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I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 04.


Third person P.O.V

Alyson was back in Dumbledore’s office in an hour. She looked around but there was no one there. She decided to sit while waiting. She ate a chocolate, took out a book and started reading. She sat on the sofa with her back facing the door. After awhile, the door opened.

“Took you long enough, Grandpa.” She said without looking up from her book.

“You’re early and please call me professor.” Dumbledore answered.

“Yes, sir.” She replied. The three of them was confused with the whole situation.

“Harry. I like you to meet someone.” Dumbledore walked to the chair and sat down. Alyson stood up and looked backwards, smiling at the three of them. There stood Harry. A girl with bushy brown hair and brown eyes plus a boy with fiery red hair, blue eyes and a freckled complexion who Alyson assumed is a Weasley stood by his sides.

“Hi, I’m Hermione Granger. I love your songs.” The girl immediately stepped out of the group to greet her.

“Thank you.” Alyson reply politely.

“I’m Ron Weasley.” Ron said.

“Pleasure.” She smiled shaking his hand.

“I’m Harry Potter but I assumed you already know.” Harry looked at her.

“Yeah. I believe I haven’t formally introduced myself. Hi, I’m Alyson Potter.”

“WHAT!!” The three of them yelled. They couldn’t believe what they’ve just heard.

“Did you just say your last name was Potter?” Ron asked.

“No, it can’t be.” Hermione said with wide eyes.

“Why not the all of you sit down so I could explain everything?” Dumbledore interrupted. All four of them obeyed and sat down. Alyson didn’t seem bothered. She had already known the story. So she took out her book and continues reading silently.

“I believe you all know Harry’s part of the story about how he got his scar.” Harry, Hermione and Ron just nodded. “The truth was that the Potter’s had twins. Alyson here was there the night James and Lily got killed. Voldemort tried to kill Alyson but the spell bounced back, forming a similar scar behind her neck. Alyson hit the crib and was knocked out. Voldemort with all his power left turned to Harry and you know what happens next. On the night of your parents’ death and the fall of Voldemort, Hagrid only found Harry. Sirius wouldn’t believe that Alyson was dead so he went back to the house. When Sirius went to your house after Hagrid left a while later, he heard a cry and found her under the blanket. Sirius took her to me. At first we decided to take her to the Dursley’s too but it was too risky. We had to separate you both for your own safety. Harry you were brought to Dursley’s while Alyson was brought to the Van Hooven family. She was known dead to the world but only Sirius, Professor Snape and I knew the truth.”

“She doesn’t have a scar. I’ve seen her photos.” Hermione blurted out.

“I believe that was my doing, Miss Granger. I had to hide her scar until the day she knew her true heritage.”

“She looks nothing like a Potter. More like a Malfoy to be exact.” Ron pointed out.

“Don’t compare me with Malfoy.” Alyson said, without her eyes leaving the book.

“I don’t believe you. If you really have a scar, show me.” Harry ordered. Alyson lifted her hair and turned around only to be greeted by gasp from the three friends. Indeed there was a lightning bolt scar there. “If you really are my sister, why do you look nothing like a Potter?”

“I had mom’s eyes and our grandparent’s hair. If I’m not wrong, one of them had blonde hair.” Alyson explained. Harry recalled seeing a photo of their grandparents on the wall of the Dursley’s and it was true but her eyes were blue not emerald green like his.

“You’re a liar. Our mom had green eyes. Yours are blue.”

“I’m not lying.” Alyson said. Then she remembered she was wearing blue contact lenses.

“Just a second.” She went through her bag and found the box of contact lenses. She rush to the toilet and changed them. When she came back out, the trio realized that her eyes were no longer blue but were rather a pair of familiar emerald green. Hermione and Ron were convinced but Harry was not which was a huge problem.

“I still don’t believe you. These evidence are not strong enough.” Harry said.

“There is something else.” Alyson took of the locket from her neck and opened it. It was a silver Celtic heart with a blue topaz in the middle. Out came a song.

~Constant as the stars above
Always know that you are loved
And my love shining in you
Will help you make your dreams come true
Will help your dreams come true~

“That sound……” Harry immediately recognized the sound. It was Lily’s. Alyson placed the locket in Harry’s hand and in it were the picture of their family.

“Do you believe me that I’m your twin sister now?” Alyson asked. Harry just nodded. Alyson took back the locket and wear it again.

