be polite to me or……” Draco smirked this time.

“Or what? Gonna call daddy come get me? I’m so scared. If I haven’t mistaken, daddy is in Azkaban.” I acted like I was really afraid. I started to notice more students getting on the train and a lot of them staring at us. “I don’t care if you’re a Malfoy. Now if you will excuse me. I have better things to do rather than wasting my time talking to you.” I walked past him and head to the compartment.

“You filthy little mud blood. Let’s see what you can do. STUPERFY!” I turned back and blocked the spelled without a wand. Everyone watch with amusement. I took off my sunglasses. I could see some of them gasp when they recognize me.

“Malfoy, taking advantage after people turn their backs and not to mention a girl. That is low, even for you. Just so you know, I’m not a muggleborn.”

“Who are you?”

“You will know soon enough.” I walked faster to the compartment and locked the door. “Let the game begin.” I whisper to myself. I plug in my Ipod and start listening, ignoring everything that is happening outside.
Draco P.O.V

I watch her walk to the compartment at the end. I was amused. Nobody has ever talked to me that way. People were always afraid of me except my best friends. But this girl she was different. She wasn’t afraid. I notice she was taller than any other girls. She is most definitely not a first year. She was really hot. She has curves at all the right places. A well proportioned, God given body that attracted guys to her. She was wearing a short green pleated skirt with white tee and vest. She also had a green tie hang loosely around her neck. Even without any heels she was tall. Her eyes were pretty covered with long lashes. Her hair was a dirty dark blonde with black underneath and falls to her mid back. Her side swept bangs were long enough to cover her eyes.

“Come on guys lets go.” I said walking towards the Slytherin compartment right at the end of the train. Blaise and I sat opposite each other while Crabbe and Goyle sat together. Crabbe and Goyle were eating their sweet while I just sat in silence. The train started to move I was thinking about the girl. Blaise decided to interrupt my thoughts.

“Thinking about the girl just now?” he smirked at me. “Can’t blame you though. She is hot.”

“Be careful when you say that. Don’t let Bailey hear you.” Just at the very moment, the compartment door slid open and there stand Bailey. Bailey is Blaise’s girlfriend. They’ve been together for 2 years.

“Hear what?”

“Blaise was saying the new girl is hot.” I grinned.

“Don’t worry about it, babe. Not one will be better than you.” Blaise pulled Bailey into his lap and started kissing her.

“I wouldn’t mind. But I’ve heard there was a fight between you and a girl, Draco.” Bailey said turning to me. “And the interesting part is that she fought back.”

“Shut it. Bailey. I’m going to find out who she is and she is going down.” I smirked. Bailey and Blaise just shook their head and continue their kissing session.
Alyson P.O.V

I fell asleep listening to the songs. I fell asleep for a long time. I was awaken by my phone ringing.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey, Alyson.”

“Greyson, what a surprise. You haven’t call in a while.” I was so delighted that he called.

“Yeah, you know with the album and tours. I’ve been busy.”

“I know. But would it take long to give me a call. I missed you.”

“Hahaha…… Called now, didn’t I? Hey, are you at New York? I want to drop by and visit sometime. Haven’t seen u awhile. Bet you’ve grown taller again.” I chuckled.

“In fact I did I’m sure you did too. But I’m currently not at New York. I’m going to a boarding school.”

“Boarding school. That's cool....hey can we do video it's easier.”

“Alright. Hold on for a second.” I smiled. I pulled it away and turned it to video.

“What’s that sound? Are you on a train?” he asked.

“Yeap, classic don’t you think?”I watched him laughed.

“So when are you going to be back?” I shrugged.

“Maybe a year or two. I haven’t a single clue.”

“Damn, I wanted to record a new song with you. Looks like I’m going to have to find someone else.” He said with a smirked.

“Or you could wait till I’m back. Save the song for me.” I grinned.

“Ok ok. I got to go now. Have to start getting prepared for the Ellen show later. Chat next time. Bye.”

“Good Luck. Bye.” I said hanging up. It was good to talk to Greyson. He was always a good friend. I was bored. I took out my book and start reading. I had the whole compartment to myself which was really nice. I spent a few fours reading.

“Anything from the trolley?” I heard a woman yelled. I look outside and saw trolley full of foods pushed by a plump, friendly witch. I walk up to her and get a pumpkin pasty. That’s when I heard a guy behind me talk.

“Two pumpkin pasties, please.” The boy said. I turned around and notice that he was the boy I saw behind Malfoy just now. He is a tall boy about 6 feet 1 I guess, with high cheekbones, dark skin, and long, brown slanting eyes. I smiled at him and pay for the pumpkin pasty. He smiled back at me. He seemed like a really nice person.

“Hi, you are the girl that stood up against Draco.”

“Interesting way to describe a girl.” He chuckled.

“Well, there has never been a girl that stood up against Draco.”

“There is always a first time for everything. Don’t you think?” I said and we both started laughing.

“The name is Blaise Zambini. Just call me Blaise.” He put out his hand.

“Alyson, just Alyson or A.” I took his hand and shook it.

“No last name?” he looked at me curiously.

“It’s complicated. It was nice meeting you Blaise. See you at school, I guess?”

“See you at school too, Alyson.” We walked past each other and went back to our own compartment. The Blaise guy is a nice person. I can’t believe he was Malfoy’s friend. They seem completely different. One rude, arrogant and total jerk while the other was polite, nice and sweet. The thoughts were cut off by my phone ringing again. This time it was Dorota. I wondered why she was calling.

“Hello, Dorota?” I said picking up the phone.

“Hello, miss Lexi. Dorota called to tell you that you left your contact lenses at home and you have received an important document that needs to be sign immediately. Your manager called too saying she needed those documents by tomorrow morning.” She explained.

“But I thought I settled everything I had to with her just now. She’s must’ve left out. I’ll come back later around 7 or 8 later at night through the floo network. Just placed all of them on the desk in my bedroom.” I sighed.

“Yes, miss.”

“Thank you Dorota.” I said before hanging up. The train ride was really boring after all. I end up falling asleep again. I felt someone shake my shoulders. I wake up rubbing my eyes to see who it was. In front of me was a girl with waist-length, straggly, dirty blonde hair, protuberant grey eyes which seems to be dreamily distracted and faint eyebrows but nonetheless pretty. She had an aura of "distinct dottiness" about her.

“The train stopped awhile ago. I saw you sleeping so I woke you up.” she said. Her voice distant and dreamy, with a smile plastered on her face.

“Thank you. You must be Luna Lovegood. I’m Alyson. Nice to meet you.”

“Well Alyson, it’s a pleasure to meet you too.”

“I think it is best I go now. See you next time.” I said grabbing my bag and out of the train to Hogwarts. “Wow!” was I could say when I saw the castle. It was breathtaking scenery. The castle where lighten up by lights. It was enormous and gorgeous. The lights brought the castle to life. There were no words to describe it.
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Just assume Greyson is same age as Alyson. I promise another chapter if you guys comment and here it is. :) hope you guys like it. Remember comment and i will continue posting too.