Sequel: Volver a Tus Brazos

The Thrill Is Gone

Every Which Way

“Bugger off ya gingery wanker!” bellowed Zara. “You’ve had her all to yourself these last few days so it’s time to share.”

“Like hell, I have!” exclaimed Harry. “We were doing charity work so I’ve not bloody had her to myself.”

“Correction, you’ve had her to yourself these last two days.” Zara stated. “Now go on, it’s time she wanders off with me or else she’ll be so fed up with you that she’ll try and smother ya in your sleep. Not that I’d blame her, of course. It’d be only natural since you’re a right prat.” She smiled deviously. “Look at her! She’s smiling like mad, because she knows it’s true. Another hour with you and she’ll have a right meltdown. There is only so much of you a person can take before they need a break, and she most certainly needs a break. Right, Paulin?” She didn’t even wait for her to confirm. “Right, come along then. We’ll have ourselves a walk through Johannesburg. Don’t pull that face. I’m not about to run off with you on a shopping trip. Whatever’s here, we can get in London. What I want to do is take in the sights and the food. There’s apparently this brilliant lunch spot that Mike swears by, so we’ll go there and then –”

“As long as we’re back by three, I’m up for it.” Paulina spoke up.

“Does the ginger have you on a schedule?” Zara nearly laughed. “To hell with that!” she said. “I’ve rewritten your schedule and the only thing on it is me.”

“Don’t be daft, Zar.” Harry told his cousin. “She’s meant to go with me and Wills to the FA reception. And your arse is meant to go there as well.”

“I’m not meant to go. I was simply invited.” Zara corrected. “And the only reason I was even thinking about going was because Mike wants to go and I didn’t have anyone to wander off with, but now I’ve my darling Paulin to go off with and we’re going to have ourselves a fantastic afternoon. Isn’t that right?” Zara asked Paulina, grinning brightly at the brunette. “And don’t look over at the ginger! I’ll not have him influence your response. Look away, Harry! I’ll not have you use your ginger magic to sway her decision.”

“You’re mental!” Harry laughed, heartily.

“Says the ginger that refuses to wear sun block in South Africa,” retorted Zara. “But that’s a conversation for another day. So what do ya say, Paulin?”

“I’ll say that we’ll have a fantastic afternoon, because we seriously always have a rad time when we hang out,” said Paulina. “But even though I’d love to just hang out all day, I can’t. I’m gonna head over to the reception and it’s gonna be a rad time.”

“He’s bribed you with Beckham, hasn’t he?” Zara questioned, teasingly. “He’s always throwing about Beckham to have his way.”

“I’ve not bribed her with Beckham.” Though in truth, Harry had mentioned that they’d once again be in Beckham’s company. “Honestly Zar, you just have to get over the fact that Paulin thinks I’m more fun than you.”

“You arse!” Zara playfully smacked Harry’s shoulder. “No one thinks you’re more fun than me! Everyone knows I’m the brilliant one.”

“Keep telling yourself that, I reckon that after awhile you’ll start believing it.” Harry smirked, smugly. “But we all know I’m the best.”

“You two are worse than my niece and nephew.” Paulina interjected, shaking her head as she fought back a smile. “You’re both fucking brilliant. Alright?” she looked from one to the other with the same stern look she used on Isabel and Ronaldo. “And here’s what’s going to happen today, I’m going to go out sightseeing with Zara, and we’re gonna have lunch at that place she wants to eat at, and it’ll be rad. And then we’re gonna come back to the hotel, get ready, and head out to the reception, and when that’s done with, we can get changed out of fancy dress and then get hammered at a club. How’s that sound?”

“I suppose I can live with that.” Zara said, trying not to seem too eager. “But I pick the club.”

“That works for me.” Paulina smiled. “What do you say, güerito?”

“Yeah, I’m up for it. And we can invite Carl. I’m sure he’d be up for it. He phoned me earlier to ask if we were going to be at the reception, so he’ll be keen to have a night out. His sister and Daniel might not be, but we’ll still ask.”

