My Heart Is Yours

My Heart is Yours

All Justlynn Ruko saw was grey.

For about the hundredth time she sighed, took off her black-framed glasses, cleaned them on her robes, and fixated them back on the bridge of her nose just so she could squint into the crystal ball once again.

Justlynn had been in the divination room all night trying to recreate the murky premonition that had come to her in a dream. She had had that familiar feeling the whole time she’d been there. It was a feeling that both scared her and thrilled her. It made her feel frighteningly alive.

When she was young, Justlynn thought nothing more of her visions than just exceptional cases of Deja Vu. It wasn’t until she got to Hogwarts and started studying divination that she realized there was something more. She was a true Seer.

Sometimes her premonitions would hit her with so much clarity, it would be like watching a movie unfold within her own mind. Others, however, were more cryptic- like this one had been. Justlynn had spent countless hours in the past sitting in this very spot, in this very room, studying and honing her skills so she could find the truth in her visions like this.

And yet, right now she couldn’t even get the vision to materialize in that crystal ball. No matter how hard she focused, no matter how deep within her soul she searched, the smoke dancing around behind the glass remained grey.

The door creaked open by Justlynn didn’t break her gaze. She was focusing so hard her head was beginning to ache. She just had to figure this out.

Footsteps echoed through the grand, wooden walls of the old lecture room. They stopped just next to Justlynn.

“Hello, Harry.” She said politely, carefully drawing her fingers across the top of the crystal ball.

“I didn’t see you at the Great Hall for dinner tonight, I figured I’d be able to find you here.” Harry explained. “What’s going on?”

Justlynn gave a short sigh and finally took her concentration away from the foggy mist. She turned to see Harry’s green eyes looking at her with a mixture of curiosity and shyness.

“I’m trying to recreate a vision I had,” Justlynn said. “But for the life of me I can’t seem to figure it out.”

“Well, let’s see if I can help!” Harry said with a crooked grin as he picked up and examined the open divination book Justlynn had left on the adjacent table. He began to read aloud, “Only with extreme concentration can a Seer revive a lost premonition. Gaze into your glass talisman and abide by the following:

Mist of grey, still lost sight
Gold of hay, a shock in the night
Green of dragon scales, of one since deceived
& Red of Phoenix tails, of something received”

Harry adjusted his glasses and considered the poem. “That was... well...”

“Cryptic? Uninspiring! Ahh, I know!” Justlynn sighed again with exasperation. “This feeling just won’t shake until I remember what I saw.”

“What feeling?” Harry asked.

This threw Justlynn off guard. She had never really been able to explain to anyone before what it felt like to be a Seer. She never tried, actually. It just always seemed like something you had to experience to even fathom.

But for some reason, she trusted Harry would understand.

“It’s... an extra spark in everything I touch. This surge of energy through my skin. The sneaking suspicion that something big is just around the corner. That feeling of something awakening within me, I suppose.”

“That sounds so unique,” Harry said after a moment. “Scary! But... exciting, I suppose. Do you believe so?”

“Precisely,” Justlynn whispered, surprised how accurate Harry was.

The pair was quiet for a moment, looking into each other’s green eyes with curiosity and mutual admiration.

“Can I tell you something?” Harry asked. Justlynn nodded. “I never used to believe in Divination. To be perfectly honest, I found the whole concept rather farfetched.”

“Most people tend to,” Justlynn admitted.

“But I don’t anymore.” Harry continued. “Not since I’ve met you. You were too... pure, I suppose. You were true. I found myself fully believing in it now for no other reason than because it was a part of you. And, well, if it’s a part of you, it’s a part of me too.”

Justlynn smiled and blinked in disbelief. “Thank you Harry.” she said honestly. “I don’t quite know what to say...”

“That’s ok! Because, well, there’s kind of one more thing I wanted to tell you,” Harry began nervously. Once again Justlynn nodded to let him know it was alright.

“Justlynn, you’re... amazing,” Harry searched carefully for the words. It was clear he had thought about this before, but never knew how to say it right. Just like Justlynn and her sight. “You’re unique and beautiful and you have captivated me from day one. I want to know if you would do me the extraordinary honor of letting me get to know you even more. Of letting me take this further into something beautiful.”

“Further?” Justlynn blushed.

“Yes,” Harry said, taking a step toward her and bringing his lips close to hers. “Like this.”

He closed the gap between their lips and took Justlynn into a passionate embrace. As she went to wrap her arms around his shoulders, her fingers brushed the smooth edge of the crystal ball.

She didn’t need to look into the glass to know that the fog would have turned a striking scarlet red, not unlike a blooming rose. Her vision was coming true right in front of her. Harry, here, kissing her... that was what had come to her in that dream.

They slowly pulled apart and Harry took one of Justlynn’s hand’s in his.

He smiled and whispered, “Red of Phoenix tails, of something received... My heart is yours.”