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I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 05.


Alyson P.O.V

I opened my eyes to be greeted by bright lights. I noticed people around me. Harry was sitting on the chair beside my bed. Ginny, Ron and Seamus at the back of him. Hermione sat on the end of the bed with Professor Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall standing at the back. I sat up with the help of Harry.

“Only the second day and I’m already in the hospital wing. Such luck.” I sighed.

“How are you feeling?” Harry asked.

“I’m fine.” I said.

“You could leave now. You’re fine, just remember to never touch peanuts again.” Madam Pompfrey smiled and I thank her. At that, all the Professors left.

“Gave us a right scare there, A.” Ron relieved.

“We’re so sorry. We shouldn’t ask you to try the cake.” Ron, Seamus and Harry apologized.

“It’s alright. It wasn’t you guys fault. You guys had no idea that I was allergy to it.”

“We almost killed you.” Harry said.

“I’m fine now aren’t I?” I smiled to reassure him. “Don’t blame any of yourself or I will get angry.” That made of them smiled.

“You sure you alright?” Harry asked.

“YES,HARRY!” all of them laughed. We walk back to the common room. Me and Hermione headed straight upstairs with Ginny. All of us went to bed early tonight.

I woke up at 8 in the morning. It was a Sunday so I assume everyone would be sleeping in and I was right. School starts tomorrow. I wash myself up and comb my hair. I decided not to tie it. I put on a white button front shirt, a black military waistcoat and a white denim shorts. I tied a brown leather belt to it and wore a black peep toe boots.

I grabbed my guitar and my bag. I always carry my bag with me wherever I go. I shrink my guitar and put it in. I headed straight to the lake. I sat beside the lake for about an hour, playing a little soft music before getting breakfast. I was the first few persons there. I took a cup of coffee and sipped it slowly.

After about 15 minutes later, Harry and his friends decided to show up.

“Where have you been? I was worried.” Harry said sitting down beside me.

“I’m not a little girl, Harry. Besides I just decided to take a little walk down the lake.” I said reading my book. He just nodded. The great hall started to get crowded.

Third person P.O.V

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Pothead, Weasel and Mud blood Granger.” Alyson recognized that voice. It was Malfoy’s. No matter how much she hated the word mudblood she has to stay calm or her powers will be exposed. She decided to ignore him and continue reading. Harry, Hermione and Ron stood up angrily. The others were all watching the scene.

“Leave Malfoy, nobody wants you here.” Harry hissed through gritted teeth.

“I just want to meet your new girlfriend Potter.”

“Leave her alone Malfoy. She has nothing to do with you.” Harry was really is protective over Alyson even though he just knew her for three days.

“What if I don’t want to? You’re going to make me?” Malfoy smirked. Harry was taking out his wand. He pointed it at Malfoy. That’s when Alyson decided she should interfere.

“Calm down, Harry. He’s not worth it.” Alyson said walking to Harry in front of the crowd. She pushed his wand down lightly and stood in front of him. Everybody was staring now.

“Need your girlfriend to defend you Potter. I always thought that you’re pathetic and now it’s proven to be true.” Malfoy smirked. The Slytherin’s started laughing. Anger was building up in Harry, she could feel it.

“I’m not his girlfriend just so you know. I can’t blame you though, I haven’t formally introduced myself. My name is Alyson, Alyson Potter.” Alyson replied with a satisfied grin. Gasps could be heard everywhere and they were whispering. Malfoy was shocked.

“Potter has no sister.”

“Well here I am standing right in front of you.” She smirked. Malfoy quickly regain his composure.

“It doesn’t matter. You are going to be dead in a matter of time.”

“Oh, really why?” Alyson took a step forward.

“Because you are going to get killed in the end just like your stupid brother will be.” Malfoy didn’t look intimidated at all.

“By who? A pathetic scum like you? You know Malfoy, I really feel sorry for you.” she replied.

“You don’t know me.” Malfoy hissed.

“Oh, but trust me I do. All too well.” Alyson smirked then she continued, “You’re the man. Rich and a pureblood. You date the pretty girls or should I say bed. This school is your kingdom.” She stopped. She could see a satisfied smirked on his face but she wasn’t done yet.

