The Girl I Adore Is Right in Front of Me

The Girl I Adore is Right in Front of Me

Katie Graham quietly cracked open her bedroom door just enough so one of her gorgeous brown eyes could peek outside. Her parents must have gone to bed.

She smiled and drew in an excited breath. The screen of her Blackberry read:

“Hey, in ur driveway. Where r u? – Christofer Drew”

“Be right out” Katie texted back. And she would be.

How could her parents have grounded her the night of her date with the Christofer Drew? “I mean,” Katie thought, “they can get the dent out of the car, right?”

Katie shook her head, expelling the thought. It didn’t matter whether or not her parents had chosen to ground her because right now she was putting the finishing touches on her make-up and scooping up a pair of her favorite silver slingbacks. She was ready.

Just as Katie was about to open her door, however, the hall light flipped on.

She held her breath and didn’t dare move a muscle. Her hand gripped the doorknob so hard it turned white as the sound of her father’s footsteps echoed down the hall.

Crap. Crapcrapcrap. Katie thought. He was probably going to the kitchen for a late night snack.

Frantically spinning around so that her long mahogany hair was whipping her in the face and sticking to her lip gloss, Katie sought her room for another escape plan.

Her eyes fell on her window. Hesitantly, she walked over and opened it. The trunk of a majestic California palm tree was well within reach…

Katie, reluctantly, looked at her favorite black tank top and distressed Guess jeans. A little more distressing wouldn’t hurt…

“This is for Christofer Drew. Christofer Drew, Christofer Drew, Christofer Drew,” Katie grumbled as she tossed her slingbacks out the window. They landed on the grass with two soft thuds.

She gripped the trunk of the tree and swung all of her weight onto it. From this height, she could see over the roof of the garage to Christofer’s car waiting in the street. Katie climbed down the tree slowly, carefully, cursing silently to herself every time she felt the rough bark scratch her new pedicure.

Finally, Katie’s bare feet touched soft grass. She tip-toed to the gravel driveway and slipped on her shoes.

Now for the hard part. Talking to Christofer.

He looked amazing in the twinkling lights of an LA suburb. California suited this midwest boy well.

He was wearing a faded gold tee shirt and perfectly skinny jeans, his anchor tattoo visible on his adorable hand when he waved.

“Hi,” Katie smiled shyly. First word out made sense, she was on a roll.

“Hey there, beautiful.” He winked. Katie almost physically swooned. “Any reason you went all Mission Impossible on that exit?”

Katie rolled her eyes, “oh, it’s a long story.”

“Well I can’t wait to hear it,” Christofer’s lip ring shined as he smiled. “We have all night.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Christofer continued to smile, his grassy eyes locked on Katie’s adorable petiteness. A little blush rose to her cheeks.

“Why are you so smiley?” She asked bashfully.

“Because,” his melodious voice answered. “The girl I adore is right in front of me.”