“So now the prophecy makes sense. Without one another, he who must not be named would never be gone forever. If you knew, why didn’t you tell me until now? Even Sirius didn’t say anything about her.” Harry turned back to Dumbledore.

“We couldn’t. If the world knew she was still alive she would be in grave danger. The time has come I believed that the both of you have to work together to get rid of him.” Dumbledore explained.

“That is a lot to process.” Harry said.

“Hey, mate. You always wanted a family. You have one now. Why are you thinking so much?” Ron said.

“Ron’s right you know.” Hermione placed a hand on Harry’s shoulder. Harry looked into Alyson eyes and feel could feel the warmth of family.

“When do you knew the truth?” harry looked at Alyson.

“On my sixteen birthday.”

“So what house are you in sis?” Harry asked. A smile lit up on Alyson face.


“Who is older?”

“You are.”

“It’s getting late. I suggest the four of you head back to your common rooms. Though could I have a moment with you Alyson?” The trio obeyed their headmaster although curiosity filled them.

“We will be waiting for you outside.” Harry said before shutting the door.

“I heard something interesting happen on the train.” Dumbledore started as soon as the door is shut walking towards his desk.

“I figure I’d start as soon as I could. The faster it starts, the sooner it ends.” Alyson stood in front of him.

“Very well then. Just be careful. You’re dismissed.”

“Thank you. Grandpa.” Alyson said leaving the room. She found all of them waiting for her and they walked back towards the Gryffindor tower. There was no one in the common room. The four of them sit by the fireplace and chat.

“So Alyson, if you’re Harry’s sister, why do you call professor Dumbledore grandpa?” Ron asked.

“Oh, I knew him since I was young. He would come by and visit once in a while. He teaches me magic all kinds of magic and trained me.”

“So, you have never been to a real magic school?” Harry asked.

“I have. I go to Salem for a year but I prefer muggle school better. I don’t exactly fit in Salem.”

“Why? You are Alyson Van Hooven. You should be able to fit in easily.” Hermione stated.

“That’s exactly the reason why I don’t fit in. They tease and bullied me. Say I wasn’t pretty enough and if it wasn’t my parents I was just a nobody.”

“That’s mean.”

“Yeah but it’s ok.” Alyson said with a slight smile. “Just got to get use to it.”

“It’s getting really late now. Why not we all get some sleep and tomorrow we will show you around the castle, Alyson?”

“That would be great. Oh, and please just call me A.” Alyson replied even though she already knew some parts of the castle. She just wanted to spend so time with her brother and his best friends.

“Ok then. See you girls tomorrow.” Ron said.

“Goodnight sis.” Harry hugged Alyson.

“Goodnight bro.” Alyson and Hermione walked up to their dorms and found Lavender and Parvati had already fallen asleep. Alyson change into a shorts and tank top before going to bed. She put down the bedside curtains and took out her contact lenses. She lay on the bed thinking about everything that has happen. She was happy to know her one and only blood related brother accepted her. Not long later, she fell asleep soundly.

Alyson woke up earlier than the other girls. She took a bath and put on her contact lenses. She washed of all the black dye in her hair and now it’s just her usual natural light blonde hair with messy locks at the lower part. She didn’t put on any make up. To be honest, she hated it. She wore a black tank top with a black blazer and a pair of blue denim cutoff shorts. When she walked back to her bed, she realized Hermione and the other girls just woke up.

“Morning, Hermione.” Alyson greeted.

“You’re up early. Can you just wait for a second? I’ll going to get ready. Then we can head down to find the boys together.”

“Yeap, sure.” They were cut off by a squeal.

“Oh My Gosh, You’re Alyson Van Hooven.” The girl with long brown hair said. “I’m Lavender and this is Parvati. Can you sign here for us?”

“Yeah, sure. Erm…… please just treat me like normal students. I would really appreciate it.” Alyson said. They just nodded. They handed her a notebook and she signed in it. Alyson also wore a black strappy pump. After that, she and Hermione walked down to meet the boys. Instead they were greeted by many students. Many of them wanting Alyson’s autograph and some wanted a picture with her.

“Hi.” Alyson stood at the stairs midway facing everybody and speak loudly. “When I’m at school, I’m just Alyson. Plain, ordinary Alyson. So I would really like to be treated like every normal person. Thanks.” Most of the students went back to their own activities while some of them still wanted Alyson’s autograph. Alyson politely rejected them and walked toward her brother and Ron.

