Breaking the Rules

chapter ONE.

It was a tradtion, it seemed, that every year Elizabeth Walker would spend the weekends and summer at her aunt's cabin at Camp Greenlake. Although to most, the idea of living in middle-of-nowhere Texas for two and a half months was thought to be overwhelmingly dull, but for Izzie, packing her things and driving for hours in the sweltering heat was what finally made her summer vaction kick off. It made no difference to her that Camp Greenlake was a correctional facility for juvenile delinquent boys.

It was not a tradition, however, for someone to be sitting in the passenger seat of Izzie's car during the drive to her aunt's cabin. Leighanne Harper could quite possibly have been the luckiest person within the nearest hundred miles. Having nothing productive to take part in this summer, her parents allowed her the opportunity to stay with her best friend since grade school for the duration of their summer vacation. Along with Izzie, Leighanne was to act as a camp counselor for Camp Greenlake. It still surprised Leighanne that her parents let her live in a place like Greenlake for that long, but nevertheless, she was happy they did.

As Izzie drove along the seemingly never-ending dirt road, the sun crept up the side of the mustard-yellow chevy impala, and danced across Leighanne's cheeks. Her brown eyes squinted in the light as she scanned the span of dirt on either side of them. They drew closer to what Leighanne assumed to be the outskirts of the camp, the dirt now scattered with large holes dug by the campers.

"How long does it take to dig one of these?" Leighanne inquired, trying in vane to count all the holes on her side.

Izzie laughed. "Usually all day. But it depends on the person digging. Zero is almost always the first one done out of the whole camp." she said.

Leighanne thought for a moment. She remembered hearing Izzie talking about a 'Zero' before. In actuality, she heard Izzie talking about an entire group of boys with funny names. According to Izzie, the boys of D-Tent were very interesting fellows. She didn't talk about them much, but when she did it was like she was talking about her friends. It was like the fact that they were juvenile delinquents didn't phase her. Leighanne had yet to figure out if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Wow," Leighanne eventually said, finally tearing her eyes from the continuous pattern of dark cirlces in the ground. "Kind of child labor, though, isn't it?" she asked.

Izzie fought back the urge to crack up. "Only you would think about something like that." she glanced at her best friend seriously. "This is a time for relaxation and fun, Leighanne...not worrying over the legalities of a juvy camp. ' helps build character." she mimicked the camp's motto, changing the subject.

Leighanne snorted. "Relaxation and a correctional facility. Sure." she said sarcastically. She grinned at Izzie. "I'm kidding. I'm really looking forward to this. I love you so much for letting me come with you this year," she said.

Izzie did a little dance in her seat. "I'm excited you could come! It gets boring out here by myself sometimes. We're going to have so much fun, Leighanne. You. Just. Wait." she said, slowing the car down a bit as a cloud of dirt billowed into the air infront of the windshield. "Especially for the eye candy. Some of these boys are pretty good-looking, to be honest." she added as soon as she could see the road again.

Leighanne rolled her eyes. "That's probably the only reason you come down here all the time, isn't it? Not to see your aunt..." she teased.

Izzie laughed and shook her head sarcastically. "Noooo," she drew out. In reality, however, Izzie loved her aunt very much. Not only was the warden her father's sister, but also her god mother. Izzie didn't know what her life would be like without 'Auntie LouLou'. "But really, though. Even though this is serious place, it's great having so many guys to gawk at."

"God, you're boy-crazy!" Leighanne bantered.

"That's a bad thing?" Izzie feigned shock. "Ooh, speaking of guys to gawk at..." she said as they passed a large group of orange jumpsuit-clad young men with shovels walking the opposite direction. She rolled down her window and rested her arm outside. Even though a majority of the boys were already aware of the car zooming past, Izzie honked the horn a few times anyway.

"Do you always have to be the center of attention?" Leighanne chuckled. She gazed at her friend. Izzie was all but subtle in many situations.

