Vampire Heart


“Nervous?” Luca asked as I stood in front of the mirror adjusting the curls that Landon had painstakingly arranged my hair into.

“Um…a little.” I replied honestly.

Today was my induction ceremony so that I could be an official part of the clan. Mason would bite me and I would drink a little from him. From there I would be bound to the others for the rest of my life.

“There’s nothing to be worried about babe. Trust me.” he smiled and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. Instantly I felt better.

Luca and I had been a thing ever since the night at Moonlight. From the moment we woke up to the moment we went to sleep we were together. I felt 100% comfortable with him. Something I hadn’t felt since my parents died.

Jade, Aden and Landon of course loved the fact of the two of us together. They thought we were adorable. One of them would let out an ‘aww’ whenever we’d kiss or snuggle together on the couch. Truthfully it was getting on my ever lasting nerve.

I opened my mouth to say something when Landon and Aden came walking in.

“Haven we’ve got your dress.” Landon said holding up a garment bag.

“Awesome.” I smiled and pulled away from Luca, hurrying over to grab the bag.

I had to have a white dress and I didn’t own one since I didn‘t own anything white. I’d decided to buy one offline since most stores would be closed by the time I could go outside but before I could Aden, Landon and Jade had told me they’d ordered me one. Now it was here and I couldn’t wait to see it.

Everyone else would be in black. Right now Aden wore a black lacy dress while Landon stood next to her in one with a sparkly top and lace sleeves. Luca was in a black dress shirt and pants with dress Converse sneakers and I knew Jade was in a strapless number. All four wore black velvet cloaks.

I unzipped the bag and found a white dress with spaghetti straps and a ruffled skirt. When I put it on it would fall just above my knee. Along with it there was a white velvet cloak.

“What do you think?” Landon asked.

“It’s perfect! Thank you!” I said and hugged them.

“Well go get dressed! Oh and here…shoes.” Aden said and handed me a pair of white flats.

“Alright.” I smiled and headed into the bathroom.

I pulled on the dress and cloak and slipped my feet into the flats before walking back out.

“How do I look?” I asked.

“Perfect.” Landon smiled.

“You are gorgeous.” Luca said and walked over and kissed me.

“Aww!” Aden and Landon chorused from the other side of the room.

“Fuck both of you.” I laughed.

“Now you just need one more thing.” Luca said and handed me a silver necklace with two crystals on it, one encased in a metal diamond shape.

“It’s beautiful. Thank you.” I smiled up at him.

“You’re welcome. Turn around and I’ll put it on you.” he said.

I did as he said and pulled my curls up so that he could do the clasp.

“Just right.” he smiled and pecked me on the lips once more before Jade poked her head in the bedroom.

“Alright guys everything is ready.” she said smiling at Luca and I.

“Alright. Lets go make you an official part of the clan.” Landon smiled.

We headed downstairs and into the basement.

I had never been to the basement before. It looked normal until you moved the set of shelves next to the washer and dryer to reveal a door.

Luca took my hand and led me through the door. Behind it was a long tunnel with sconces lighting the way. It wasn’t very long, running just a few feet before opening up to a large stone room. All of the coven members stood in a circle along with walls. They all wore black with black velvet cloaks like my friends.

Luca, Aden, Jade and Landon drew the hoods up on their and walked to the empty spots in the circle.

Mason smiled at me from his place in the center of the circle and beckoned me towards him. Once there he handed me a goblet full of wine spiked with blood by the scent of it before lowering my hood. He kissed each of my cheeks before pulling back and turning towards the others holding up his own goblet.

“Today we welcome Haven into the fold. I hope that all of you will accept her and treat her as the sister she now is to you.”

"As we will!" they all shouted and held up goblets in toast before draining them.

I drained mined just as Mason did his and turned to me.

“Haven do you enter our coven by your own will? With a clear mind and heart?” he asked.

We had gone over this for weeks and I knew just what to say.

“I do.”

“Very well. Come to me my child.” he said and drew me towards him.

His body pressed against mine and he took my face in his hands then began to mutter in Latin.

"Sanguinem vi vita a patre datum est tibi puer ego inducam vos in circulo et vitam novam."

I watched as he bit his wrist before raising it to my mouth. I wrapped my lips around the wound and began to drink. As I did so he carefully he tilted my head to the side before lowering his face to my neck. There was a sharp pain as his fangs pierced my flesh. Just like the first time that I’d been bitten I felt my knees go weak. Mason wrapped his arm around my middle and held me up.

This time was different though. Flashes from things that had filled my dreams for years came before my eyes. I saw people dying, blood spilling on the streets, screams filling the night air. Suddenly screams louder than the ones from my dreams pierced my ears.

A moment later Mason let me go and I fell to the floor, the images dissolving before my eyes. It was then I realized the screams were coming from me.

“Haven! Haven calm down! Aden do something!” I heard Jade yell.

Suddenly I felt her take my hands in hers and a wave of calm wash over me. Slowly I stopped screaming. Once I was quiet I collapsed on the stone floor.

“Haven are you okay?” Luca asked as he lifted my head into his lap.

“I-I don’t know. Does that always happen?” I asked.

“No. I’ve never seen someone scream like that ever. Faint yes but I’ve never seen someone do what you just did.” he said looking a little on the side of horrified.

“There’s a good reason for that Luca.” Mason said.

“What is it?” Aden asked from where she still held onto my hands feeding calm thoughts to me.

“Haven is a Descendant. The things she saw when she screamed are of wars passed. Of the pain people, humans and vampires alike have suffered at the hands of our rogue brethren.” Mason replied.

“But that power…it’s the power of the Keeper.” Luca said.

“Keeper?” Jade asked from where she stood behind Luca.

“The Keeper holds the memories of the past. Each memory is exactly accurate and unbiased. Not only can they recall memories of the past but others memories as well and they can draw up the souls that exist in those memories. It’s one of the tale tail signs of Spirit.” Luca said.

“Spirit? But no one has that power. Haven would have to be a…and that would mean you two….” Landon said trailing off her blue eyes looking at me wide with surprise.

“Yes Landon. Haven is Cordelia’s descendant. And come the Winter Solstice she will be my bride.”

I looked at Luca who was speechless. His face was the last I saw before the shock of everything hit me and I slipped into darkness.
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Latin Translation:
"Blood the life force taken from a father and given to the child i bring you now into the circle and give you new life."