“I’m finally not the most famous one here.” Harry said.

“OH, shut up.” Alyson hit him in the shoulder playfully.

“Let’s go to great hall now. I’m starving.” Ron grumbled.

“You and your food, Ron.” The four of them laugh and head out. On the way to the great hall some people would come and ask for Alyson autograph and stuffs but Alyson politely rejected them all.

The day went on uneventfully. The trio gave Alyson a tour around the castle and they even sat by the lake and chat for the afternoon. Alyson and Harry realized that they have sort of a twin link that would allow them to talk to each other in their minds. They did it for for awhile but it sort of pisses Ron and Hermione. They told Alyson all their encounters from their first year to their fifth year. Students start to get used with having a celebrity in school and started to just treat Alyson normally which she was really glad.

At dinner time, Alyson sat beside Hermione while Harry sat beside Ron. They were talking when suddenly a guy sat beside Alyson. He had sandy-colored hair and he was tall.

“Hi, I’m Seamus. It’s nice to meet you.” He said.

“Hello, I’m Alyson or just call me A.” Alyson said.

“Why are you not eating?” Seamus looked at Alyson’s empty plate and asked.

“I’m full already.”

“You have got to try these deserts. They are really good.” Ron said with his mouth full.

“Ronald, it’s rude to talk with your mouth full. Oh, and hi I’m Ginny Weasley, Ron’s sister.” A pretty red head girl said. Alyson just smile and nodded.

“He’s right you know. They are really good.” Seamus said putting a piece of cake on her plate.

“Go on try it.” Harry said. She took a scoop and placed it in her mouth. “How was it?” Suddenly, Alyson feel light headed and shortness of breath.

“What is in the piece of cake?” she whispered.

“Are you okay?” Hermione noticed something wasn’t right and asked worriedly.

“There is chocolate, cookie crisp and some peanuts.” Ron listed. They all turned to Alyson but noticed her head was already on the table. No movement. They all try calling her but there was no response. Harry started to panicked. Seamus carried her to the hospital followed by Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and a few teachers including professor Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape at the back. Hermione took Alyson’s bag with her.
When they reached the hospital wing, Seamus placed her on one of the bed.

“My goodness, what happen to her?” asked Madam Pompfrey examining Alyson.

“We don’t know. We asked her to try a piece of cake. After she ate it, she started to feel uncomfortable and she just fainted.” Seamus explained.

“Which cake did she take Mr. Finnegan?” asked Snape.

“The chocolate cake.”

“She is allergy to peanuts. There is epinephrine-pen in her bag.” Dumbledore said. Hermione go through her bag and found a paper bag of it. She passed it to Madam Pompfrey. Madam Pompfrey immediately injected it for her and gave her some potions as well.

“Is she going to be okay?” Harry asked worried about losing his sis. He had just known her for a day.

“Yeah, she’s going to be fine.” Madam Pompfrey then left them. Everyone stayed until she woke up.

Draco P.O.V

I kept looking Gryffindor table once in awhile. I noticed her hair were no longer black and blonde. It was just a natural light blonde now. She really stood out in the group. Her outfits were casual but stylish. Although without make up she looked pretty.

‘Wait, did I just compliment her? She’s a freaking Gryffindor for god sake. Stop thinking about her.’ She was sitting beside the mudblood and talking happily with the golden trio. Then Finnegan came over and talked to her. Her smile was charming.

“Drakie what are you looking at?” Pansy said clinging onto me again.

“Nothing and leave me alone.” I said scooting away from her. I was talking to Blaise when I noticed something wasn’t right at the Gryffindor table. Blaise and Bailey noticed my absent and followed my gazed. Alyson’s head was on the table. Granger and the others kept calling her name but there was no response. Then, Finnegan and Potter carried her out of the great hall.

“What do you think happen?” Blaise asked. I shrugged.

“I don’t know but I hope she’s alright.” Bailey said. The three of us continued our dinner. I was wondering if she was alright. From the looks of it, it was pretty serious. I shook of the thoughts immediately though.

“That reminds me both of you owe my five galleons each.” Bailey smirked. Both me and Blaise just groaned.
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I'm in the mood today so i decided to post another chapter. I wonder what do you guys think about this chapter. The song i use is Constans as the stars above. I personally find this chapter okay only. I want to show that Alyson is not all perfect here. I really want to know what you guys think so you know what to do.