Status: ONESHOTS: I'm accepting requests.

Collection of 'Shots

Electric Feel

“Rizuka!” I heard my name being called. I turned around to face whoever had been calling me. Unsurprisingly it was Ino with Sakura. Sighing, I lazily asked them what they wanted.
“What are you going to be for Halloween? I’m going to be Konoha’s witch.” Ino told me. A witch? Suiting really, for her anyway. “And I’m going to be a princess!” interrupted Sakura. “Cool. Where’s Sai?” I asked curiously. Of course. Only Sakura could pull off a pink haired princess. “Oh he’s getting his vampire bat costume from one of the stores in town. Anyway, stop trying to change the subject. What are you going to be? Come on, tell us!” the pink haired girl pleaded relentlessly. “Yeah!” Ino chipped in.
Groaning, I told them the horrifying news. Well at least for them it would be horrifying. “I’m not going to be anything. I dislike Halloween. So why would I have anything to do with it if I didn’t enjoy it. Really it would be quite stupid.” Sakura and Ino looked crestfallen, but I couldn’t care less. “But why? Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, and Lee are going too. In fact, I think I heard something about Kakashi going as a wizard.”
I laughed. Kakashi, our noble Icha Icha loving Kakashi, a wizard? Yeah right. “I’m still not going Sakura. And nothing you say will change my mind. Good day lovelies.” I swiftly left them. I don’t know how much longer I could take their hounding questions. I hated Halloween with a passion. And I was not going to share with them why. So I left before they could even think to ask. I think it was best really.
“Oomph…” with my spiraling thoughts going quickly, I hadn’t thought to look up to see where I was going. I let my feet lead and that in itself, was pretty darn reckless on my part. I looked up from my place on the ground to stare into the dazzling onyx black eyes of Shikamaru’s. “Oh hello Shika,” I greeted pleasantly. “Fancy seeing you here, going on a walk?” We were in the forest, so why else would he be here? The training grounds are in the other direction. So I don’t know why he would be here, unless . . . no. His favourite cloud watching spot lay on the other side of Konoha. Not here in the woodsy forest (1).
Shikamaru sighed. “Sort of. I thought there was a better spot to watch clouds here, but clearly, I was wrong. There are too many trees in the way. You can’t see the sky well from that vantage point.” It sounded like he was talking more to himself than me. But I didn’t mind. I drew my cloak tighter around my small frame; it was chilly in this part of the woods.
His eyes grew in concern when my chattering teeth could be visibly heard. “Are you cold Rizuka?” I shook my head. “No.” but Shika being Shika refused to believe me. I didn’t blame him. My stubbornness wasn’t very convincing to me, or to him. He immediately saw through my lie. Latching on to my arm, he brought me to his home. “What are we doing here?” I asked. By that point, I was thoroughly drenched. It had started raining when we were in the forest, but we were not aware due to the thickness of the trees, and the amount of foliage over our heads shielding us from the oncoming weather.
“Be quiet and wait here.” I just nodded my head I was too tired to do anything else. Soon he came back. “Here.” He handed some clothes to me and pointed me in the direction of the bathroom. Once in the little area I changed into the dry clothes that I guessed, were Shikamaru’s. Padding silently down the hall, I coughed gaining his attention. “Where do I put these?” I asked unsure. “Just throw them in the drier. I’ll take care of them later.” I nodded again but realized foolishly that he could not see me, so I responded with a simple ok and turned around quickly to hide my blush. I was such a hopeless baka.
“I would let you sleep in the guest room, but Choji is occupying it for now. And I don’t have a couch or anything, and Choji has all my spare blankets, so you’ll have to sleep in my bed, if that’s okay with you?” I blushed a little at that. “It’s alright. I could just sleep on the floor. Its no big deal.” Shikamaru shook his head. “No. Just sleep in my bed alright? You are making this much too troublesome.” After he expressed his frustration, I complied with his wishes by crawling underneath the covers in his bed and making myself at home. As soon as my head hit the pillows, I was out like a light.
When I awoke, I was warm and comfortable. I snuggled closer to my source of warmth and laid my head on it. Wait. My only source of warmth was myself and . . . Shikamaru. My eyes shot open and I tried to scramble away but apparently Shikamaru had a grip on me that was a little strong. If you can’t get away, you join ‘em, right? So that’s just what I did because there wasn’t really anything else I could do.
As I lay there, I realized that I- “Rizuka? What are you doing?” I glared at him. “I didn’t do anything. You pulled me over here.” He blushed. “Sorry. I guess I like to cuddle in my sleep.” Lazily, he yawned and got out of bed. “Are you going with us tonight?” I looked at him fearful. “No. I hate Halloween.” Shikamaru looked up at me in surprise. “Why? Someone like you would like something like this eventful holiday.” I sighed. “But I don’t.” He set down his clothes and sat on the edge of the bed. “So you must have a reason. If you want to tell me, I’m here for you. You know, you’re not the only one who has lost somebody dear to you.” He got his clothes and entered the bathroom.
I watched him leave in shock. How did he- ugh. Never mind that. Later Shikamaru came out of the bathroom dripping wet and made me lick my lips involuntarily. I blushed after I realized what I did. “Are you alright?” I nodded my head. He was about to leave the room when I spoke up. “I don’t like Halloween because of my . . . father. He would . . . beat his opinions into me- physically. He told me that Halloween was something I should not participate in. So I didn’t. I haven’t heard from him since the day he left bruises on my arms. I’m afraid one day he’ll come back and-“ Suddenly I was scooped up by arms. “It’s okay. I won’t let that happen to you, alright?” he soothed me. I nodded again. Man I seem to be doing that a lot lately.
A black fuzzy thing bounded on top of us and smashed us together, accidently making our lips connect. We were kissing and I liked it. He moved his lips with mine and I did the same. I didn’t hear the footsteps but I heard the voice. “Hey-whoa! Am I interrupting something?” We jumped apart and Shika growled out “KIBA!” he winked, grinning. “Are you coming with us?” Shikamaru glanced at me then looked back at the Inuzuka. “No, I don’t think I’ll go this year. I’ll stay here with Rizuka.” Kiba smiled knowingly. “Alright Shikamaru. Be good you two. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” With one last wink, he left. Shikamaru sung softly. “You shock me like an electric feel.” And kissed me once more, sending me into a world of oblivion.
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(1): (Remember the Episodes with Sora the gray haired guy? When he and Naruto were in the forest trying to throw kunai through the tree? That is the forest she is talking about).
And the black thing is Akamaru, yes I know he is white in color, but is costume is that of batman.