Status: Ongoing

Cut In Crystal

Polyaxial. Constantine.

Constantine is somewhat famous in the Villa of Dürkei. She is unaware of that fact, but then again, she isn’t exactly a social being.

In face, the famed conversation with Death that was soon to occur was to be Constantine’s first conversation in years that isn’t with Jeananine.

Yet the world manages to keep information about her. Not all of it is true, she is one of those figures whom children create stories about to occupy themselves. And those tales are getting stranger and stranger, none of them based on fact.

They all know where she lives; the unreachable manor of black glimmering stone. The rumors claim she built it herself, before putting up the boundary spells that wrapped around the wrought iron gates. They were barely visible under the dense green ivy that spiraled itself into every opening in the metal.

The vines are the only living things beside Constantine herself who can touch the steel of the gates. Every once in a while a daft ground mammal will unknowingly approach the structure, only to suffer nasty burns which spread about the skin.

If any creature is insane enough to continue towards it, they will eventually disintegrate, green acid burns consuming them into a vile flame. Leaving small, glittering ashes.

Constantine has a flair for intricate, detail-laced death. Which is ultimately what will bring Death himself to her courtyard.

After all, you can’t expect Death to be too worried by Acid Fences or insane little girls…