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I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 08.


Alyson P.O.V

I woke up and realized that I wasn’t in my bed. Then I remembered I must have accidentally fall asleep while I was thinking. I woke up in haste. I had missed breakfast and was about 5 minutes away from becoming late to Snape’s class. He is going to find some way to torture me that I was sure.

“Shit!” I yelled gathering my bag. I rushed to the Gryffindor tower and went straight up to the dorm. It was empty of course. I didn’t even bother taking of my glasses or wearing my contact lenses. I gathered all my books and threw it into my bag. I left my robe in the room and wore just the school top, black skirt and my black boots. I simply tied the tie around my neck and run quickly to the Defense against the dark Arts (DADA) classroom. I didn’t make it there in time. The class has started. When I opened the door and walked in, everybody turned to look at me.

"Oh miss Potter, gladly gracing us with your presence. 20 points and a week detention." Snape sneered.

‘Wow, he really hates me.’

“Sir, don’t make me blush. You know I’m your favorite student.” I carried on a sarcastic tone. Snape turned red in anger.

“Two weeks detention!” he barked. “Starting tonight! 9 pm at my office!” I sighed and rolled my eyes. I knew he would do that.

"You’re pushing it Miss Potter!" barked Snape again. “And proper uniform is required next time.”

“I hate him.” I muttered under my breath. He was personally picking on me. I walked to where Hermione was sitting.

“No, Miss Potter you can sit beside Mr. Malfoy. Miss Parkinson you shall move your place next to Miss Granger.” The whole class gasps.

“WHAT!” the three of us yelled.

“Why do I have to move?” Parkinson asked. “Why can’t she move to another place?”

“Because I said so, miss Parkinson. Move now.” Snape pointed the sit next to Hermione. Parkinson packed her things and moved. She gave me a death glare when she walk past me. I stood there froze.

‘What was he thinking? Is he trying to torture me?’

“Take your sit Miss Potter.” He sneered.

“No. I’m not sitting next to that prick.” I said calming myself down.

"Either you sit beside him or you take 3 weeks detention." Snape yelled.

“I think I rather take the detentions sir.” I smirked. The class roared with laughter. Snape glared at them and they immediately quiet down. Everyone was focusing on what was going to happen next.

"Sit next to Mr. Malfoy now and you have now 3 weeks detention." Snape said with a satisfied grin.

“No. I’ll take the detentions but I will not sit with him. That I insist.” I said with my arms crossed.

“I’m the teacher and you’re the student. So I suggest you sit down now.” Snape hissed.

“It seems that you don’t know me. I have a record of disobeying instructions and rules.” I said coldly. Snape walked to me when I turned to leave.

“Do not forget what you have to do. “

“I never did. I don’t need your help. I know what to do.” I hissed through gritted teeth. Everybody looked at us but they couldn’t get what were we talking about because it was too

‘What was he thinking bringing it up in a class?’

“Don’t push it.”

“No, you don’t push it. You know what I’m capable of when I snapped.” I smirked. He immediately stepped back. I could feel anger raging up inside of me but I kept it cool. I walked out of the classroom with stares from my classmate, friends and my brother. I walked back to the dorm. I threw my bag on the floor and plopped down on the bed.

‘Great. Now I have detention and it’s only second day of class.’

“URGH! I HATE HIM!” I screamed with my face in the pillow. It felt good considering the fact that I felt like I was about to explode minutes ago. I changed of my glasses. I was not use people seeing me or going out wearing glasses and that was my first time. I pulled out a few pieces of paper and a pen from my bag.

-Dear Serena,

How are you? Things are a little different here. Hogwarts is good so far though not as good as Constance. There is lots of homework. I’ve made new friends and surprisingly some girl friends. They are really nice. I get to know my twin brother. His name is Harry. We look nothing alike but attitude wise we are both quite stubborn. I met his best friends Hermione and Ron. I met Ron sister too, Ginny. They are really nice to me. Hermione, Ginny and I are really getting along well. People are starting to get use of having me around and not treat me like a celebrity. I got three weeks detention from the so called “greasy git” on my second day of class. Fan- freaking-tastic right? Please note the sarcasm. How is thing s there without me? I really miss New York and you and Nate and Chuck and Dorota. Please help me tell Dorota that I’m fine.

P.s. You could show them the letter too if you want to.

Love, xoxo

I fold up the letter. I tied it to Athena’s leg. Athena is my owl. I got her on my 11th birthday by Dumbledore. She is snow white owl, really pretty.

“Athena, take this to Serena’s and make sure she gets it.” I said and she took off. I lay on my bad and took a nap.

“Alyson, wake up. It’s dinner time.” Hermione shake my shoulders.

“Go away, Hermione.” I mumbled under the pillow.

“Come on, Harry is worried about you.”

“He has nothing to worry about. I’m fine.”

“Come on wake up now or I’m going to have to do it the hard way.” Hermione threatened.

“Okay, okay. I’m up.” I said sitting up.

“We are waiting for you down in the common room.” Hermione said leaving the room. I have got to think how to explain to them. I hope they believe me or I’m in for shit. I put on my contact lenses and went down. There sat Harry, Ron, and Hermione on the couch. I went over and sat on the floor.

“Hi, guys.” I yawned.

“Why are you so tired and where have you been last night?” Harry questioned me.

“Erm… I had to go back to New York and I came back just this morning.” I said.

“Why?” Ron asked.

“Because I have a career there. You don’t expect to come here and ditch everything back at New York do you? There are some modeling jobs that are pre-booked. I’ve signed a contract therefore I have to do it.” I lied. Well it’s not totally a lie. I do have some pre-booked modeling jobs that I have to attend to sometimes but it was just not yesterday.

“Then what was that about with Snape?” Hermione asked.

