And They Thought We Hated Each Other

And They Thought We Hated Each Other

Rose Tonks and her current boyfriend Seamus Finnegan were sitting on a plushy couch in the Gryffindor Common Room enjoying a quiet evening when the sound of the Fat Lady’s frame swinging open and shut interrupted them.

The sight of George Weasley made Rose’s entire body tense up. How could it not? Seamus scooted a little closer to her, putting an arm over her shoulder territorially.

“Aww, look at you lovebirds.” George sneered when he caught sight of them. The hair on Seamus’s arm bristled.

“Do you need something,” Seamus growled.

“Nope!” George said with mock cheeriness. “Just going about my business. Fancying a few parties tonight, mayhaps. Always a good opportunity to meet the ladies, ay, Seamus ol’ chap?”

Rose’s heart sank into her stomach, crying and aching as it fought to get out of the acid. These encounters were frequent and torturous ever since Rose got together with Seamus. George would take every opportunity he could get to jab at Rose a little more, turning his jealousy into cruel humor. It hurt Rose as much as it made her angry. They broke up, why is it her fault that she moved on first?

“Good.” She replied to her ex, with an equally sarcastic tone, “have fun with that.”

“Actually, Rose...” George stopped in his tracks. “Before I do, may I have a word with you?”

Seamus was now holding Rose so tightly it was beginning to hurt. “No.” He snarled.

“Now, now, Seamus, we live in the 21st century now! The lady has the right to answer for herself!”

George and Seamus both turned to Rose expectantly. George, with a smirk the size of Great Britain, bore into her with his evergreen eyes.

“Fine,” she answered. Seamus looked at her with appall. “Don’t worry,” she whispered to him. “Maybe I can finally get him to leave us alone.” She patted his hand reassuringly and followed George back out of the Common Room into the winding corridor of Gryffindor Tower. Her blonde hair bounced as she stamped along. Something in her set jaw told her there was something more she wanted to say to George than just go away.

“Ok, George, what do you want?” She asked impatiently once they were alone.

George seemed to be walking stealthily on air, just as he always appeared. A hue of mischief hung over everything he did.

“Nothing specific,” he answered. “Just wanted to get the chance to casually converse with you without Lord Glare-de-mort in their shooting imaginary Killing Curses at my head. How are you and ol’ Finny anyway? Is he dreamy? Romantic? Good in the sack?”

“Merlin!” Rose exclaimed, physically reaching to put her hands over her ears. “Honestly, George, this has got to stop! You’re driving Seamus and I absolutely bonkers! Why do you even care anymore, for fuck’s sake? You broke up with me months ago! Why do you have to keep torturing me?! Is it a game to you? Am I just another victim to your pranks? Because it’s not funny, George, it’s painful! It’s just... just... mean!” Rose was getting so worked up and upset her throat began closing in around her words. Tears sprung into her glassy, green eyes.

“You’re... you’re crying.” George said, finally for the first time saying something without that jokester ring of sarcasm.

“Of course I’m crying you inconsiderate arse!” Rose launched at him. She was supposed to be a strong, intelligent girl. The fact that she was reduced to tears in front of George infuriated that part of her that said you are stronger than this. You are stronger than you’re feelings for George.

“I didn’t mean to make you cry, Rose.” George responded. His face seemed to thin with worry and remorse.

“Then what the fuck were you trying to do, Weasley?!” She clenched her fist around her mahogany wand. “You spend months going out of your way to make me... make me... God, I don’t even know what you want from me! A broken heart?”

They were lucky to be in the corridor alone, as Rose’s shouts clattered and echoed around the stone walls.

“Because you gave me one of those a long time ago...” she finished in barely a whisper.

“My heart is broken too,” George answered. “Seeing you with that prat every day? It kills me.”

“That’s your own fault. It gives you no right to make me miserable! How could you do that to me? When I loved you so much?”

"When I still do," she finished silently in her head. George seemed small and awkward in his robes- like the child finally being caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar. Finally, one of his tricks had blown up in his face.

“Because I’m just what you said I am- an inconsiderate arse. A complete jerk who doesn’t like to lose. And I was stupid enough to lose you.”

“So what are you trying to do?” Rose asked harshly, but a little of the anger ebbing away from her tone. “Make me jealous? Crazy?”

“Make you admit that you still love me... The way I still love you.”

Rose felt all the air whoosh out of her chest. “You could have figured something better then that,” she breathed.

George shrugged and sighed. “I know...”

Rose shook her head, “I still love you too, George, I’m not stupid enough to deny it.”

“You’re the least stupid person I know, Rose.”

“But I can’t forgive you. Not now. Not yet. Maybe not ever.”

George nodded with understanding. “I know. I would never expect you too. But can you tell me one thing?”

“What’s that?”

George looked into Rose’s eyes with longing. “Do you love him? The way you love me?”

Rose thought of Seamus and his smile, his protective nature, and his sincere care. When she compared that to George’s immaturity, his tendency to be so mean-spirited, and his lack of good judgment... The answer was all to clear.

“Of course not, George. I could never love anyone more than I love you.”

George smiled a sad smile and bowed a bit. “Oh, Rose... And they thought we hated each other.”