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I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 03.


Draco P.O.V

I walk in the great hall. Most of the people were already in there. There were now sorting the first years. I was feeling so satisfied after injuring Potter. I sat down opposite Blaise and Bailey.

“Where have you been?” Blaise whispered.

“No where.” I said taking a sipped of pumpkin juice. We watch as first years get sorted into houses. The first years watched with amazement as the wonderful feast appeared. Everyone dig in.

“Drakie!” I choked on my food when I heard the sound. Blaise and Bailey chuckled. Pansy sat beside me and hooked her arms around mine. I quickly pulled away. I seriously hate this girl. She look liked a pug and her voice is just horrible. I only associated with her because she was pureblood. “Where have you been? I was so worried.”

“It’s none of you business Pansy.” I rolled my eyes.

“But I’m your girlfriend.” She pouted.

“How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not your boyfriend and don’t ever call me that again.”

Third person P.O.V

At the very same moment, the great hall doors opened. A figure stood there silhouetted in moonlight. The students of the four long tables in Hogwarts' magnificent Great Hall along with the teachers looked on excitedly at the figure. It was the first time in a century that a new student came to Hogwarts for a year other than the first year. The fact that the newcomer was quite breathtaking eyesight was a good enough reason for a third of the school's male students to disguise their act of ogling her.

As the figure stepped in to the hall and began to make her way up to the head table gasps and murmurs began to be heard. The gasps were for one reason, and the talking was all along the same lines "... She's beautiful..." "... Gorgeous..." "... Never seen anything that compares, well maybe a vela, but nothing else..." “Omg, is that really her…” “That is not possible...” She walked past the Gryffindor and Slytherin with grace that none has seen before. All of the guys were attracted to her. Girls looked at her with envy.

She wore a green pleated skirt with a white tight tee and a beige vest. A green tie was tied loosely around her neck. She was also wearing a pair of high top black sneakers. Standing at 5 feet 9, she really stood out. Her long blonde hair with a little black underneath fall down to her middle back. Her long lashes compliment her striking blue eyes.

Draco P.O.V

She was the girl on the train but she wasn’t wearing Hogwarts uniform. Gasps and murmurs could be heard everywhere. She strode to the head table gracefully.

‘She is really pretty. She must be in Slytherin. She can’t be in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw or even Gryffindor. That is for sure.’ The thought came to my mind. I was really interested it who she was. My thoughts were cut by Bailey.

“OMG!”Bailey exclaimed.

“What happen, babe?” Blaise asked, all of us looked at Bailey.

“Am I dreaming?” Bailey pinch herself. “Ouch!”

“We are lost Bailey. Might want to enlighten us.” I said.

“It can’t be her. You guys really have no idea who she is?” She stared at us with disbelieved. She turned to her bag and grabbed a magazine. She placed it in front of us. “This is her, Alyson Van Hooven.” She point at the picture. All of us looked at it. The girl on the front page of the magazine is her. “She’s one of the world youngest supermodel. Not only that, she is a actress and singer song writer. She is from America and she is famous. Even her parents are really famous.”

“Really like how famous? I bet she just sleep with guys to get famous.” Pansy scoffed.

“Alyson is world famous and don't insult her if you don't know her.” Bailey argued back. I stared at the girl. So that’s why she was so calmed with all the attention. She was currently talking to Dumbledore and Snape. The three of us stared at her. “You know the more I look at her now I noticed she has the looks of a Malfoy. Draco. Are you sure you don’t have a sister or something?”

“Nope. I’m the only son.” I rolled my eyes.

“Actually Bailey is right. I mean look at her. She is tall, blonde, blue eyes and not to mention the attitude. Plus she said she wasn’t a mud-blood. Look at the resemblance, she might be related to you.”

“That is impossible Blaise. You know that. Plus she said wasn’t a mud-blood that means she might be a half-blood too.” I clarified.

“Fine. What house do you think she will be in anyway?” Blaise asked.

“Slytherin. She has the attitude and I know a Slytherin when I see one. When she is, I will get back for what she did and teach her how to respect her superiors.” I smirked.

“I doubt that. I’m pretty sure she is Gryffindor. Her bravery to fight back with you on her first day of Hogwarts very Gryffindor-ish. Why not we bet 5 galleons?” Bailey said.

“You’re on. Blaise, who’s side are you on?” the both of us turned to Blaise.

“Sorry babe but I’m going to have to agree with Draco this time.” He said kissing bailey on her cheek.

“You’ll regret. Mark my words.” Bailey smirked this time. Before she walked out I saw her helping Potter.

’What is she doing helping Saint Potter?' I thought to myself. The hatred suddenly filled me.

Alyson P.O.V

The great hall was magnificent. There were four long tables. When I walked in, I noticed all of them staring at me. I ignored them and walk towards professor Dumbledore. I stood in front of him.

“Good evening, professor Dumbledore.” I greet and bow.

“Pleasure to have you here, Alyson. So what brings you to me?”

“I might need your permission to use the floo network to get back to New York.”

