

Guess who I'm at the dance with?

You guessed it, nobody.

You see...I wasn't asked by anyone and I didn't feel like asking anyone so here I am, alone. But being alone has it's advantages....it leaves more time for spying!

"So, you want some punch?" Brad asks Tasha. What a genteman...

"Sure! But first I have to go to the bathroom. Just wait here for me when you get the punch."

"Okay!" Brad says happily, walking towards the refrehsments table. Following Brad would be much to boring, so I follow Tasha (nonchalantly of course).

"Hey babe." a tall, and I admit rather handsome guy says to Tasha. I expect her to slap him or tell him off, but she sure doesn't!

"Hey Rob!" she says, leaning towards him and kissing him. Oh. My. Gosh. What a loser! She's cheating on Brad.

"Want to dance?" he asks.

"Sure, but only one dance. You have to share me with my friends!" she says flashing him an incredibly beautiful smile that said "I'm pretty and you don't want to mess with me."

"Ok, deal. But I'll find you later!" he said grabbing her hand and pulling her to the dance floor. I wonder if I should tell Brad...no wait, he'll never believe me. There MUST be a way to let him know....

"Why can't we dance one more time? Come on..." the guy named Rob says

"Nope, I'll see you later." she says kissing him. Again. Then she walks back to her and Brad's meeting spot.

"Sorry it took me so long!" she says giving him a flirty smile. I'm starting to like her less and less as the night goes on.

"No problem." he says kindly. Even though he'd been waiting atleast eight minutes.

"So let's dance!" she said pulling him on the dance floor. I watched for a bit, and got a brilliant idea.

It took a while to find Rob, but I eventually did.

"Hi Rob!" I say

"Um...do I know you?"

"I'm a friend of Tasha's."

"Oh, ok. So what do you want?"

"Tasha wanted me to come tell you she's ready to dance again."

"Why didn't she come and tell me?"

"She's popular with everyone, so she was busy. Do you want to dance or not? Because if not I'll tell her...."

"NO! Of course I want to. Lead the way...uh...what's your name?"


"Whatever." Rob says, following me. I'm gambling on the fact that Brad and Tasha are still dancing...if not I'll be dead.

But of course Tasha is taking full advantage of Brad by grinding....ew I didn't know he would even do that. He always was the modest guy....stupid Tasha....

"Oh, she's over there." I say, pointing at the pair.

"Thanks I guess....wait...." he says, noticing she's with Brad.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Who's she with?"

"Oh, one of her other boyfriends. Didn't your mother teach you how to share?" I ask playfully. But he ignores me and marches right over to Tasha.

"WHO THE HECK IS THIS?????" he yells.

"Rob? How did you....?"

"WHO IS THIS?" he says again

"I can explain..."

"Tasha, who is that guy?" Brad asks

"I'm her BOYFRIEND, that's who I am!" he says.

"But...I thought..."

"Brad, I'm sorry." she says. I want to slap her, but the I realize she's being sincere.

"No, I'm sorry." he says, walking away looked very rejected.

"Who led you here?" she asks Rob. Oh crap.

"Your friend Susie."

"Who the heck is Susie?"

"That girl." he says pointing at me. She looks over and sees me. She looks mad at first, but then she seems to understand.

"I shouldn't have come here with both of you." Tasha says.

"I'll give you another chance Tasha" he says.

"I knew you would." she says smiling.

"So, want to dance?"

"Actually, I'm going to go talk to my friend Susie...be back in a minute."

"Ok baby." he says. I wonder how long they've been going out? Oh...wait...I should probably run now....but for some reason I don't move.

"Kat, I know why you did that."

"Well duh! He's my friend."

"So...you probably hate me now?"

"No...I just don't trust you."

"Alrgitht...well...go make sure Brad's ok." she says, looking over at Rob.

"And you go dance with Rob." I say

"I will." she says, walking away. Wow that was weird. Pushing the conversation out of my head, I go and look for Brad.