It Felt So Nice

It Felt So Nice

Celeste Myrin pondered as she sat tucked away in a tiny cafe in Bath. Her Mac was open in front of her. It illuminated her face as the natural light from the window faded into the night. Her long, dark brown hair was in loose curls and her green eyes were shielded by black-framed glasses.

It was a Saturday night in England, right in the middle of spring term. Celeste took a sip of her cinnamon latte, bored, trying to find something on the Internet to keep her occupied until she felt like going back to her flat and crazy flatmate. Unfortunately, nothing was catching her eye.

The little bell above the green, wooden door dinged as a young man shuffled in. Celeste peered at him over her glasses. He was cute, she certainly noticed. Sand-colored hair that perfectly framed his sweet face, his sweet smile. He was tall and thin- with an air of that nerdiness and awkwardness that Celeste always managed to fall for.

She heard him order his coffee- an adorable Brit with a voice that Celeste could have sworn she’d heard before.

As he turned around, Celeste quickly averted her eyes back to her computer, pretending to be very focused on the black page on her screen. Then, her iPhone began to ring- her ringtone being a series of quotes from her favorite television program, “Doctor Who.”

The boy, who was just about to exit the coffee shop, stopped mid-step. He turned towards Celeste. “Is that Doctor Who?” He asked in that cute voice.

“Oh, well, yes!” Celeste responded. “Yes it is!”

“I love Doctor Who. You could say it’s a big part of my life, if that doesn’t sound silly...” the boy said with a shy smile.

“It doesn’t,” Celeste assured him while shaking her head. “You could say the same about me. I wrote a paper about it last term.”

“No! Really?”

Celeste nodded, “ten pages about the application of Doctor Who technology in modern society.”

“That’s amazing!” The boy exclaimed with a giant, enthusiastic and childlike smile that Celeste found completely endearing.

“I’m Celeste, by the way.”


“Charlie... would you like to sit?”

“That sounds lovely,” the boy replied as he took the chair across the little, wooden table.

The two talked until both their coffee cups were long empty, laughed until the twilight outside turned to starry skies, and enjoyed each other’s company long past everyone else in the cafe had left for the comfort of their homes and the baristas were beginning to close up for the night. The whole time, Celeste could not shake the feeling that she knew this boy from somewhere.

“Excuse me,” one of the baristas said some three or four hours later. “We are about to close up for the night.”

“Sorry!” Celeste and Charlie both apologized sheepishly at the same time. They turned to each other, blushing.

“I think that’s my cue,” Charlie shrugged. He began to get up, Celeste following him with her eyes.

“Celeste,” he said with his hand on the door, “do you happen to come here often?”

“Yes, I would say so.”

“Good.” he winked. “I think I will too from here on out. See you soon.”

With that, and a final parting wave, Charlie walked out into the spring night while that little door bell dinged in his wake.

That wave sparked an idea in Celeste- a memory. Her flatmate showing her this silly little video about, what else, Doctor Who.

Celeste quickly fired up her laptop again- which had long since hibernated throughout her conversation with this mysteriously familiar, sweet boy.

She opened up YouTube and clicked on the search bar. Her fingers clicked on the keyboard as she typed one word- “Charlie.”

She tapped the enter key and immediately the face of the boy she just spent her evening with popped up on the screen. “Charlieissocoollike.”

She opened the first link, instantly feeling the bashful blush come to her cheeks. That smile of his seemed to have that effect on her.

Celeste knew what she’d be watching for the rest of the night. And she would certainly be spending much more time in this humble, little cafe from now on.

And knowing that she’d see him again, knowing that this was only the start of something new and exciting- it felt so nice.