Status: ONESHOTS: I'm accepting requests.

Collection of 'Shots

A Little Demonic Romance

It was only a matter of time before they found me. It wouldn’t be much longer before they heard of me and tracked me down just to pester me to give them what they want. Who am I talking about? Oh but surely you’ve heard of them. There are after all only two of them on the planet. Sam and Dean Winchester. Oh now you remember. Well for now I’m going to relax and kick back until they do come and find me. I sat down in my La-Z-Boy chair and just as I put the footstool up my screen door, in lack of better words; hit the floor with a thud. I stared at it in feigned disappointment.
“Well there goes a couple thousand dollars down the drain.” The two boys appeared through the dust that had been stirred up from the rubble, and when it cleared, their faces became visible. It was no other than Sam and Dean Winchester. Of course. I stood. I didn’t want to be caught off guard, those boys when they wanted to could be very sneaky. “Well hello. If I had known you were coming I would have set up some refreshments.” I remarked, a hand on my chin, and my blonde hair cascading down my left shoulder. The shorter man watched my movements hungrily. I mean, talk about sex deprived. Spicy.
“Enough idle chit chat Demon. You know what we want now where is it?” The taller one, Sam presumably, demanded.
“Well Damn. You boys are quick to make assumptions. Don’t really tend to get to know people do you?” I said circling them.
“Stop procrastinating. Now tell us where you hid it. Now. ” Dean said. Spicy and hot. Not bad, not bad at all.
“You two really need to learn some manners. First you break down my door, rather expensive door might I add, and now you are up in my face demanding things that aren’t even yours. What did that father of yours teach you? Anything in that head of yours, anything at all per chance? What was his name again? Oh yes. That’s right, John,” I smirked. “John Winchester .”
I got what I wanted. An angry Dean, for he slammed his fist on my coffee table, breaking that as well. “You do not talk about my father like that. Or I swear demon, I don’t care what or who you are I will detach your head from your body.” I raised my hands in the air wiggling them back and forth. “Ooh, scary. I’m shaking in my boots. And,” I started, “you owe me a new door and a new coffee table. Your IOU bill is slowly filling up and getting kinda pricy if you ask me.” I commented suavely.
“That’s just it, we didn’t ask you. Now where is it?” Sam and Dean asked me. “Well aren’t you just a bunch of poorly informed idiots. The object you are looking for isn’t an object.” I half insulted half informed them.
“Well then, what is it?” Sam asked a burning curiosity in his eyes. “The object isn’t an object at all.” I smiled deliriously, savoring what will happen next. “It’s me.” I watched as their jaws dropped considerably. “What?” Dean asked shocked. “I am the weapon. If you want help to destroy Lucifer, then you have to accept me.”
Sam and Dean shared a look then nodded their heads. “Fine.”
I smiled. “Then we have reached an agreement.”
-1 Year Later-
Its been 6 months since I got lost from the boys, and I honestly didn’t want to find them so I didn’t really try to search for them. They didn’t try to look for me, and I will do the same by not looking for them. Treat others how you want to be treated right? Besides every demon I killed for them, everything I did, I got no thanks of gratitude. Used and then dumped how nice. Such a friendly bunch aren’t they?
I had been looking down so I was not aware that I had run into someone until I landed on my own ass. My eyes trailed from the man’s black boots to his ripped worn jeans to his tan jacket to his face. By this point I had some suspicions as to who it is. And I was correct. Sighing, I asked, “What do you want Sam?”
“Dean. Dean’s- well I don’t know I would say he’s in love but that’s impossible.” I laughed. “Who’s the unlucky bitch? I want to meet this fake slut.” Sam gave me a look that said ‘I’m serious.’ I immediately sobered up. “You mean you’re serious? You’re kidding right?” He gave me a weird look. “Uh, no. I’m not joking. I’m serious. He’s in love.” I laughed uncontrollably. “Yeah right. With who? A bar waitress he met over his evening cocktail?”
“No…wait what’s your name? If you have one that is.” I look at him like he’s nuts. “You’ve known me for six months and now you bother to ask what my name is? Oh I am so out of here.” I turn to leave but he grabs my shoulder. “No. Wait. Please, I’m sorry. But If you could just tell me, I think Dean would be at ease.”
“It’s Lydia Damon I’m the one Dean likes? Oh kill me now.” I groaned with my head in my hands. “You know, that could be easily arranged.” I slapped him lightly. “Shut your pie hole.” I sighed. There’s only one way to settle this. “Take me to Dean.”

-Later At the Hotel-

“Dean?” I called. I had gone alone. Sam needed to take care of some business. I heard a rustle then a “Yeah?” I took a hesitant step forward. “Dean? Its me. Lydia.” I almost added the girl you ditched but I figured I’d shock him with my new appearance. I didn’t want to kill the poor guy…yet. He appeared around the corner “Whoa. Who are you?” My eyes turned red. What he was seeing was a 5’ 7” black haired, pale skinned, woman. “I’m Lydia. The demon you left without warning.” I helped him out. “No way.” He ran at me and hugged me. I pushed him away. “No Dean. I don’t want to-“ Suddenly I felt lips on mine. Without realizing it, I kissed back. He pulled away and smirked. “You’re mine now.” He kissed me again. And you know this time, I don’t think I minded.

I was nestled snugly in Dean’s arms on his bed, no we weren’t doing that. I’m not telling you how it was. Okay maybe a little wouldn’t hurt. He was absolutely great. Anyway, I was nestled there, all happy and content and then Sam walked and just had to interrupt us. Shielding his eyes he yelled out, “Get a room! I don’t want to see that!”
We laughed. “We are in a room.” Dean answered. Sam backed out closing the door. As he left he complained over his shoulder, “Then get another one!” We chuckled then went back to living a perfectly happy life until Dean just had to go and do something stupid. Again.
Until next time.
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So what do you think? Personally I like the ending. Its a little like its from a comic book ending but its not cliche. Thank God. So it's unique. Don't you think?