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I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 06.


Draco P.O.V

I was sitting in the common room. Everyone should be asleep by now. I sat near the fire and think. It was only at times like this that I could think clearly. The quietness and peace made me relax. I look into the fire and clear my mind. No matter how much I try to block out the thoughts of her it was useless.

The event in the morning kept on repeating it in my mind over and over again. She is Potter’s sister. That was interesting because she look nothing like Potter except the eyes. They were the same shade of green. She has the kind of attitude that really fascinates me. I remember seeing Finnegan flirting with her and she flirted back. At the moment, there was a rage of anger that I have never felt before.

I shook away the feelings. I don’t have time to think about girls. My family’s lives are depending on me. I got up and walk to the room of requirement.

When I reach the fifth floor, I could hear a soft piano music. I followed the gentle music and came to an old room. I didn't even know that the room even existed until the music lead me here. It was the abandon music room. The room was never touched after the build a new music room. I walked to the door and slowly opened it. I peek in.

At first, I expected it to be a piano that had been charmed to play on its own, but sitting in front of the piano, with their back to me, was a girl with long blonde hair. She hadn't noticed me.

The room was medium sized room and the ceiling was rather high. Dust collected on the dark hardwood floor and the shelves of the room contained tattered books, along with a few instruments. I was a bit surprised that there was a chandelier in the center of the ceiling, however it wasn't lit and cobwebs had made themselves at home. The only light came from the candle next to the piano and from the light of the moon, which shone through the circular window beside the piano.

I sat outside the door. I closed my eyes and as I listened to her play. I noticed how the song sounded happy, but also sad as well. Surprisingly, this gentle music was all it takes to get my mind off things. The death eater, the missions and even Alyson. However, I knew I couldn’t stay for long. As the last note has ended, I leave the room to the seventh floor. I was determined to go back there once more tomorrow night.

Alyson P.O.V

I kept playing the same song. The last note I played, seemed to hold out for the longest of moments. I felt peace and calm. I haven’t been practicing my piano skills for a few days now. It feels pleasant to be able to play the piano. Although the piano wasn’t as tune as the one I had at home, it was good enough.

I stay seated in front of the piano for a couple of moments, before looking down at my watch. 12.30 am. Is it really the time already? I really should be getting to bed now. Don’t want to be late for the first day of school tomorrow. I stood up, blow out the candle and left the piano. When I reach the door, I became aware that it was open. I remember that closed it. I presume that it was just the wind. I left the abandon music room and go back to my bed in the Gryffindor common room. I dozed off as soon as my head touch the pillow.

Third person P.O.V

The next morning before they were due down into the Great Hall for breakfast the trio were in the Common room discussing Malfoy again, well Harry was and the others were just listening, getting really annoyed at Harry's obsession. Alyson slept in and woke up a little later. She changed into the uniform but skip the jumper. She absolutely hated it. She wore a pair of black mid-calf boots. She took her black shoulder school bag and went down.

“Morning, what are you guys talking about?” She said sitting beside Hermione. The three of them looked at each other before deciding to tell Alyson. Harry explained everything that has happen at Diagon Alley and on the train. Alyson knew the truth but she couldn’t say anything. Harry finally started talking about something else when he saw that others were looking at him and first years started pointing.

"You know it's really rude to point." Ron said to a first year that was close by. The first year got scared and ran away from the group.

"It's so great being a sixth year, we have free periods where we can just relax or do whatever we want." Ron said with a satisfied sigh.

"We need that time to study Ron." Hermione said.

"Not on the first day." Ron pointed.

"We haven't even had class yet, we might have homework to do." Hermione said. Ron rolled his eyes.

"You know we should get to the Great Hall for breakfast, McGonagall might hand out the schedules early." Alyson said.

The other three nodded and they headed down towards breakfast. When they first got to the Great Hall they saw Hagrid waving happily at them and the trio waved back guilty.

"He can't honestly think we'd take his class again does he?" Ron asked.

"Well we were the only ones who showed enthusiasm in it." Harry pointed out.

“Who is he?” Alyson asked.