“May I ask why?” he asked.

“I have things that need to be done today.” I answered. I felt that someone was trying to penetrate my mind. I turned to professor Snape and glared at him. “Would you please stop that? It’s rude to invade people’s privacy without asking.” Some of the teachers just stared at me ridiculously.

“I see you’ve been practicing.” Snape answered coldly.

“In fact I have. So if you will excuse me I would like to leave now.” I turned back to Dumbledore.

“You could use the floo network in my office. Oh and I love lemon drop. After you’re back, stay at my office. You know what to do.” Dumbledore’s blue eye twinkled.

“Thank you, professor.” I nodded and smiled at him before walking out. I saw Harry coming in with a bloody nose. I walk up to him and shook my head.

“What happen to you Harry?” I murmured some spell, pointing my wand at him. Harry stared at me wide eye. I then kept my wand and skipped out of the great hall to Dumbledore’s office.

I was in a good mood after seeing Harry. I hope he will accept me when he knows who I am. When I reach the office, I gave the password and head up. I grabbed a floo powder and floo back home.

Harry P.O.V

I couldn’t believe my eyes, was that who I think she was? I stared at her as she skipped out the hall. She knew who I was. I mean the famous Alyson Van Hooven knew me. When I looked at her, I felt something. The feeling like I’ve known her for my whole life. The feeling of a family but it couldn’t be. I shook the thoughts and headed towards where Hermione, Ron and Ginny were sitting. I sat beside Ginny.

"Where have you been?" Hermione asked." And what happened to your face just now?"

"Later," I dabbed a napkin to my nose and gulped down some pumpkin juice." What have I missed?"

"The Sorting Hat," Ron said. ”Wants us to be brave at dangerous times like this. Easy for it to say. It’s a hat isn’t it?” I just nodded. Ginny took the napkin and help clean some of the blood on my face.

“Harry, you knew Alyson Van Hooven?” Hermione interrupted. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Who?” Ron asked. Hermione just glared at him.

“The new girl, Ron. Honestly how thick can you be?”

“How is it you always know everything?”

“She’s famous, Ron. Most of the people know her.” Hermione sighed.

“I don’t know her. But I’ve seen her on televisions and billboards. I was just as surprise as you are when she walked up to me.” I explained.

"Fine. Why do you think she moved up here?" Hermione suddenly asked.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked. He looked at the doors hoping that Alyson would come back.

"Come on, think about it." She insisted. "She's a celebrity who have traveled all over the world. She is world famous with thousands of fans. Why would she give all that up to come here?" Harry shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe she just wanted a change of scenery."

"If you were that famous, would you give up everything just so that you could get a change of scenery?" Harry sighed.

"I would give anything to be normal." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"You know what I mean." She said. "There's got to be some reason why she came up here and why she gave up all her fame. No ordinary person would give up money and fame for a change of scenery. She has to have a reason." She insisted. I just raised an eyebrow.

“Besides……” Dumbledore walked up to the podium to begin his annual speech for the start of the term before Hermione could continue.

"Very best of evenings to you all. First off, I would like to introduce our newest member of our staff. Professor Horace Slughorn was kind enough to rejoin his previous position as Potions Master. Whereas our post for Defense against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape."

The entire hall broke out into chatter. Some good and some bad about Snape being our new defense teacher. I was not so happy. Defense was my favorite class, well, I guess not anymore. Snape had wanted that position for some time now, and he had finally got it. Only the Slytherins clapped their hands.

Dumbledore waited until the Hall quieted down. When everybody did quiet down, Dumbledore started talking about Voldemort.

"And now, I know that each and every one of you was searched before you entered the castle this evening, and I believe you have the right to know why," Dumbledore continued." Once there was a young man, who, like you sat in this very hall, walked along these corridors and toke the same classes as you. He seemed to be a student like any other. This name, Tom Riddle, but you all know him by another name. Which is why as I stand before you all I am reminded of a sobering fact. Every day, every hour, this very minute in fact, dark forces attempt to penetrate these very walls. Just something to think about. Now off to bed. All of you have a fun day tomorrow.”

"Way to end a gloomy speech don't you think?" Ron asked getting up from the place.

"Oh yeah, definitely." I replied.

"That was cheerful." He added. The head boy walked towards me.

“Professor Dumbledore asked me to pass this note to you.” He said before leaving. I opened the note and it said.

-Dear Harry, I believe that the time has come for there is something that you should know. Kindly meet me at the doors of the great hall after you read this. You could bring Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley with you. Yours sincerely, Albus Dumbledore.-

“Why do you think he wants to meet us?” Ron asked. I shrugged. The three of us waited outside for Dumbledore.

“I’m glad you got my note. Follow me.” They began to walk behind Dumbledore wondering what was happening.
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Thanks everybody for the comments and as promise another chapter. There may be a little repeat here. Hope you don't mind. if there is any error in the story, tell me so i can fix it. I hope you like this chapter.

REMEMBER TO COMMENT, I need motivation to continue the story.... :P