“So that’s why you’re so keen to have Paulin there.” Zara stated. “You mean to introduce her. Good on you, Harry. It’s about bloody time! She’s got to get used to the foreign royals as well. That’s what she’s in for after all. Don’t worry, Paulin.” She turned to her. “I see it in your eyes that you’re a bit nervous, but just remember that you’ve survived Granny. So chin up, and give them that lovely smile of yours that everyone’s so keen on. Well, now that we’ve got that settled, I reckon we best be on our way since I’m meant to have you back by three.”

“You act like three o’clock is just around the corner.” Paulina laughed. “It’s barely a quarter to nine. We’re literally going to be wandering around for six hours.”

“Six hours is nothing when you remember that I planned to keep you all day.” Zara sighed, overdramatically. “But alas, I shall have to make due since there’s a ginger that doesn’t know how to share.”

“Better to not know how to share than to be a sore loser.” Harry said, smugly.

“I’m going to wipe the floor with that gingery head of yours and then we’ll see who the damn loser is,” threatened Zara. “Now leave us be, you oaf!”

“But you’re in mine and Paulin’s suite.” Harry reminded. “It’s your arse that has to be leaving, and you better have her home in one piece, because if anything’s the matter with her, you’ll be answering to me.”

“Answer to you?” Zara scoffed. “Hah. As if I’d ever answer to your arse, I’d sooner give up riding.”

“That’s quite a serious thing to say,” stated Harry.

“Well, I’m a very serious woman.” Zara said, a smirk beginning to form on her lips. “And you’re a bloke that’s starting to sound an awful lot like a nanny.” She looked over at Paulina. “Doesn’t it sound like he’s your nanny with the way he’s talking?” Zara asked Paulina, thoroughly enjoying the look of annoyance on her cousin’s face. “He does. Doesn’t he? Of course he does. Look at him, scowling about, trying to scare me off from my teasing. Well know this, dearest Harry, I won’t be scared. Especially now that I know you’ve taken on the duties of a nanny. I’ll get you a Marry Poppins outfit, I will. You’ll look sharp, better than usual at least.”

“Go on then, buy me the outfit. I’ll even do a little dance in it, so ya get your moneys worth.” Harry said, coolly.

“Can I sit in on the dance?” Paulina joked.

“Of course you’ll be sitting in on it. I’ll be dancing on you, after all.” Harry smirked.

“So it’ll be my own private Mary Poppins inspired lap dance?” she mused aloud. “Well, I guess it could be worse.”

“Could be worse?” Harry feigned offense. “What’s wrong about me being in one of those dresses? You’ll have easy access to –”

“Harry!” she cried, blushing furiously as she smacked his shoulder.

“Awe come on, it’s only Zara. She doesn’t count as company, and mind you, her minds as foul as mine.” Harry wrapped an arm around Paulina, and pulled her in close. “Isn’t that right, Zar?”

“It is.” Zara confirmed. “My mind’s just as foul as yours.”

“Still,” said Paulina.

“Mark my words, one day you won’t be fussing about Harry saying that sort of thing in front of others. You’ll get comfortable, you will. And ya won’t mind anymore, but since you do mind at the present, I’m gonna slip out so as to let you get ready. And you better not take long, because I’m quite starving.”

“Please don’t tell me you’re as bad as Harry when you get hungry,” said Paulina.

“I’d like to tell you that I’m not, but I’m on par with him when it comes to that.” Zara wasn’t exaggerating. Whenever she was hungry, she turned into an insupportable grouchy prat. “Don’t worry though. I’ll have a granola bar to hold me over until breakfast.”

“Just leave already,” laughed Harry. “She can’t bloody well change in front of you.”

“She could,” said Zara, casually. “It’s not like we don’t have the same bits on us. Anyways, I’ll be right outside. And even though I like teasing you, there’s honestly no need to worry, Harry. Granny sent Lucas to look after me, so we’ll be well provided for.”

“You can have Alistair as well, if you like.” Harry offered.

“Henry,” Paulina chimed in. “I don’t want to bother Alistair so early. If Zara already has her security detail to look after us, we’ll be alright. And it’s not like we even need the extra protection. We aren’t being followed around like we usually are, so we’re set.”

