Status: new short story of mine

Every Story Has A Happy Ending

one of one

It was only just a dream. Laura let the lyrics of Nelly take over her as she sat on her bed thinking. How she wished the lyrics were the same with the situation she was in. The events of last night still fresh in her mind as she tried to go to sleep. The day after next is the first day of her sophomore year at her new school. New start means a new me, she thought. That’s always the way it’s going to be. This is her fifth school in 6 years. Dad said this will be the last time we will move. She doesn't believe him. She never had. This is the fifth time he’s said it.

She has never particularly liked her father. He never gave her a reason to like him. He always gave her a reason to absolutely hate the man. A man like him shouldn't be allowed in this world. How she just wished that her mom was still around. She always stopped him from beating her.

Laura turned onto her side and stare at the face of the gorgeous Gerard Way. The lead singer of the amazing band My Chemical Romance. She thought about the times she had with mama. All the music she turned her onto. The feeling of her arms wrapped around her. She blew a puff of air out and got out of bed knowing she will never be able to sleep. She looked at herself in the mirror. Laura lifted her shirt to see the already forming bruise on her right hip. It’s the reminder of the horrible acts of the man she called my ‘daddy’. He never will fit the title.

She grabbed her flip flops and a sweatshirt and opened her window. She slid out onto the cold grass. Laura walk to the near by park she found the first day she was here. It seemed abandoned for the most part. No mother in the right mind would take their kid here. Everything was rusty and old which is the reason she came here. It’s quiet and that’s what she liked about it most. She sat on the swing too engulfed in her own thoughts to notice someone was sitting next to her until she heard the swing creak.

She snapped her head in the direction of the unknown person. He doesn't seem to notice her either. She cleared her throat a little and the person looked up at Laura. When he did she could barely even breathe. His eyes, an emerald green, held so much emotion in them she couldn't even fathom what he’s been through tonight. They were just too amazing to look away.

Then she saw his eyebrows scrunch trying to figure out who she was. Laura blushed a little noticing she was staring. “S-sorry. Um I didn't realize anyone else came here. I-I should g-go now.” She got up and scurried away. The man back there didn't say anything. He was too caught up in his own thoughts to do so.

The next day she went back to the park for almost the whole day hoping, just maybe, he would be there again. When he didn't show up the next day Laura was slightly disappointed. But she looked on the bright side. Maybe he will be in her school. When Laura went back home she got an ear full from her father and a slap in the face. She took it without saying a word. When he was finally done he murmured something about getting a beer then scuttled away.

Laura fell asleep to the sound of her father’s snores in the room next door. Her thoughts were on school tomorrow and the boy from the park.

Laura waited outside for the big yellow bus to get her. There was a light drizzle and her abdomen ached with pain. This morning her dad woke up in a bad mood and she had to pay for it. When she got on all eyes were on her. A blush crept onto her face and she sat down in the first seat.

On the way to school a petite blond was trying to talk to her but she was looking out the window and listening to music. The girl took the hint and walked away. The last stop was coming and at the stop was the boy from the park. It got her attention and watched as the boy walked on. The boy stared at her wondering if she thought of him as he thought of her.

He decided to sit next to her, to introduce himself. She scooted over as he sat down, giving him the wrong impression. He frowned a little, but smiled none the less. “Hi,” he said in a small voice, “My name is Benji.” She smiled. Benji, she thought. What a cute name.

“I’m Laura,” She said in almost a whisper, “I’m new here.” He cocked a smile. “Well Laura, what grade are you in?” She blushed and looked down. She never had been a people person. At least not since her mom died.

“I’m a sophomore. What about you?” He frowned a little. “I’m a junior, but some of my classes have sophomores in them so maybe you could be in them too.” He said with a hopeful hint. She blushed a little more.

“Yeah, hopefully.” They were silent for the rest of the ride until Laura spoke up again. “Hey do you think you could show me where the office is?” He smiled.

