Harry vs. Draco

Harry Vs. Draco

“Goddamn it, I love you!” The boy yells. His white blonde hair is sleek and smooth and it’s all the girl can do to not run her hands through it. “You’ve been waiting months for me to say it and... there it is. I love you.”

He places his hand on hers. A hand as hot as fire lying upon her own frigid one.


“Happy birthday, my love,” another boy now whispers while his green, spectacled eyes glisten beside a golden fire. He presents her with a gorgeous, red ruby necklace in the shape of a heart.

He pushed her hair away from her neck and he closed the delicate clasp on the necklace. The cool crystal felt just right against her chest.

“It’s the perfect fit.” she whispered back. The boy let his fingers linger in her auburn hair.

“I think so too,” he answered huskily. She knew they weren’t talking about the necklace anymore.


“I hope you’re happy!” she lashed out at him. His pale skin and silver and green tie contrasted in the light of the night. She continued to advance toward him, with every inch decreasing between them increasing her level of sarcasm. “Congratulations. You were right. He and I just didn’t work. You got what you wanted.”

“I didn’t want this.” the boy said.

“What? You wanted me and him to be together?”

He was silent.

“Exactly.” she snapped. “Well, now you don’t have to worry about it. He broke up with me.” She hated those words. She hated that despite the confusion and hurt that appeared on this boy’s face, she knew he was feeling some sort of sick satisfaction inside of him. She hated him in that moment. She hated him more than anything. “It’s all your fucking fault!” she yelled before turning heel and storming away again. He jogged to keep up.

“Hey now!” He called, “how is this my fault?”

She spun to face him again.

“He broke up with me.” she repeated, torturing herself with the words. “He broke up with me because he felt threatened by you. He said I wasn’t over you. Damn it! The look on his face when he brought you into it. Like he was so sure. Like the way I reacted when you would come around us could only mean that I wanted you.”

At this point, the blonde boy was just inches in front of her. She was practically screaming in his face.


“And what?”

“And was he right?”


She faced the pitch black wall, eyes open as wide as they could possibly be. She took in every inch of darkness, feeling as though she’d see nothing different if she shut her eyes and tried to fall back asleep.

Footsteps creaked up the stairs and to the door. His footsteps. Without turning toward him, she shuffled over in the bed, making room. The scarlet sheets held his signature scent of wintergreen and fresh air.

His exposed chest radiated heat as he wordlessly crawled in next to her. His feet entwined with hers, and his fingers traced the line of her shoulder over her bicep to her forearm and finally settling on her hand.

She inched back closer to him and realized she had been wrong before about his aroma being the most comforting thing in the world. Nothing could compare to the feeling of his skin.

He kissed the back of her head. Each strand of hair his lips had touched felt as if they sizzled and glowed. It was the last thing she felt before drifting back into sleep…


“You shouldn’t have followed me here!” the girl yelled. “Neither of you!”

“Well trust me, if I had been able to take him out miles ago I bloody well would have!” the blonde boy smiled in the dark-haired boy’s direction. The two exchanged an angry glare.

“Why are you here anyway?” The dark-haired boy held his wand close. “After all, you’re a bloody Death Eater. Certainly you’re not going to stand up to your master?”

“Nothing is more important to me than her. Now shove off.”

“Both of you just stop!” the girl turned around. “I’m doing this on my own. It’s me that Voldemort wants, it’s me that he’s going to get.”

“You don’t have to be fearless for us!” The dark-haired boy yelled. “Please!”

She shook her head, “I have to do this. Now go home... both of you! Before you get yourselves killed...”


These were the dreams that woke her up at night.

Kirkley Rask couldn’t move her neck much, but judging from the fading light from the window it was getting dark outside. Dumbledore had left the room, claiming that he was hungry and was going to get dinner. Kirkley knew in reality he was just trying to give her some privacy with her visitors and she thanked him.

She heard the voice of Madame Pomfrey from down the hall.

“She’s right in here.” The magical nurse said politely as she led them to Kirkley. Two pairs of feet shuffled cautiously in and Madame Pomfrey scurried off, leaving Kirkley and her two visitors alone. Kirkley stared at the wall.