“Alistair’s already awake though.” Harry countered. “He wakes up at six every morning to get his exercise in, and I don’t think he’d mind looking after you. He’s very keen on your safety, he is. So he’d be pleased to be charged with looking after you.”

“He’s not being charged with that, not right now.” The tone with which she said it made it perfectly clear that there’d be no further discussion. “And anyways, he needs to be looking after you.” She scrunched her nose at Harry. “I need my güerito well guarded.”

“I doubt anyone would want to take his arse.” Zara laughed. “But yes, I reckon he does need the security a bit more. Anyways, I’ll be outside, and hurry your arse up, Paulin!”

With that said, Zara exited the suite, leaving Harry and Paulina alone to scramble about. Paulina was about to make a dash for the bathroom when Harry suddenly spoke up.

“I would feel better if you took Alistair.” He told her. “And I know it might seem like I’m being a bit overbearing, but I –”

“You’re not overbearing.” She reached out for his hand, gently taking it into her own. “You just want to make sure I’m safe, and I appreciate that, but I don’t feel it’s necessary to have Alistair follow me around.”

“What if something happens though?” he pressed. “Lucas isn’t charged with keeping you safe. If anything goes wrong, he’ll look after Zara. She’s his priority.”

“If anyone tried to fuck with me, I’ll punch them.” She wasn’t just saying it to say it, she meant it. If someone tried to put hands on her, she’d defend herself. “And it’s not like anyone’s dumb enough to try something, because even though the photographers here aren’t as close as they are in England and Harvard, they’re still close, and whatever happens to me will get caught on camera. So I’m set. The press will be my security detail.”

“You are aware of how mental that makes you sound?”

“I am.” She said, giving his hand a light squeeze. “But it’s the truth.”

He shook his head. “I still think you ought to –”

“I’ve got to brush my teeth and get dressed,” she cut him off. “I don’t want Zara to get all crazy on me like you do when you don’t eat.”

“I’m not even that bad.” He grumbled.

“You’re a wanker when you don’t eat, but that’s alright. I love you just the same. Now come on, give me a kiss so I can go get ready.”

“No.” He pouted. “I don’t want you to go. We were meant to be in bed all morning and have ourselves a go.”

“We’ll have a go when I get back.” She tugged on his hand to pull him in closer. “Now where’s my kiss?”

He’d fully intended to pout a bit more, but she was gazing up at him with such fondness that he couldn’t help but give into her. He hunched down slightly, just enough so that his lips could meet hers, and when they did, not even the morning breath was able to keep them from escalating things further than they’d intended. Somehow or another, Paulina ended up sitting on the writing table in the sitting room area, and if it hadn’t been for Zara screaming for Paulina’s arse to hurry up, Paulina would’ve stayed lost in Harry’s touch, but alas, Zara did scream.

“Coming!” bellowed Paulina when she finally managed to pull herself away. “Henry, get off.”

“No,” he mumbled against her neck. “Tell her to wait a bit longer. Thirty minutes, sounds about right.”

“I’m not gonna fuck you while your cousin’s right outside the door.” She playfully smacked his chest. “Now be a dear and get the fuck off, because my ass needs to get ready.”

“Your arse is already ready.” Harry smirked. “Come on, love.”

“Later,” she told him.

“You’re killing me here.” He groaned.

“You’ll live.” She pushed him away. “So go have yourself a wank and get to bed.”

She didn’t stand around waiting for him to complain any further. Instead, she ran off to the bathroom so she could brush her teeth and get ready for her outing with Zara. Had she been allotted more time to get dressed and make herself presentable, she would’ve styled her hair and taken the time to put on her usual makeup, but since she was tight on time, she fashioned her hair into a loose French braid and applied minimal makeup, forgoing the usual eyeliner that was such a favorite of hers. She knew the blogs and tabloids were surely going to criticize her for not looking as put together as she usually did, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t like she had the time to fuss about her appearance, so she finished up as quick as she could, and after placing a quick kiss on Harry, who happened to be mid-wank, she ran out the suite door and nearly knocked Zara over.

“It’s about bloody time!” exclaimed Zara. “I was beginning to think I’d have to drag you out.”

