You'll Always Be the One

You'll Always be the One

Josh Groban’s voice, projecting from every speaker in the building, still felt distant to Dallas Day. She felt like she was trapped underwater, torn between two currents. The FINALS. If Josh said her team’s name right now, they made it. But if he didn’t say their name, then Puck would get his dream come true. Somehow, someway, after spending practically her entire life forming her dream as a singer, in a matter of weeks Puck’s dreams became so much more important.

The crowd cheered equally for Dallas’s team, Sing Stronger, and The New Directions. The shouts sounded like wild animals as Dallas’s head spun. Her teammates Naya and Lauren held her hands, but their efforts to keep Dallas from blacking out soon were failing. Desperately, she looked around the room until she turned her head to the right. Puck was looking right at her.

Their eyes met, and instantly the currents stopped. She was suspended in that cool water: the pools of Puck’s dark eyes. Every sound was muted to near silence, and she totally lost track of where or who she was until Josh’s voice grew loud again.

“The winner of this year’s National Show Choir Competition is... Sing Stronger!”

Dallas’s friends around her screamed with relief and joy, but she could not force myself to join. As soon as their name rumbled through the speakers, she had burst into tears. Puck’s eyes held hers the whole time. From that initial moment, till she was running across the stage to meet him in a passionate embrace.

She sobbed into his muscular chest as noise flooded the auditorium. Her team celebrating, the crowd cheering, the members of New Directions congratulating them all, Josh Groban plugging his new album over the speakers. And through all the chaos, the only thing Dallas could focus on was Puck’s rough voice whispering “It’s Ok.”

“Dallas!” the voice of Lauren emerged over the crowd. “You need to go up and get the trophy?”

“Me?” Dallas croaked. Lauren nodded.

“Yes! Go!”

“Me?” Dallas repeated. “Why me?”

Puck turned Dallas’s face towards him and kissed her quickly, square on the lips, bringing some peace to the rushing chaos. “You’re the one,” he said after they separated. “You’ll always be the one.”