
Science Class...

"I'm sorry, I should have never mentioned it." Brad says

"You're right! How could you ever think about us like that?" I say angrily

"I don't know...and I'm sorry. Can we forget about it?" he pleads

"Yes." I say

"Good. So we have science class next...did you hear we have to disect frogs?"

"Oh no...you hate that." I say. I don't really like it either but Brad totally freaks out.

"I'll do the cutting if we're partners." I say

"Thanks." Brad says as we walk into science room. We sit down in our assigned seats and class begins.

"Hello class...as you may or may not have heard we're disecting frogs today. I usually let you pick your own partners but today I'm assigning them to you. Please listen as I read the list." Mr. Berkins says. Great..I wonder who I'll get. I listen for my name and Brad's.

"Nedd and Katrina." Great...Nedd is so disgusting. But atleast he'll do all the work...

"Tasha and Brad." How come he gets lucky? Tasha is the prettiest and nicest girl in school.

"Go find your lab partners and begin." Mr. Berkins says cheerfully. Wow he sure does love science...

"Hi Kat! You won't have to do a thing...you know I love disecting stuff." he says. Wow he's a winner.

"Yeah...go for it." I say. He immediately gets to work, and I look over at Brad to see how he's doing. Tasha is talking to him and he's smiling. Hm, that's good I guess.


"So how was class?" I ask Brad as he we walk out of class.

"Great. I asked Tasha to the dance next week."

"SERIOUSLY! Wasn't she already taken?"

"Apparently not, but now she is."

"Wow...that's great."

"I think so too." he says

"So..." I start to say

"I'll see you later." Brad says. I follow his gaze and see Tasha waving at him. He walks over and they start talking. I think this is the best thing ever. Afterall, he won't have feelings for me if he likes Tasha. Everything is working itself out, thank god!
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Sorry that it's a bit short but I promise there's more to come!