

“It’s such a beautiful day,” Tacey Link said to her good friend George Weasley as they breathed in the summer Sun. The green grass surrounding the black lake seemed to stretch on for miles around them, with the exception of the grand castle up on the hill. Hogwarts was certainly lovely this time of year. “this was one of the best ideas you ever had!”

“I love the way you say that,” George grinned crookedly as he laid down on that soft, endless grass and gazed at the gentle clouds floating by miles above. Tacey follow his lead, laying right beside him. “It’s such a beautiful day!” He tried to imitate her American accent. Tacey laughed at his pathetic attempt.

“I will never understand your obsession with America. It’s not that exciting!” She teased him.

George shrugged and rested both his hands behind his head. “I think it’s fascinating! It’s different and flashy... and it helps me learn more about you.”

Tacey, touched by this rare sentiment from George, looked at the freckled-red haired boy from the corner of his eye. She felt so lucky to have him in her life.

“Speaking of which,” George said as he scrambled up. “Get up! I want to show you something!”

“Oh? Like what?”

“Oh, just a bit of American culture I’ve been studying up on,” George winked mysteriously.

Tacey rolled her eyes, “Why am I nervous about where this is going?”

“Oh, come now. Give me your hand.” George offered his. Tacey, with the slightest hint of a blush in her pearly cheeks, let her soft hand fall in his. For just a moment, she felt butterflies twitter about in her stomach.

But, just as quickly as the moment begun, George was spinning Tacey quickly around, before picking her up and placing her back-down on the ground, pinning her right arm with his.

“Oof! What in the world was that?” Tacey asked, alarmed. George smiled in that childish way of his.

“WWE. World Wrestling Entertainment.” He answered. “Don’t you Americans eat this stuff up?”

“Some more then others,” Tacey groaned under George’s weight. He helped her up on her feet again.

“Come on, I’ll show you some moves.” The breeze had died to a kind wisp that played sweetly with Tacey’s shoulder-length, brown hair. She tucked it behind her ear.

George situated himself with his feet shoulder apart and wrinkled his forehead in thought. “Place your left hand here on my shoulder,” he gestured to his slender arm. Tacey obliged.

“Ok, now what?”

“Place your other hand on my butt.”

“Excuse me?”

“Oh, it’s all part of the fun, Tacey.”

Tacey, with a lot more than a hint of red in her cheeks now, put her hand on George’s cute, little butt.

“Hmm...” George said after a moment. “Maybe you were supposed to put that hand somewhere else...”

Tacey snatched her hand away from George’s backside and playfully punched him in the arm. “You did that on purpose!”

“You’ll never know,” George teased. “Here, let’s try this...” He intertwined his leg with Tacey’s and brought her hand around the back of his neck, as if they were slow dancing. The music being the cicadas in the tall grass and the owls taking refuge off in the Forbidden Forest. It was so perfect, Tacey almost began to sway to the rhythm.

“Now what?” She asked quietly.

“Kick your leg back and twist to your right. Otherwise, I’ll be the one to pin you.”

“Wait, what?”


George suddenly lurched forward. With a surprised squeal and not even really thinking, Tacey swung all of her weight into pulling her leg up and twisting George around her. Before she really knew what was happening, they were both on the ground- George on his back and Tacey with her arms on either side of him. A successful pin.

Her eyes were big with surprise.

“I did it?”

“You did it! Are you sure you’re new at this?” George laughed. Tacey laughed a little too.

Then, there was something in George’s playful eyes that Tacey had never seen before- a sort of knowingness mixed with curiosity and desire. She didn’t know what it meant, but she felt her chin tilting lower, her lips gravitating towards his.

They met in the middle, the connection warm and sweet in the cool, lakeside air. George’s fingers traced through Tacey’s smooth hair and he pulled her closer, intensifying the kiss. It was nothing like either of them had ever felt before. The perfect kiss.

When they pulled apart, George resting his head back down on the grass, Tacey still leaning over him, their eyes met- both pairs surprised, elated, and failed attempts at comprehension of what just happened. They’re heartbeats were audible, pounding back and forth. Thumpthump thumpthump thumpthump.

Simultaneously, they both exhaled the only word that their minds could muster. “Whoa...”