“Kirkley, I need to-“

“Oh, Kirk, I’m-“

Kirkley sighed. The room became quiet.

She heard their footsteps again. Harry soon appeared to the right side of her bed and Draco to the left. Harry’s wrist was in a cast. Draco had a few scary cuts by his lips and his left eyebrow.

“Look what I’ve done to you…” Kirkley whispered. They were about to intervene when she put her hand up, as high as she could without tugging the IV.

“But Kirk-“ Harry started.

“No. There is no way any of this would have happened if not for me. You can’t deny that.” She took a few seconds to breathe. She hadn’t tried talking this much since she had woken up. It was exhausting. The two rival wizards watched her, patiently.

“I can’t ever thank you for this. For everything you’ve done for me… I’m more grateful than you could ever know.” she breathed again. “But you could have gotten yourselves killed.”

“Kirkley, you were going to get killed!” Draco interjected.

“You don’t think I know that?” she coughed. “But that means a hell of a lot less to me than you. Either of you.”

“Then how do you think we feel?” Draco asked. “I thought… I thought…”

“We thought,” Harry corrected, “that we lost you.”

“I know you feel that way.” Kirkley said. “That’s what makes this so hard.” Her eyes went back and forth between both of their tired faces. “Because I love you. Both of you. And I don’t think that will ever change.”

The boys shuffled nervously in their spots.

“And I can’t pick between you.” she whispered. “Draco,” the green eyes cooled my body. He put his hand on hers. A hand as hot as fire lying upon her own frigid one… “I felt something with you in a way that was different and more wonderfully powerful than any feeling in the world. But… we couldn’t hold ourselves together. We have our own problems to take care of before taking on each others.”

He stood perfectly still, knowing everything she said was true and wishing he could say anything to make it not.

“And Harry…” she continued. He instinctively swished his hair out from his eyes. His signature scent wafted over her. The smell of wintergreen and fresh air… “You were so many firsts for me but... you can’t protect me from everything forever. I need to learn to survive without you…”

“So what are you saying?” He whispered.

“I’m saying I can’t have both of you. We’re like a self-destructive tower. We build each other up only to tear each other down. I can’t keep fixing myself and neither can you. I love you both, words can’t even describe how much, but since I can’t have both of you… I can’t have either of you.”

She looked straight at the wall as she said this as monotone as she could manage. Kirkley thought she’d have to fight a bitter battle between her will and my tear ducts, but she didn’t. She sat completely stoically, staring at the wall. She felt Draco’s hand grip hers. Harry ran his fingers, free from his cast, over her forearm before settling on her other hand. She secretly let something fall from her weak fingers into his palm- a small ruby heart on a silver chain. She tried to ignore the way he flinched.

“Kirkley…” Draco started. “I can’t let you say that.”

“It has to be this way.” she whispered. “I can’t… I can’t explain it any better than that. We all need to just move on.”

“But I-“

Madame Pomfrey walked back into the room.

“Excuse me,” she said quietly. “I’m sorry to interrupt but I need to run a few more tests on Kirkley before she goes to sleep tonight. You can visit again tomorrow, if you’d like?”

Both boys physically winced. Draco looked stunned. He gaped between Madame Pomfrey and the girl her loved.

“Go, Draco.” Kirkley whispered, patting his hand gently.

“But... but…” He tried to formulate a sentence as he followed Madame Pomfrey out the door, his fingers slipping from Kirkley’s. Harry hadn’t said a single word. He had slipped out before she even noticed he was gone. Not even a goodbye… She felt stupid. Like she had really been expecting them to handle this no-hard-feelings business. Like they could all somehow be friends.

Madame Pomfrey began to flit around Kirkley once again. She thankfully let the nurse cut her off from the rest of the world.

Kirkley knew she was making the right choice. As long as she tried to avoid a broken heart, she’d keep breaking theirs. She wouldn’t do that to them anymore. As long as she tried to pick one of them... in the end it would always be Harry vs. Draco.