“He pisses me off. He’s taking advantage that I am here now. Last time I made him mad, there was nothing he could do. So he’s taking it all out now.” I explained. They just nodded.

“Come on lets go get something to eat.” We all stood up. I felt a little bit light headed and I couldn’t stand properly.

“You alright?” Harry came by my side holding on to me so I won’t fall over.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said. “It’s just that if I skip a meal I usually get light headed or dizzy and today I miss two meals.”

“Sorry, we should have woken you up for lunch but you look so tired.” Hermione said.

“It’s ok. I’ll be fine after I eat something.” Harry and Hermione both walked by my side and Ron was at the back. They helped me to the great hall. After I ate, I did feel lots better. Later, I head down to the dungeon for my detention. I knock on the door before going in.

“You’re early.” Snape said without looking up from what he’s doing.

“You're I’m late so you could give me another detention. Not happening. I don't like to give others the satisfaction.” I scoffed and sat at the front table.

“I take it you’re not going to apologize for what happen this morning.” He said.

“No I’m not but please don’t bring that up in class. I don’t want anyone in class to find out. It will only make things harder. Don’t try to help again.”

“I won’t but you still have to sit with Mr. Malfoy.” Snape agreed to my condition. He could be nice when he wants to actually. Professor Snape watch me grew up just like Dumbledore. He used to be like a father figure to me when I was little. He knew me as well as Dumbledore knew me but things change as I grew older. We talked less. Mostly he just thought me potions and leaves. Sometimes I miss having a decent talk with him.

“Is that necessary?” I asked. He acquiesced. “Fine.” I sighed. “But don’t expect me to listen to class though.”


“You know how much I already know about defense. It’s bad enough sitting to Malfoy and I already know about all those. It gets boring.” I mocked.

“You’re a student; it’s your duty to listen to class.”

“I know. Just don’t pick on me on purpose. I know you like it but spare me.”

“I could do that but don’t go too far.”

“So what am I suppose to do here? And how long am I going to be here?”

“An hour. Label these ingredients and if we have extra time I could probably teach you some potions.” I was surprised when he said that he would teach me potions.

“That's a surprise.” Then I started labeling the ingredients. We both do our things in silence for 10 minutes but I don’t like it. So I start a topic. “You know you really aren’t that bad as people say.”

“You just found out after so many years?”

“Nope. It’s just that sometimes you are really getting on my nerves n sometimes you are being decent to me. Like mood swings.”

“That’s because you are sometimes really annoying.”

“I didn’t know I was annoying. Mostly people tell me I’m likeable and nice.” Snape scoffed.

“They must be blind. That’s not the only reason I’m being nice to you. You remind me of your mom.”

“My mom? As in Lily Potter? But as far as I know I look nothing like her.” I asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

“You may not look like her but your attitude resembles her.” Snape said.

“How?” I asked, interested in the talk.

“You are kind very much like your mother. You see the best in others, even when they could not see it themselves.”

“I still am now.” I defend myself. He shook his head.

“You change a little when you grew older. You still have those traits in you but you are different now.”

“As in?”

“Just different.” He said. I sighed. I knew it was true what he said.

“The situation and environment that I grew up in changed me. I had to act that way to survive. As the time goes by, I sort of get used to it and it has become part of me.” I admitted.

“Exactly. Your mother is also sharp tongue, and had no trouble standing up to others. She too held strong to her principles just like you do. You have your father’s ability to get into trouble too.”

“That I have to agree on. I do always get into trouble.” I chuckled and he smiled. I haven’t seen them in a very long time. After that both of us kept quiet. When I finished everything it was just in time 1 hour. Before I walked out, I turned back and looked at him.

“Thanks, Uncle Sev. I actually miss talking to you all these years. Today’s talk was actually decent after so many years. So I hope we could keep with that.” I said and walked to the door. I stopped as he started speaking.

“Just don’t make what happen today morning a habit. And bring your potions book tomorrow. We will be making some potion.” Snape said. I smiled as I leave. I walk back to the common room. Hermione and the other were talking by the fire. I went over and join them.

“How was detention, sis? Did Snape give you a hard time?” Harry asked.

“Nope. He was actually quite nice which surprises me.” I answer truthfully while staring into the fire.

“Nice? I didn’t even think that Snape knows the word nice.” Ron scoffed.

“Really. He actually offered to coach me on potions too you know.”

“I wonder what has gotten into him.”

“Don’t be rude, Ronald.” Hermione scolded Ron.

“You know Hermione. You really sound like my mum.” Ron said only to be slapped in the head by Hermione. She stomp up to the dorm leaving the three of us down there.

“Did I say something?” Ron asked the both of us. Harry just shrugged while I burst out laughing. Which leave them both looking at me confused. I bid them goodnight and went up too.

I saw Hermione sitting on her bed with her face in the pillow fuming about Ron. I couldn’t help but chuckled quietly. I walk to my own bed and lay on it. I lay on my bed listening. Hermione kept going on and on about how stupid and thick is Ron. After awhile, I decided to make my presence notice.

“Want to talk about it?” I said. She immediately looks up.

“Alyson, I didn’t notice you came in. Erm… How long have you been here?”

“About 10 minutes.” She blush.

“What did you hear?” She asked embarrassingly.

“Everything.” I smiled. She blush more. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me.” She nodded sheepishly. “Word of advice though. Talking to the pillow is not going to help. Goodnight.” I said before I rolling over on my side. I turn off the table light and went to sleep.
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Another chapter up!! i haven't post something in a long time. if u read previous notes, I'm busy with school finals and my bitch of a friend is sorta giving me a hard time at school. so many things in mind. I'm post something today because I was really in the mood and plus it is my birthday today. :))

I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Remember to