Status: Finished

An Apocalypse Love Story


Amber and Billie were setting up their spare room as a nursery when I arrived.
"You guys okay?" I asked.
Amber nodded and said, "Just scared us a little,"
"How's Mike?" Billie asked.
Jeez news travels fast in this town!
"He's fine, Extraordinary Girl said he wouldn't be crippled, he can go back to work in a couple weeks,"
"I'm sorry to hear that, Sarah and Tre are fine by the way, I went to check on them before you came over," Amber said.
"Oh good, then I'll go check on Jimmy and Theo,"
Amber nodded and went back to painting the walls a light green. Billie hung a dream catcher above the small window.
"Well, I'll just leave you two then, I left Mike with the kids," I said.
"Bye," Billie said.
"C'ya," amber called after me.
I let my self out and walked to Theo's liquor store.
A bell chimed as I pushed the door open.
Jimmy was leaning on the counter in a smock.
"Are you guys alright? Any damage?" I asked.
"We're fine, but, a few stray bullets hit some of the beers in the back and now Theo's all pissed," Jimmy shrugged.
"That's to bad, one of our living room windows got hit by a stray," I told him.
Jimmy nodded and pulled out a bottle of vodka and said, "catch," as he tossed it towards me.
I almost missed it but grabbed it my the neck of the bottle.
"What's this for?" I asked looking at the bottle.
"Heard Mike was shot in the leg, that's his favorite," Jimmy shrugged.
I smiled. "Thanks Jimmy,"
"Don't mention it, and I'm serious don't, Theo would be pissed,"
"I won't,"
I smiled and said goodbye.
I hid the vodka bottle inside my jacket and walked home.
I threw open the door and walked to my bedroom. Mike was reading a book to Lucy and Caleb. He was in the middle of the bed with Caleb on one side and Lucy on the other.
"Hey guys," I said.
Mike smiled at me and continued to read. While the kids weren't looking, I showed Mike the vodka bottle and pointed to the door.
He nodded and read some more and I walked to the kitchen to place the vodka bottle in the highest cabinet.