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I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 09.


Alyson P.O.V

Classes continued for the entire week. Nothing exciting happened. I get to know more about Harry and the others. I found out that Ginny had a boyfriend name Dean and Harry is so jealous about it. Though he won’t admit it. He was Seamus best friend. I spend more time with Seamus too. He would flirt with me and so would I. He’s a nice guy.

There was lots of homework. The free period that sixth years got unfortunately didn't seem like a free period. It was just a tiny bit of extra time to catch up on homework. There wasn’t another order meeting. Snape thought me some potions when I was in detention. Things were going on pretty well to say.

Harry still believed that Malfoy is a death eater. It drove Hermione and Ron nuts sometimes. Hermione and Ron were as usual bickering with each other. It was actually quite an amusing thing to watch.

I did also notice that Malfoy wasn’t really present. He was there but his mind wasn’t. He was always space out. We didn’t talk. We would pass by in the hallway but that’s just it. I would occasionally catch him looking at me but when I look back he immediately look away. I guess I’d manage to make an impression on him then.

I would still go to the music room sometimes. It was another night that I couldn’t sleep. I decided to head down to the kitchen this time. I’m not allowed to take midnight snacks but I guess once wouldn’t harm. I put on a jacket and a pair of flats, took a book and went out. Humming softly, I wandered the halls of Hogwarts School, admiring the snoozing portraits as I passed, occasionally greeting the few who were still awake.

I took a right down towards the hallway where I knew the kitchens were. I walked up to the portrait, reached up and tickled the pear all the while thinking this was quite a ridiculous way of gaining access to the kitchens, but amused none the less and watched as it turned into a big, brass doorknob. I stepped inside, making sure to close the door behind me. I sat at the kitchen counter.

“Miss Potter it’s a great pleasure to meet you. Can I get you anything?” A house elf came up to me and asked.

“Erm… yes. A cup of hot tea, please.” I open my book and start reading. The house elf came back with a cup of tea. “Thanks.”

“Miss Potter is just as nice as your brother, Harry Potter.” The house elf said.

“You must be Dobby then.”

“Miss Potter knows about Dobby?” Dobby looked at me smiling.

“Call me Alyson, Dobby. Harry told me about how you save his life in second year.” He grinned. He then went away and came back with some cookies.

“Cookies.” He placed the plate in front of me. I pushed it away and shook my head. “Alyson Potter must take some cookies. Dobby insists.” He pushed them back to me. I sighed and thank him. I sat there reading my book, sipping on my tea and tasting on the cookies. They taste really good. I sat there for quite some time. When I was halfway through, I heard the door open. I looked back and saw the one and only Draco Malfoy standing there.

"What are you doing here Potter?" Malfoy asked.

"I could ask you the same thing, Malfoy." I replied, spitting his name like venom.

"Well aren't you going to answer me?" He shot back.

"Reading, what does it look like?" I rolled my eyes.

"Couldn't you do that in your dorm?" He asked.

"Well since you care so much, I also came here for a few cups of tea." I said going back to reading.

"Well, are you going to ask me why I'm here?" Malfoy asked.

"Why should I? What you do is none of my business." I replied, still reading. “Besides I’m guessing you just came down here to terrorize the house elves.”

Scowling, Draco answered, "Listen Potter-"

"Uh uh uh," I stood up from my chair and look at him. I wagged my finger at him. "I think you need to think up some new nicknames. There are two Potter's now."

"Yes. He's Pothead, you're Potter. There's a difference, princess."

"Oh what did I do to deserve such an honor?" I batted my eyelashes and smiled. Oblivious to my sarcasm, Draco smirked.

Seeing his oblivion, I rolled my eyes. "Sweetie…" I slid up to him and placed my hand gently on his chest. Draco's eyes widened and he jerked back. I took another step until he was backed into a corner. I smirked as I ran a hand through his hair, and lifted his chin. I debated on how to intimidate him the most. I noticed Draco begin to regain control over himself and I inwardly sighed and leaned forward. I put my mouth next to his ear and silently laughed as I felt his heart speed up under my hand.

"Darling," I whispered into his ear, "I'm better than you. I am now and I always will be. The faster that you accept that, the faster you can get on with your life.” I slowly moved away from him, a dark smile playing upon my lips. I waved the tips of my finger and winked. "Tell Voldie I said hi, and that I'll be seeing him soon." I walk back to the counter, took my book and head back to the Gryffindor tower.

I quietly sneak up to the dorms and to my bed without waking up any of my fellow housemates up.

I tried going to sleep but I just can’t. I guess I drank too much tea just now. I wanted to continue reading my book but when I open it something was gone. The picture Henry gave me. It was my favorite picture. The picture of the both of us. I started to panic. I look around everywhere for it. I couldn’t believe how careless I am. I lost our picture. No matter how many times I go through the book, there was no sign of the picture. I figured I must have dropped it in the hallway or in the kitchen so I follow the way back down.

Third Person P.O.V

She left, leaving Draco against the wall staring after her. Her hair swaying as she walked away. His lips parted and he licked them. For a moment there, Draco though that Alyson was going to kiss her. She smelled like rose, so sweet and fragrant like perfume.

"Is it wrong to be completely turned-on by that?" He asked himself rhetorically.

When he realized what he was thinking, he immediately shook of the thoughts. He caught sight of a picture on the floor near the counter. He bends down and picked it up. It was a picture of Alyson with a guy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Alyson has her arms wrapped around the guy’s neck. They seem pretty close. He turned over the picture and there were words at the back of it.

-We may not be able to see or listen to each other often but thoughts of you will fill my heart with fond memories of the times we’ve spent together. Remember that I’m someone you can lean on, count on and someone that you can tell on. Even when the whole world has turn against you, you know I won’t.
Love, Henry.-

‘Who was this guy?’ the thought came to his mind. The note at the back of the picture sounded like they have something going on between them. I kept the picture into my pocket and just went back to the Dungeons deciding to skip the snacks. When he got back, Blaise was already sleeping. Well of course, it was midnight. He placed the picture on his bedside table and fell asleep with the thoughts of her.

Alyson P.O.V

I trace my way back down to the kitchen. There was no sign of the picture along the way. I went into the kitchen and look around everywhere for it. It was nowhere to be found. How could it be? I checked every possible place. It couldn’t have just disappeared like that. I stood there thinking a little while to where the photo might be. Dobby must have seen looking around because he came over to me.

“Are you looking for something Miss Potter?” Dobby asked.

“Have you seen a photo Dobby?” I asked him hoping that he had found it somewhere or might have seen it.

“No, miss. I haven’t.” he replied politely.

“Never mind then. Thank you.” I sighed. I feel like giving up. The photo it help keeps me sane and it always reminds me that I’ll never be alone. What am I going to do without it? I sighed and walk back to my dorm. Then it suddenly hit me.

'Could it be? Malfoy. He must have seen it and kept it.' I seriously need to talk with the boy tomorrow despise how much I didn’t want too. The thoughts of him lingering on my mind even after I fell asleep.
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This chapter is not as long as the others but it's something. Finals are over and i should be posting more often. Though i can't be sure. :) I'm so exited about tomorrow's Harry Potter final dvd release in Orlando. I'm a Harry Potter fan obviously. XD I'm gonna watch it on E! livestream. It's 8:30 p.m. EST. I sort off have another story in mind but I don't know if I should post it.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter!!

As usual i wanna say don't be a silent reader. :))