
I remember...

"He doesn't remember anything." a Docter says

"That is clear! So what do we do?" I snap. I've been upset since Brad didn't improve.

"Show him pictures and videos. Tell him stories. Anything to remind him of his life."

"Okay we will. Can we take him home?" his mom asks.

"Yes, but be delicate with him." the docter says. We bring him home and I automatically run to my house to get pictures.

"This one is of me and you at the beach."

"We look happy."

"Yeah...we were." I say remembering the feeling.

"This one is of me and you when we were five."

"Aw I was so cute!"

"Yeah, you were."

This goes on for hours and hours. Soon, it's late in the night.

"We've looked through all of the pictures, we have to give up for now." I say sadly. You know that saying 'You never miss something until it's gone'? Well I know it's true.

"Okay. Bye...um..."


"Right, bye Kat." I walk towards the door and I accidently drop a picture. He hadn't seen it.

"Hey, what's this one?"

"Um...it's of you and Tasha before the dance on Friday." I say, telling him the story. Suddenly, he remembers.

"YOU'RE KAT! My best friend. We watch movies! You're the one who showed me Tasha was a cheater...." he said and he also listed many other things. I tear up.

"Yes, that's me."

"And...I liked you." he said

"Yes you did." I say. Before I know it he kissed me. On the lips.

"I remember really badly wanting to do that." he says. I'm stunned. Not because he did it but because I deeply enjoyed it.
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I know this is SO SO SO SO SO SO short but I'll write more later!