“But people Malfoy is a bully. Why? It would be way too easy to say that Malfoy prays on the weak because he is simply a dick.” She casually stated showing no fear or remorse to a very well insulting (and very true) statement. Everybody’s mouth resembled an O shape which did look like they were in shock and could hardly believe she had just said that.

“No no no, Malfoy here is much complex than that. According to leading psychiatrists, Malfoy is a bully for 1 of 3 reasons. 1, under all that male bravado there’s an insecure little girl banging on the closet door trying to get out. 2, like a caveman, Malfoy’s brain is underdeveloped. There for he is unable to use self control so he acts out aggressively.” Alyson said and walked around Malfoy. She slowly took his wand from his pocket without him noticing. She twisted it in between her fingers and gave harry a wink walking back facing Malfoy. “And the 3 reason, Malfoy has a small whiner.” She turned holding up her pinky.” I’d argue that Malfoy suffers from all three.”

All the students in the great hall started laughing hysterically. Malfoy was pissed nonetheless and embarrassed. He was glaring daggers at her. If only looks could kill, Alyson would probably be dead by now. He wanted to take out his wand but he couldn’t find it anywhere. Then he recognized the wand in Alyson’s hand. It was his.

“Give me back my wand, you bitch.” He said to Alyson but she just continues twisting it. Malfoy try to snatch it from her but she avoided it easily. Malfoy stood back up and tidy himself. Alyson walk towards him and looked at him face to face. With her heels on she is almost as tall as him.

“Don’t hurt yourself big boy.” She said and passing it back to him. She grabbed her bag and immediately walking out the great hall. She went down to beside the lake the second time of the day. Harry, Hermione and Ron followed after her too.

Alyson’s P.O.V

‘Where are you?’ Harry thought to me.

‘I’m down by the lake.’ I thought back. I sat on the grass looking at the lake. ‘That was fun.’ I could hear my friends approaching behind me. They all sat by my side.

“That was bloody brilliant, A.” Ron exclaimed.

“Yeah, no one has ever humiliated Malfoy that bad not to mention in front of such a huge audience.” Harry said still laughing. “You should have seen his face sis. It was hilarious.”

“Why, thank you. I just thought that it would be nice teaching him a lesson.” I said with a sense of accomplishment. I noticed Hermione was silent beside me. Something is in that mind of hers. “You want to ask something, Hermione. Just say it.”

“Well, is the third statement really a reason?” Hermione stuttered. I just started laughing along with the boys. So that is what she wanted to say.

“No, Hermione. That was a random thing mainly just as an insult.” I explained. On that she started laughing too. The four of us laughed so hard. I lay down on the grass with my hands behind my head.

“It’s about time someone stood up to him.” Hermione said.

“With, A here. We wouldn’t have to worry about Malfoy ever again.” Ron said in between laughs.

“Nice job sis. Didn’t know you had that in you.” Harry patted my shoulders. He was lying by my side. After awhile, we go back to the common room. Harry and Ron were playing a set of chess, at which Harry was currently losing as another one of his peasants was getting his head chopped off by Ron's Queen. I sat by the side and watched. Harry really sucked at it or should I say Ron was amazingly good at it.

Hermione decided to take me and Ginny to her favorite place, the library. We spent hours there reading and talking with each other. I really liked Ginny and Hermione. They were nice.

At dinner, Seamus kept giving a little flirty comment. I wasn’t disturbed by it seeing as one of my best friends is a huge flirt. I treated it as a normal talk though not feeling a tad bit uncomfortable at all and flirt back a little. I could see Hermione and Ginny giggling. I rolled my eyes and pay no attention to them. When we got back to the common room, Hermione and Ginny grabbed my wrist and pulled me up to our room. Thankfully no one was present.

That would make things a lot easier to talk. We sat on my bed.

“So, A. We can see that Seamus is flirting with you.” Ginny teased.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I answered. I try sneaking away only to be pulled back.

“The hell you do! It was so obvious well at least to us.” Hermione stated.

“And you were totally flirting back.” Ginny continued.