“That’s Hagrid. He’s the care of magical creature teacher.” Hermione said. “How are you going to take classes? You never take O.W.L.S?”

“I took it before coming to Hogwarts.” Alyson replied taking a bite of toast.

“How were your results?” Harry asked.

“8 Outstanding with 2 Exceeds Expectations for Divination and Astronomy.” I replied.

“Wow, you’re nearly as good as Hermione.” Ron exclaimed.

“How do you manage your time? You have to work and study muggle subjects and magic. I don’t think time is enough.”

“Time turner.” I smirked and Hermione laughed.

“Should have guessed. So what are the classes that you are taking?” Hermione asked again when they pass down the class schedule.

“Potions, Charms, History of Magic, DADA, Transfiguration, Herbology and Ancient Runes.” Alyson smiled at Hermione.

“Free period in the morning. That is so cool.” Ron called out. “You Harry?” harry just nodded.

“Don’t you have potions?” Alyson asked.

“I didn’t get an outstanding for potions so I’m not qualified.” He sounded disappointed.

“Come on, A. We’ve got to get to potions.”

“See you later boys.” Both of them head down to the dungeons.

Alyson P.O.V

We both entered the classroom to see many different cauldrons set up on every table. Slughorn stood in front and motioned us for us to join the others. There weren’t many people.

"Welcome all to Potions," Slughorn started." I have noticed that there aren't that many of you so we should be able to get a lot accomplished in this class. Now I would like to start off today with some potion classification. There are several cauldrons on this table can anyone tell me what this one is?" He pointed to one that had a dark, chunky, grotesque look to it. I raise my hand.

"Yes, Ms.?" He asked.

"Potter, sir. That would be the Polyjuice Potion," I answered." It allows the drinker to transform into someone else for one hour if made correctly and if not it could be a problem.”

"Very good, five points for Gryffindor." He exclaimed.

"Show off." A girl with black hair hissed from behind me.

“Shut up Parkinson.” A girl with long and straight brunette hair said. She was holding hands with Blaise so I assumed they were a couple.

"What you didn't know that Parkinson?" I asked looking at her and her Slytherin friends. Honestly, how many of those people actually like her? It's beyond me. I’ve just met her and I hate her. "Why are you even here? I thought you needed an O on your O.W.L.S. to get in."

"You do, but being a Slytherin and Snape as your Head has its advantages." She spoke.

‘What a bitch’

Suddenly, Ron and Harry ran through the door. ‘What were they doing?’

"What are they doing here?" Hermione asked as though she read my mind.

"No idea." I replied.

"Ah, Potter," Slughorn said. "You brought a friend I see."

"Ron Weasley, sir," Ron introduced himself." But I'm dead awful at Potions-"

"Nonsense," Slughorn told him." Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Now open your books-"

"Sorry Professor, but we didn't get our books." Harry said.

"Not to worry, you may grab one from out in the cupboard," Slughorn instructed." Now who can tell me what this potion is?" He pointed to a colorless, odorless one. Hermione got that one that time.

"That is Veritaserum, a truth telling potion." She exclaimed.

"Correct, take another five points."

When Harry and Ron were finished with their fight for a book, one that I found ridiculous, they came and stood behind us.

"What have we missed?" Harry asked me in a hushed whisper.

"Nothing really," I replied." Just going over different potion is."

"And can anyone tell me what this one is?" Slughorn asked. Hermione answered again.

“Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world," She said." It's rumored to smell different to everyone to each person to which it attracts them. For example I smell freshly mowed grass, parchment, and spearmint toothpaste." She quickly looked away.

"Love potions are so stupid." I said to Harry.

"Amortentia doesn't really create love, of course. It mostly imitates love. It will simply cause a powerful obsession. It is probably the most dangerous and powerful potion in this room." Slughorn explained.

"Sir, you haven't told us what's in that one." Katie asked.

"Ah, this here is a curious little potion," Slughorn picked up the tiny little bottle." Known as Felix Felicis, more commonly referred to as-"

"Liquid Luck." Hermione and I said.