“Don’t be so dramatic,” said Paulina as she flung her purse across her shoulder. “I only took fifteen minutes.”

“Fifteen minutes too long,” said Zara, playfully. “Ya should’ve run out in your pajamas.”

“I was only wearing an oversized shirt.” And in truth, it had been one of Harry’s oversized shirts.

“Nothing wrong with showing a bit of leg, I’m sure the photographers would’ve loved it. Ya would’ve landed on the cover of another one of those lad’s mags.”

At that, Paulina frowned.

“Chin up, love.” Zara wrapped an arm around Paulina’s shoulder. “We’ve all ended up on a lad’s mag at some point or another. Now come on, we’ve only six hours to feast and explore and I intend to make the most of it.”

And they truly did make the most of it. The pair had a late breakfast at the restaurant that Mike was so keen on, they wandered around the streets and took in the sights, and they even took the time to grab a pint at a local pub and share laughs with other tourists that had descended on Johannesburg. They were granted the very rare privilege of moving about unbothered. Granted, there were still a handful of photographers following them around, but that handful was a far cry from the dozens that stalked them through Europe, and the crowds were so large that those few photographers never really got all that closer to them. They were within a ten foot range, but their cameras weren’t shoved in Paulina and Zara’s faces. There was an incredibly comfortable and reasonable buffer between the two young ladies and the cameras, and for that, they were grateful.

Paulina was glad that the busy streets allotted them that precious bit of freedom. It allowed her the opportunity to freely enjoy her time with Zara. She’d always like Zara. From the start, she’d been kind and welcoming to Paulina, gladly endeavoring to establish herself on more intimate terms with her cousin’s girlfriend. That had always been something that Paulina appreciated. She was truly grateful that Zara had been so willing to accept her. Zara could’ve easily played the part of the stuck up royal, but she’d been down to earth, she’d been approachable, and for that reason, Paulina genuinely cared for her. And to be able to spend six hours with just Zara was a true treat. Zara was silly and rowdy and boisterous. She joked without caring if anyone would shoot her a disapproving glance; she ate without looking at the calories on the menu and drank as steadily as Harry did. Zara didn’t fuss about like the other members of the aristocracy that Paulina had been in society with. She wasn’t affected by her position as the daughter of Princess Anne. Of course, she could play the part when she had to, but in spending the day with Zara, Paulina came to understand just how much she had in common with her. She came to esteem Zara even more than before and even though Paulina wouldn’t say it aloud (not yet at least), she was relieved to know that if Harry and her ever married, she would get to have Zara as a cousin.

“So,” spoke Zara as they were driven back to the hotel. “A little bird told me that you’ll be off to Balmoral soon enough.”

“I am,” confirmed Paulina, turning her attention to Zara. “We’re to venture up north in about a week. Well, a couple more days than a week, but it won’t be long until then. And we’ve got quite a few things to do before then so time’s just gonna zoom by.”

“More charity events?” inquired Zara.

“No.” Paulina said it a lot more enthusiastically than she’d meant. “Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy the charity events. It’s really great to see the organizations that Henry’s working with and to learn more about where his passions lie, uh, but the last two weeks have been almost nothing but that so I’m glad to take a break from it.”

“I get what you’re saying.” Zara assured. “I mean, it’s nice to do charity work, what with all the good that gets done, but it gets to be so exhausting to have to run about as often as the royals do. I know that mum does multiple events on most days. She’ll have a meeting here, a public appearance there, and all I can ever think is that she truly ought to get some rest in.” She ran a hand through her hair. “So since you’re not doing charity work, what are ya to do? If you don’t mind me asking, of course,” she added.

“Well, I’m gonna spend a few days with Lord and Lady Fellowes in London.”

“Will you survive?” Zara blurted out. “No offense, Lady Fellowes is lovely; she really is fucking lovely, but Lord Fellowes.” She wrinkled her nose in disapproval. “He’s a right prat, he is. And he can be so annoying.”

“You sound exactly like Harry.” Paullina chuckled. “But I’ll be alright. I actually get on really well with them. Like you said, Lady Fellowes is just amazing lovely, but Lord Fellowes has his own loveliness. It’s not traditional loveliness, to be sure, but I’ve learned a lot from him, about politics and all that.”