“Yeah sure. Also I could show you where your first class is if you like.” Laura smiled and they walked off the bus together. On the way to the office many people said ‘hi’ or ‘sup’ to Benji. He must be really popular, she thought.

The end of the day Laura walked into the house with a smile on her face for the first time in six years. She met a hand full of people that were so sweet and she had Benji help her around all day. Maybe this place could be better than all the others.

A couple months passed and Laura and Benji were closer than ever. She had four best friends that she loved more than the air she breathed. Even with the amazing people in her life, her father’s beatings have been worse. Some days she stayed home from how bad they were.

Hey Laura I’m coming over in a couple minutes. Can’t wait to see you! You haven’t been in school for days. :-/
I know, I’m sorry Benji, See you then! :-)

Laura put down her phone and skipped down the stairs. Her father was gone for the day so she was having her friends over. The door bell rang and she went over to get the door. Benji was there hiding behind his hands. Laura giggled then pulled him into a hug. He patted her head and they walked in together.

Her other friends texted her telling Laura that they would be late, but she was fine with it. It meant more time with Benji. They sat on the couch watching a movie when the door was slammed open. Laura jumped up from her spot on the couch and looked at the door terrified. “D-dad.”

He stormed into the room angriest he’s ever been. “Who the hell is this Laura?” She was nervous. She looked over at Benji then back at her father. She opened her mouth about to talk when he back handed her. “When I ask you a question I expected an answer!” Benji sat there terrified on what will happen. Laura stood up straight.

“Th-this is Benji. One o-of my f-friends from school daddy.” He laughed. “You? A friend? I bet you he’s just using you like the tramp you are.” There were tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

“No! He’s not! Can’t you just accept that I have a friend? That someone actually likes me?” He laughed again.

“Who could ever like someone like you? You are nothing like your mother. You’re an ungrateful, trashy, lonesome, whore.” The tears started and something in Laura just snapped.

“I am not a whore! You fucking asshole! Who are you to say what I am? You don’t even know me you bastard!” He heard enough. Laura felt a fist connect with her jaw, and another connect with her stomach. She gasped as she got a hit after a hit. All of a sudden it stopped. The last thing she saw was someone on top of her father as she slipped into unconsciousness.

Laura woke up to people talking, almost yelling, and beeping from a machine. She trying opening her eyes but they were too heavy. She groaned and everyone in the room stopped yelling. Someone gripped her hands and squeezed it. “Please Laura, wake up. Let everyone see your beautiful eyes.” She recognized the voice to be Benji. She forced her eyes open and saw the emerald eyes she fell in love with. He smiled when he saw them finally.

“Laura.” That was all he said before he engulfed her into a giant hug. She smiled and took in his scent. He pulled back and he had a serious face on. She knew what was coming now. “Laura. How long has this been going on?”

She looked down, hating that he found out. “Six years.” She said only loud enough for him to hear. He sighed and pulled her into another hug. “Well you don’t have to worry anymore. That bastard is behind bars now.” She wasn't exactly happy about that. He was her father after all. Then it hit her.

“Where will I live? I don’t even know the rest of my family.” A tear rolled down her face and he wiped it away smiling.

“Angela. She said you could live with her. Her family loves you. They’re part of the reason that he is where he is. They knew, but never had the evidence.” She smiled and felt the weight being lifted off her shoulders. Then she saw something. A cut right above his eyebrow and another on his bicep. She ran her hand over the one on his arm then looked up at him. “Where? Where did you get these?”

Benji gave a small smile. “It’s just a small price to pay for saving the girl I love.” She smiled and finally for the first time in years, felt free.

Fifteen years have passed and Laura tells the story of how two people fell in love and how the guy of her girl’s dreams became her hero. Except in the stories the names are different but some how, her daughter knows who it’s about. Benji stands there in the doorway listening to his wife tell the story. Remember every part of it so vividly. Even the most horrid stories, can have a happy ending.
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This is my second short story. wrote this back in April and decided to put it up. hope you like it(: