I Wanna Put My Hands on Your Skin, Underneath the Clothes You're In

I Wanna Put My Hands on Your Skin, Underneath the Clothes You're in

It was four in the fucking morning.

Lo Rune hadn’t slept in two days, She wasn’t going for a third.

Her twin brother Mason’s friends had been over here, in their flat in London, drinking since five the previous afternoon. Lo understood throwing a “summer is starting” party, but this was getting ridiculous.

It didn’t help that her room was directly above the garage either. Even with her head crammed under her pillow she could hear every bounce of the beer pong ball.

Finally, she was sick of it. No matter how ratted her blonde hair was and how dark the bags under her olive eyes were, she was going down there to give them a piece of her mind.

Lo turned the doorknob with purpose and swung the door open in front of her. To her surprise, someone’s hand was already attached to the other side. She looked up a familiar torso.

It was none other then Danny Jones.

With a physical gasp, Lo slammed the door and panicked. Then, realizing that she had just shut the door right in Danny’s face, she reopened it.

“Hi.” He said frantically.


“I’m here.”

“You’re here.”

“At your house.”

“In my room.”



They didn’t speak for a minute, looking at each other with wide-eye expressions.

“You shouldn’t be here.” Lo said.

“I know.” For the first time, Danny showed an emotion other than panic: longing.

They were silent for another minute, only now the corners of Lo’s eyes had tightened and she was looking at him with more skepticism. He was wearing a Downtown Fiction shirt she had seen before. He was also wearing the glasses he had just gotten the last time they spoke, only now above them wasn’t a mass of dark brown hair that fell below his chin. He had cut it to a point where it just framed his ears perfectly, and currently atop his head was one of those ridiculous poser-gangster hats Lo hated.

“Do you want me to go?” He asked carefully.

Lo should have said yes. She should have said that she never wanted to see him again, just like she had when they broke up months before. She should have said she was in a better place now, with a life she loved that he wasn’t a part of anymore.

But that would have all been a lie. And Lo was ready to be honest with him, as well as herself.

“I never wanted you to go in the first place.”

Danny wasted no more time and crashed his lips into Lo’s. The kiss was familiar and explosive, long lost and long needed. Lo had spent months trying to move on, trying to forget him, but the truth was no one in the world made her feel the way Danny did.

Maybe she would take one more sleepless night...

The pair stumbled back into the dark bedroom, the door falling shut behind them. Lo kept having to fight the urge to open her eyes, just to make sure it was really Danny in front of her. Then, he spoke with that melodic and adorable accent of his.

“Oh Lo, I wanna put my hands on your skin, underneath the clothes you’re in.”