“You truly are passionate about politics, aren’t you?” Zara, like Harry, didn’t really care for politics. It wasn’t something she paid all that much attention to.

“Well, yeah.” Paulina replied. “Politics affect every factor of our lives. It’s the reason why there are traffic lights and why there are regulatory agencies that ensure health codes are being met by food companies, they’re the reason why there labor laws that protect workers, they’re the reason why your country has the amazing healthcare that it does. Politics is everything. I just don’t think that most people realize just how much it affects them on an everyday basis. I don’t know. I probably sound really lame going on about that, but yeah, I love politics. And Lord Fellowes has been a really good teacher.”

“I honestly had never thought of politics in those terms.” Zara said. “It’s obvious now that you’ve spoken of them, but I suppose that we all just take those things for granted because they’re so normal to us. But you’re right; the labor laws had to be fought for by unions that got politicians to make proper laws that would look after them.”

“Exactly,” said Paulina.

“And are you to stay with them all week?” Zara inquired. “Well the week leading up to your trip to Balmoral, that is.”

“No, uh, I’m actually only going to be there for two days, then Harry’s going to pick me up on Thursday, and we’ll stay in his dad’s flat until Saturday morning when we’ll drive out to Torquay for the weekend.”

“I love Torquay!” exclaimed Zara. “It’s beautiful there. The weather’s perfect and the water is honestly just some of the best you’ll find in England. Mike and I go quite often there. I mean, obviously, if you want something a bit warmer, you’d go off to the Mediterranean, but when traveling’s not really something ya want to do, Torquay’s perfect, because it’s lovely and it’s close and it’s truly quite brilliant. So what hotel will you stay in? Because I’ve a few that I think you’d quite like, who knows maybe you’ve already booked one that’s Zara approved, without even knowing it.”

“As much as I’d love to say that we’ve stayed at a Zara approved hotel, I have to say that we haven’t.”

“And how can ya be so sure of that?”

“Because we’re staying at my friend’s cottage,” replied Paulina. “He’s got a sweet get up there, and he’s already let Harry and I stay before. We were there two years ago to celebrate Harry’s birthday, but that time, my friend wasn’t there, but this time he will be. It’s gonna be a mutual getaway since him and our other friend, Olivia, is gonna be there. Well, she’s not just his friend, she’s actually his girlfriend. And yeah, it’s great there. We had a lot of fun when we went, so we’re excited to get back, but once that’s done, we’re gonna head out to Balmoral and . . . ahh.”

“Why the ahh?” asked an amused Zara. “There’s no need to be scared. You’ve already been to Buckingham so there’s no need to fret.”

“I’m not fretting about that. It’s the – oh, never mind! You’ll just tease me if I tell you. Henry’s always teasing me about it.”

“I feel like I ought to promise not to tease you just so you’ll bloody tell me, but I’d be lying if I said that, so let’s not have me lie. Instead, I’ll promise that if ya tell me, the teasing will be mutually enjoyable.” Zara grinned. “Come on then, Paulin. Be a good mate and tell me what it is that our ginger teases me about.”

“So we’re mates now?”

“Of course we are. What’d ya think that I just make a habit of running about with my cousin’s birds? I’d be mad to do that. You’ve no idea the sort of people my cousins get caught up with. I love them and all, they’re family, but you know, there’s some birds that come about and I can’t stand the sight of them, but you – well, you, I’m quite fond of. That’s why I like to keep you about when I can steal ya.” Zara laughed lightly. “Honest though, we’re mates. And you ought to tell me so that I can tease you. That’s what mates do, after all.”

“Well since we’re mates,” said Paulina, a coy smile tugging at her lips. “I guess I have to tell you.”

“It’s your sacred duty.” Zara said in the solemn tone she reserved for charity outings with her grandmother.

“I’m freaked out about going hunting, and even more scared about having to mount. That sounds lame, doesn’t it? Everyone in your family seems to be perfectly at home on a horse. It’s like it’s the most natural thing in the world. And you’ve even made a career out of it! But here I am, freaking out, because I’ve only ever mounted a horse. Right after I did that, I freaked the hell out.”