"Um...yes." Izzie said nonchalantly. It was plain to see that Izzie took pride in her extroverted personality. For as long as Leighanne knew her, she never knew Izzie to be shy about anything. Of course, that got her into a bit of trouble every now and then, but nothing too serious.

Izzie drove past the rest of the gaggle of boys and into the camp, passing a line of tents and a couple buildings. She pulled up to a cabin near the back of the camp and parked next to a powder blue mustang. "Weeeee're heeeere!" she sang, turning the car off. Pocketing her keys, she flung herself out of the car, beckoning Leighanne to follow.

Leighanne stepped out of the car, gazing at the scenery around her. Camp Greenlake, which was once the destination of the largest lake in Texas a hundred or so years ago, was a vast, barren land now. She saw quickly that the only plant life were two looming trees providing shade over the cabin. Between the two trees, a hammack was tied, noticeably underused.

Leighanne rounded the car and joined Izzie as she popped open the trunk. "How did all this fit in my trunk?" Izzie scratched her head.

Chuckling, Leighanne tugged on her suitcase. "It's magic," she grunted.

"I wish," Izzie guffawed, aiding Leighanne in pulling out the first piece of luggage. "Where's Mr. Sir when you need him?" she added.

Although having never met the so-called "Mr. Sir", Leighanne was quite aware of who the man was. According to Izzie, he was a grumpy middleaged cowboy, with long side burns and a permanent scowl. So when Mr. Sir came walking bow-legged up to the car, spitting out sunflower seed shells, Leighanne's mental image of the man came to life.

"Hello, girls," he mumbled, tipping his hat.

"Mr. Sir!" Izzie greeted, releasing the suitcase handle. "Wanna help us with our things?" she asked, adding extra emphasis to her sweet Texan accent.

Mr. Sir grunted. "Not even three seconds, and you've already got me wrapped around your finger. You really are your aunt's niece..." he grumbled, pulling out the suitcase with ease, hauling it past the car and up the front steps of the cabin.

"Thank you, Mr. Sir! This is my best friend, Leighanne, by the way!" she called after him, pointing her thumb at Leighanne.

Mr. Sir didn't bother turning around. He waved his hand curtly over his shoulder. "Nice to meet yer, Leighanne," he said, rapping his knuckles against the door.

Izzie turned to Leighanne, trying not to laugh. "You'd think he's be used to this by now. I make him carry my stuff every time I come here," she whispered.

"Well, who could possibly resist your charm?" Leighanne laughed, grabbing one of her suitcases. "He's not exactly the friendliest person in the world, is he?" she added.

"Ah, don't take it personally. He's been extra grumpy since he quit smoking," Izzie said, moving all the luggage out of the trunk and closing it. "C'mon," she said, grabbing the rest of her things and following Mr. Sir up the steps. "Auntie LouLou!" Izzie called at the top of her voice, making Mr. Sir grimace.

A couple seconds later, the screen door was swung open and a woman with bright red hair and freckles stood in the doorway. "Izzie, sweetheart!" she beamed, pushing past Mr. Sir to get to her niece. Mr. Sir lost his balance and began to fall backwards, but Leighanne placed her hand on his back to steady him before he could topple over.

"Hey Auntie!" Izzie hugged the warden tightly, receiving a kiss on the top of the head by the tall woman.

The warden smiled, releasing Izzie and looking down at Leighanne, who awkwardly removed her hand from Mr. Sir's back. "Well, I don't remember having a second niece," she said playfully, putting her hands on her hips.

"Hello, ma'am," Leighanne waved. She recalled a photo Izzie showed her once, of her, her parents, and the warden. In the photo, the aunt and niece obviously looked related, but now seeing them together in person, it was almost like they could have been mother and daughter. Leighanne was shocked at the resemblance.

"You must be Leighanne. Izzie's told me so much about you," the warden said, extending her hand out to the brunette.

"Likewise," Leighanne shook the warden's hand. "It's great to finally meet you!"

