I Will Never Leave You All Alone

I Will Never Leave You All Alone

"Pansy, you must let it go." Annika Pletz sighed.

“I refuse! You and Draco were so happy together!”

“Before he almost got me killed.”

Pansy Parkinson had no reply for her best friend after this, and instead returned to reading her potions book. The pair sat alone in the Slytherin girl’s dormitory as most everyone else was at supper. These days, Annika hadn’t felt much like eating.

It had been three weeks since Voldemort’s hissing face had her cornered against a wall, and the memory of it still haunted her at every moment.

“If he hadn’t lied to me about his father’s working with the Dark Lord... If he hadn’t left me so unaware and vulnerable...” she shuttered at the thought. “Then I wouldn’t have been found disarmed and alone.”

“But if Draco hadn’t come along and rescued you-”

“If it weren’t for Draco and his lies I wouldn’t have been there in the first place! I cannot forgive him for that.” Annika slammed her tie down on her mattress and huffed with anger and heartbreak. “Face it, Pansy. "There is no more Draco and Annika."

Pansy had gotten up and retreated to the window. "Um, are you sure?"

"Of course I’m sure!" Annika said walking towards her. "I’ve never been-" She gasped.

Draco was standing on the ground below with some ridiculous looking machine in his hands. Music was pouring out of it- something Annika had never heard before. She could see Draco’s green eyes go wide from the tower, but the music didn't stop.

“Let's try to remember these days back in December
Our lives were very different
I was lonely when we first met
A small upstairs apartment
Driving through the darkness to get back home
Before they knew you were even gone”

Annika cocked her head and listened as the lyrics rang through her head. It was almost scary, how well it fit to their own experiences in the past few months. All the things they had gone through as a pair...

“I miss you so much, a self-inflicted coma
The days drag on like marathons running with bare feet
And when I feel the stress, I'm lonely and depressed
I picture you in the dress you wore four weeks ago”

"Four weeks ago." Pansy repeated. “Four weeks ago was the Yule Ball!”

“You don't have to speak because I can hear your heartbeat
Fluttering like butterflies searching for a drink
You don't have to cover up how you feel when you're in love
I'll always know I'm not enough to even make you think
Please, slow down, girl
We're moving way too fast for their world
We've gotta make this last
I know it hurts to feel so all alone
I'm by myself, more then you could know
If only they were all alone...
They were all alone...
Please, slow down, girl
We're moving way too fast for their world
We've gotta make this last
Slow down girl
We're moving way too fast for their world
We've gotta make this last
I know it hurts to feel so all alone
I'm by myself, more then you could know
If only they were all alone...
They were all alone...
They were all alone...
They were all alone...”

When the song was finished and the machine went quiet, Draco looked up expectantly. He was shivering from the cold. Either that, or he was terribly nervous.

"Well?" His voice cracked.

Tears were in Annika’s eyes, but she couldn't bring herself to it. She just couldn't. She stood there like an idiot, at a loss for words.

"Come on." Draco begged. "I love you Annika. You know that. You love me too, please, please forgive me. You're the most beautiful thing to ever happen to me. I can't just lose you. Don't let me lose you." He looked up at Annika with sparkling eyes and a pleading face.

Annika did what she had to do.

She slammed the shutters.

And left Draco out in the cold.

Just as hurt, confused, and surprised as she was.

Pansy looked rapidly back and forth between the now closed window and her best friend.

"What is the matter with you?" She screamed about ready to smack Annika. Then she gestured toward the window. "He is so gaga about you that he froze his arse off in the middle of January to hold a stereo to serenade you and tell you that he’s sorry and that he loves you! It’s like a motherfucking muggle movie!"
"You don't understand." Annika said.

"Well I guess I don't because what you have down there is something that very few other people get. And you're just throwing them away. Don't you know that he would give anything for you to be happy?"
"I know. But how many times do I have to tell you, Pansy? I almost died because of him!”

"He saved your life, if I remember correctly! He did it for your own protection. So he was wrong, everyone is sometimes. Point blank, he’d give his life for you."


"But nothing. He loves you more then you'll ever know. He always will." She was silent as Annika thought. "And you’ll always love him too."

No more sound fluttered in the window. Draco was either trudging back to the castle entrance, defeated and tired, or waiting down there for Annika, fighting away the heartbreak that tried to suffocate his hope. Annika nodded, knowing that everything Pansy said was true. No matter what- through thick and thin- Draco was in her heart.

She raced out of the dorm and down the stairs as Pansy whooped and cheered behind her. The corridor was still empty with the smell of the Great Hall flooding Annika’s nostrils. Her feet carried her faster and faster, out the door, into the icy snow, and to where Draco was sitting slumped against the tower wall- just where she expected him.

“Annika!” He exclaimed with utter shock as she sprinted forward. He got up just in time to catch her in his arms.

“I forgive you,” she whispered into his shoulder, attempting to catch her breath. She filled her lungs with his aroma.

“Oh, Annika, I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I will never put you in that position ever again. I swear to you, Annika,” he pulled her up so they could look each other in the face for the first time in far too long and indulge themselves in a long, much needed kiss. “I will never leave you all alone.”