“Fine I was but it was fun. You have to agree me on that one.”

“So, do you like him?” Ginny asked eagerly.

“I like him as a friend. Will it go further? Who knows. I’ve only known him for two days. I mean he’s nice but currently no feelings at all.” I admitted. That’s when my phone rang. I picked it up only to be snatched away by Hermione and Ginny.

“Hello, I’m sorry but you will have to call back later. We are integrating the owner of this phone.” Both of them look at me and chuckle.

“Ok guys, knock it off.” They returned my phone to me. “Hello?” I answered.

“Hey, A. looks like you’re way better than fine in boarding school.” Justin said.

“Hey, JB. So I take it you have heard the news. How’s tour by the way?” I asked. Ginny and Hermione looked at me with their eyes bugged out.

“Let us talk to him!” they squealed.

“Everything’s good. Did you get my present I sent to you on your birthday? Do you like it?” He said.

“I loved it. Thank you so much. Can we do video? I’ve got two fans for you to meet.” I smiled

“Of course.” I pulled away and turn on video. “So where are my fans?” I turned the phone and showed Hermione and Ginny. They waved and giggled. I rolled my eyes. I placed the phone on the bed so he could see all of us.

“I take it that they are the girls that attacked you just now.” He chuckled.

“Good guess.” I smiled. “This is Hermione and Ginny.” I introduced them to him. He politely greeted them.

“No boys, Alyson? So unlike you.” He said.

“How could I not have guy friends? I’m Alyson, most of my friends are guys. I’m a guy magnet.” I smirked.

“Yeah right.” He snorted. “But I’ve got to give you credit you do get along easily with boys and hang more with them rather than girls.”

“Damn right you are. I’m in the girl’s dorm. So maybe I’ll introduce them to you next time.” I said.

“Ok, I’ve got to go. Later, A.” he said.

“Bye.” I hung up the phone. They look at me curiously.

“What?” I asked.

“Most of your friends are boys? Don’t you have any girl friends?” Hermione asked. I sighed.

“I do have but not really close. Mostly they are like party friends. When I was in Salem, my best friends were all boys. When I’m at muggle school, I always hang with the Nate, Chuck, Serena and some other boys but rarely the girls. The six of us grew up together.”I showed them the picture.

“The only best friends that I had that are girls is Serena and Elena. Elena is older than the four of us so she is studying in Australia now. She’s the big sister in the group.” I smiled at the thought.

“What about him?” Ginny asked pointing at a guy with dark brown hair.

“His name is Jake. His a year older than us. We used to be friends but not anymore. Something happened.” I said. They just nod.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure we will be great friends. I have a good feeling about it.” Hermione and Ginny hugged me. I was so happy. It’s been some time since I have new girl friends.

“Thanks guys. Okay, so enough about me.” I smirked. “I notice Hermione has a thing for Ron.”

“I do not.” Hermione blushed. Her cheeks were as red as the Ginny’s hair. Ginny and I looked at each other and tickle Hermione.

“Admit it, Hermione!” We insisted tickling her nonstop. She kept asking us to stop but we weren't going to let her get away. All of us were laughing loudly when Lavender and Parvati came in. We immediately stopped. Ginny told us goodnight before leaving. I changed into a black shorts and tank before going to bed. I lie there thinking.

It was good to know that I’m already starting to fit in. I lay there for hours but I couldn’t sleep. I look at the clock and it was only 10.30 pm, everybody was already asleep. I grabbed my D&G Double Breasted Belted coat, put it on and wear a pair of black flats. I go down to the common room. It was silence.

I quietly sneaked out to the abandoned music room on the fifth floor. I found that room when Grandpa took me here for sorting. I went in and shut the door softly. I sat in front of the grand piano and started playing the music Time Forgets.

Little did I know that I wasn’t alone.
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Tadaaa!!! So here is another chapter. :)) LOL you guys might notice that there is a part from the movie seventeen again. I love that part so i decided to put it in. The piano music i use is YIruma- Time Forgets.

Hope you enjoy it. I know i did enjoy writing this.
Please don't just be a silent reader.... :))