I Love You

I Love You

Finna Zayne was in a disenchanted mood.

She was always a bit a a sarcastic sort, but today her usual satiric humor was focused on complete and total cynicism.

As she shuffled into Potions like the rest of her fellow fifth years, she carefully looked around at the people in the room. No sign of her boyfriend Draco Malfoy. All for the better, she thought. Ever since Slytherin beat Gryffindor in Quidditch last weekend she had hardly seen her “hero” boyfriend. Snape was already drawling at the board, so Finna took out a quill and her diary, hiding it under her Potions notebook. She began writing to herself:

"My absolute and utter disgust of the human race is appalling.

Really, it shocks me.

I mean, I knew from a young age that I wasn’t a people person. I never dreamed to grow up, get married, have kids, and live next door to my best friends like the Flintstones or anything like that. When I was told to think about my future- I instantly thought of my career and lifestyle. I thought about me and my future. Not anyone I might be sharing it with.

But back to my whole utter disgust of the human race thing.

People are the most despicable things ever created.

We are hypocrites, for one. We put ourselves up on this pedestal, even if it’s subconsciously, and tear down everyone else around us. How does anyone expect anyone else to improve if we don’t let them?

We lie and cheat and steal and have the collective power to ruin the entire planet. That’s how horrible we are. The world is going to die an early and untimely death and it’s all because it’s infected with an awful little disease called Humanity.

Also- there’s the age old question of why are men such assholes? They treat women like crap. And it’s not like the women are any better. They bitch and moan about being treated like crap, but then try to do the same right back to men as if in the form of revenge. It’s ridiculous.

Then there are children. Don’t even get me started. I know we were all children once and yaddayaddayadda but that does not give kids the excuse to scream and fidget and run rampant on the entire community. It’s just not necessary, and it gives me quite a headache.

I should have been born a crocodile or something. Anything that lives all by itself its entire life and no one ever questions it. I can’t distance myself enough from society without being called a hermit or a freak.

Not that I care what anyone thinks, they’re going to say things about everybody. Might as well make the accusations against me true.

We spend an entire year blowing people off, slithering our way around responsibility out of pure laziness, and sitting on our asses and wait for the next poor schlub on the social/political/economic ladder to pick up our slack. And yet, maybe once in a blue moon, when we’re feeling as low as we actually are, we’ll perk up with a nice “hey, nice shirt” to our secretary or a “did you get a haircut?” to our apartment doorman. And suddenly all is forgiven. It’s so selfish.

Selfish. That is another thing our species is. Selfish. Indulgent too. Pride, gluttony, sloth, envy, lust, greed, wrath… we suffer from it all. And do we even care? Nahh. Not as long as we look good in the process.

People are the most deceitful and vile creatures in the Universe. I’m not saying that I’m not. Hell, I’m obviously just as cynical and bitter as the next guy today. I’m just owning up to it. Sadly, I am only human."

Just as she was writing this statement, the class began scooting their chairs back and exiting the dark, dungeon-like classroom. She was about to close her diary when a hand holding a rose slammed on her desk.

Finna jumped a bit, surprised by the sudden presence. She looked up to see Draco, a small smile on his pale face.

“Hey Finna,” he started, “I know I haven’t been around much lately and I’m terribly sorry. Accompany me to a picnic by the Black Lake?”

“A... a picnic?” Finna asked. Draco’s smile turned into an ear to ear grin.

“Just for my girl.” He kissed her cheek, making Finna take a mental note to rip this page out of her diary later. Or at least scribble out the part about being assholes.

“Ready to go?” Draco asked. Finna nodded and placed her hand in Draco’s. He squeezed it gently and said in the quiet, now empty room, “I love you.”