"Yes, Liquid Luck," He said." Incredibly tricky to make, and disastrous if you would get it wrong. One sip and you'll find that all of your endeavors will succeed. At least until the effects wear off. So, this is what I offer each and every one of you today. A tiny vial of Liquid Luck for whoever, in the hour that remains, manages to brew an exceptional Draught of Living Death. The recipe can be found on page ten in your books. Good luck to you all let the brewing commence."

Everyone in the room scattered to different tables and began brewing. It seemed like everyone wanted that luck. Who wouldn't? Taking a spot between Hermione and my brother I started brewing the potion. I had this potion memorized last year. So it was easy job for me. After a while I glanced at Harry who looked really confused.

‘What's wrong?’ I asked through thought.

‘The last person who had this book wrote in it and I can't read anything.’ Harry thought back.

‘Want any help?’ I thought.

‘No, I'll figure it out on my own, just work on your own, this is a race remember.’ Harry thought.

‘If you're sure.’ I thought.

‘I am. You didn’t even open you book.’ Harry thought.

‘Long story.’ I thought back. My potion was a light lilac color when everybody else's was either blue or a dark purple as Hermione's was. All throughout the classroom, each student seemed to run into their own problems. Between Seamus' potion blowing up in his face and green goop spilling out onto many desks, Hermione was having a difficult time. I looked over at Harry's cauldron and he looked a lot calmer now that his potion was now the lilac like mine. After I had finished stirring my potion was a pale pink. I looked over at the others and saw that Harry's was pink too.

‘Something is fishy. Even Hermione is having problems and she is better than Harry.’ i thought to myself.

"How are you two doing that?" Hermione asked

“Add a clockwise stir." Harry and I said together.

"No no, the book says counterclockwise." Hermione snapped.

I just shrugged, "Do what you want."

I went back to stirring the way I remembered and Harry followed the book with the scribbles.

"And... times... up." Slughorn said, "Stop stirring, please." Everybody stopped stirring and waited while Slughorn looked over each and every ones cauldron, he gave nods at some and slight frowns at others, he gasped when he saw both me and Harry’s cauldron.

"Well it looks like you both got your mother's genes; both potions look equal, I guess the twin thing is with everything eh?" Slughorn asked.

"Err……" Harry began.

"Well it looks like a tie. I'll get another small vial so both of you get the prize, congratulations." Slughorn said with a smile and went back to the supplies cupboard and got out another small vile and filled it up with the Felix Felicis and handed the vials to the winners. Everybody looked shocked that Harry and I won, with Snape as the Potions professor Harry could barely pull an A, but now he actually won and not to mention a new comer like me should be left behind instead of winning.

"Class dismissed everybody." Slughorn said after everybody cleaned up their stations.

"Harry how did you do that?" Ron asked, "And you too, A? You didn’t even open your book."

"Gee thanks Ron" Harry replied sarcastically.

"I'm serious." Ron said.

"I got lucky I guess." Harry said with a smirk and saw Malfoy pass them.

"Seriously Harry." Hermione demanded.

"I'll tell you in the common room." Harry whispered.

“What about you, A?” they turned to me.

“Same, tell you in the common room.” I said and they dropped the topic. I leave them and go to my next class.

Draco P.O.V

I can’t believe Potter got the prize. It was frustrating. I bet he’s cheating. He doesn’t do so well in his potions. Alyson won it too. That is impossible. She’s new.

“Looks like she’s a complete package.” Blaise said beside me.

“She is. She’s got brains, beauty and she is really nice too.” Bailey replied.

“You said she’s nice? After what she did yesterday.”

“Hey, you went and provoked them first.” Blaise said. I hate it when his right.
♠ ♠ ♠
PLEASE READ : Another chapter up!! YAY!! I wouldn't be posting that often anymore. I was out of school for two months because of some health problems. I just went back to school and there is lots to catch up with. Plus the final exam is coming in less than a month. So I'm probably gonna be busy with school works and revision. I'll try my best to post at least a chapter every week. :))

Enjoy this chapter. This is for all of you. Thanks for the comments, it keeps me motivated. ^^