"Well, let's not let all the cold air out. Come inside, come inside!" the warden beckoned, ushering the two girls in before herself. The door slapped into Mr. Sir's nose, but the warden ignored his overexaggerated yelp. "So, how was the drive down here?" she asked.

"It was fine," Izzie said, dropping her suitcase at her feet. "We left around four this morning, so it was slow in the beginning. But now we're here and happy and ready for this vacation." she went on, falling backwards onto the sofa in the middle of the room. She sighed happily, breathing in the floral scent inside the cabin. "God, I love this place!"

The warden chuckled at her niece, then looked to Leighanne. "Go ahead and make yourself at home, sweetpea," she said.

"Thankyou, ma'am," Leighanne nodded, sitting next to Izzie.

The warden flipped her hair. "Oh, now, stop this nonsense of calling me ma'am. You can call me Louise," she laughed, sitting down on the arm of the couch. At the same time, Mr. Sir flung the screen door open, stomping into the room. "Be a dear and put all their suitcases in the spare, room, would ya?" the warden said to him. Mr. Sir glared at the warden, before snatching the other pieces of luggage and dragging them off down the small hallway beside him. "Now," the warden went on to say, "I hope you girls will be comfortable in the spare room. It's kind of small..."

"I sleep in there all the time, one more person won't do any harm," Izzie said, grabbing Leighanne's hand. She stood, pulling her up with her. "Lemme show you!" Izzie led Leighanne to the back of the cabin, where the supposed spare room was. Mr. Sir was just leaving.

"Excuse us," Leighanne said as Izzie tugged her into the room.

It was simple. The walls were an off-white, with brown trimming, a few of Izzie's old posters of bands she used to like taped up in a couple places. There was a twin bed pushed up against the wall in the far corner, the bedspread an earthy-green color. Across from that was a small vanity, and a closet on the wall opposite the bed.

"What'dya think?" Izzie turned to her best friend.

Leighanne looked out the window. They were right beside one of the trees she saw earlier. She smiled. "I like it!"

"Good!" Izzie said.

The warden came around the corner. "Here's an extra cot, for you two," she said, setting it down next to the bed.

"Thank you ma'a --- Lousie," Leighanne grinned.

"You're welcome," the warden said. "So, I'll let ya'll unpack, and get settled, then we can have something for breakfast and catch up."

"Sounds good, Auntie. We'll be there in a few," Izzie said as her aunt left the room.

"Elizabeth Walker...I do believe you are the best friend a girl could ever have," Leighanne said suddenly, jumping on Izzie's back.

Izzie spun around a couple times, "Yes, I do believe you are correct. Leighanne Harper, I couldn't ask for a better friend than you," she let her down. "This is going to be a great summer. In fact, this is going to be the best summer."

"It's going to be our last summer as kids...." Leighanne sighed, sitting on the bed cross-legged. Having both just graduated highschool not a week ago, the fact that they would be off to college next year stuck in the back of Leighanne's mind. She knew that being nervous about such a big change was perfectly normal. However, being around Izzie all the time, who displayed absolutely no apprehension on the matter whatsoever, made Leighanne feel kind of silly for worrying so much.

Leighanne blew the hair out of her face, pushing aside her worries. She was with her best friend to have fun, not to obsess over something that was months away.

Izzie smiled sympathetically and sat down next to Leighanne, playing with a strand of the brunette's hair. "All the more reason for something amazing to happen," she paused, looking up at an old newpaper clipping that was taped above the headboard. "I have a feeling it will," she added seriously. She looked back at Leighanne. "Agree?"

"Agree." Leighanne said, getting up to look out the window. She looked past the trees and tents, into the distance. Beyond that was nothing but holes, and glimpses of orange moving inside them.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story!!! I'm excited for this one, actually. I've been playing around with the idea for a while now. Like I said in the description, you don't actually have to read The Warden's Niece to understand any of this, mostly because the events in the short story have absolutely no relation to this whatsoever. So...if you haven't read The Warden's Niece, don't feel the need to, unless you want to...but, it's whatever. haha.
Tell me what you think of the first chapter!
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