‹ Prequel: Starting Over
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The Tales of Starting Over

School (Part 1)

"Are you sure about this?" Trevor, my future husband, asked me. We were pulling into the parking lot of Stewart Prep. We just moved to a small town called Winnaway, Iowa. "We can wait until next year."

"We? It's not your fault I'm pregnant. Plus, the principal knows already. And I don't want us to miss out on senior year."

"Cassidy, are you 100% sure?" He only calls me Cassidy when he's serious, usually he calls me Cass, and he's also the only one who I let call me Cass.

"Yes, Yes, Yes!" I said.

"Okay Cass. Your wish is my command." Trevor said, pulling into a parking space and getting out of the car. He walked around and opened the door for me.

"Thank you, Perfect Gentleman." I smiled at him. He smiled back and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

As we walked towards the school, our fingers intertwined. We found the senior registration desk.

"Trevor Whitham and Cassidy Brown." Trevor said to the lady behind the desk. She gave us a fake smile and handed us our schedules. We reached for each others after looking at our own.

"Dream come true." I said. "WE have every class together.

"Except I have art and you have music." he reminded me. I frowned. "But our lockers are only two spaces away from each other." he tried to cheer me up. I smiled at him.

"Do I look fat?" I asked self-consciously. He stopped in the middle of the hallway and stared at me, causing me to stop too.

"When I see your face
there's not a thing that I would change
Cuz girl you're amazing just the way you are
And when you smile
My whole world stops and stares for a while
Cuz girl you're amazing just th-" I cut him off with a kiss. Not just because people were staring, but also because I couldn't help myself.

"Thank you." I said, pulling away. We both found our lockers, and people were already at the lockers between us. But we would find ourselves looking at each other anyway.

We grabbed each other's hands and started walking towards first period. Then Trevor stopped.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"You aren't carrying those books." he said, holding his hands out. I'm only three months, I don't think it matters that much, but I didn't tell him that of course.


"No buts." he told me. I reluctantly handed him my books. He looked smug as we continued walking.


The teacher came in as soon as the bell rang. "Hello and welcome to civics 2.0. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Mr.Howard, and for those of you who do know me, you know we will have assigned seats." The class filled with groans.

Mr.Howard picked up a list and started reading names. "Elizabeth Reed, Trevor..." apparently he was stuck n his last name. "Whitham."

"Carly Boxer." he continued. I was upset that Trevor wasn't going to sit next to me. I felt bad for feeling jealous. My thoughts were interrupted by my name being called. "Cassidy Brown."

I was sitting next to Mike Washington and Samantha Grace. I started talking to Samantha- she told me to call her Sam- until I got in trouble.

To jeep my mind off of Trevor, I payed attention to the teacher. After a few minutes, Mr.Howard stopped and looked at me. "Do I have spinach in my teeth Ms.Brown?"

"Uhh." my face turned bright red. "No."

"Please. You don't have to pay that much attention to me Ms.Brown. You're making me feel uncomfortable."

"Sorry." I whispered. I looked down at my desk, then a paper came by my face. It was a not from Trevor.

T: Hey cutie. Don't be embarrassed
C:Okay Trevor. Thanks
T: Your handwriting looks really nice
C:Thanks. I miss you
T: But I'm right here
C:And still so far away
T:I Love you
C:I love y-

I didn't get to finish writing because the paper got snatched away by Mr.Howard

"'Don't be embarrassed'" he started reading from the note. When he was done reading, the class was filled with laughter from the boys without girlfriends, "Awww"s from the girls without boyfriends, and "Why don't you ever do that?" from the girls with boyfriends.

Thankfully, the bell rang. Trevor walked up behind me and grabbed me around my waist. "How is my Princess?" he asked me.

"Your Princess is fine." I answered.

"And my Queen?"

"Sooooo embarrassed."

"Don't be." Trevor said, grabbing my hand and kissing my forehead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. So there are more parts after this (obviously) but if you didn't read starting over then you should read that first. And also check out my story Trusted =)

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