“Oh dear,” said Zara. “I can’t very well tease you over a phobia, even if I do think it a bit silly. S’alright though, you’ll conquer your fear, all you’ve got to do is practice. And if you like, maybe we could get together sometime this week and I could help. I reckon it shouldn’t be too hard to teach someone to ride, not since I’ve been at it my entire life so if ya want, we could do it.”

“That’s really sweet of you, and I really do appreciate the offer, but I . . . I don’t think I could face horses this week.” Paulina laughed awkwardly. “I must sound like such a ninny.”

“You do,” admitted Zara with a soft smile, “But s’alright. I’m sure Granny will enjoy trying to teach you.”

“She won’t do it.” Paulina blurted out. “Will she? I mean, she said that we were going to ride, but she won’t teach me, at least I don’t think she will. She has trainers doesn’t she?”

“She does.” Zara confirmed. “But you’re her particular guests, and as far as I know, you and Harry are her only guests. So you’ll be quite looked after.”

“It’s gonna be a disaster,” mumbled Paulina. “I can’t ride and I don’t hunt.”

“The hunting will be easier than the riding.” Zara assured. “Don’t look at me like I’ve lost my mind, I mean it. Look, all you have to do is have them give you one of the older rifles, say that you want to have a proper go of it and test your own abilities. And since you’ve never shot anything before, you’ll muck it up and that’ll be the end of that. That’s what I always do. I get one of the old ones, wander about with them, and never kill anything. It’s the only way to go about that, especially since everyone else in the family’s so keen on it. I personally don’t see the appeal, but to each their own.”

“You’re fucking brilliant,” said Paulina as she offered Zara a grateful smile.

“Of course I am.” Zara smirked. “I’m not just a pretty face, you know.” She was going to say something else, but that was when her phone started ringing. “For fuck’s sake Harry, we’re nearly there!” she spoke, not even bothering to greet her cousin. “We’re quite literally just pulling up in front of the hotel. So calm your ass down and we’ll see you in a bit.” She tucked her phone back into her pocket. “It was just the ginger wondering where we were. I reckon that he ought to have phoned you, but I guess he wanted to get told off by his dear old cousin.”

“He’s a masochist,” joked Paulina.

“Oi!” exclaimed Zara. “I don’t need to be told that sort of thing. That’s what you ought to keep in the bedroom.”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” said Paulina, awkwardly. “I was just trying to say that –”

“I know, I know.” Zara laughed. “I just like working you up as well. It’s quite funny it is. Ah! Here we are. Now we can get upstairs and waste hours of our lives on getting ready for a bloody party in which we’ll be forced to wear Spanx.”

“You wear Spanx too?” Paulina was relieved to know that Zara suffered with the damn things as well. “That’s a fucking relief. I always felt like I was the only one wearing Spanx.”

“Like everyone knows that you’re wearing them,” added Zara. “I feel the same bloody way. It’s like I know that no one can see what knickers I’ve got on, but the fact that they’re just so fucking large makes me so aware of their presence, but the thing is that most people wear the damn things. They keep everything where they’re meant to be and it’s easier to throw one of those on than go on an absurd diet to fit in a ridiculous dress. No offense to the birds that can do that, but I’m not one for it. I like to eat, and I do my fair bit of exercise, but I’m not about to starve myself so everything looks smoothed over.”

Their Spanx conversation didn’t last much longer. They soon pulled up at the front of the hotel and exited the vehicle. There were a few photographers lingering out front, and the moment they saw Paulina and Zara, they began to snap shots, hurrying to get the best possible pictures they could, but they weren’t granted unconditional access to the young woman, because almost as soon as they began to take pictures, Alistair exited the hotel and made his way to the pair. He mostly shielded Paulina, having received very specific orders from Harry to keep her safe, but even though she was his priority, he was still able to ensure that Zara was properly looked after. He escorted them both to their respective rooms, first dropping off Zara at her suite with Mike, and then riding up three more floors on the elevator in order to escort Paulina to hers.

“Here we are, Miss,” spoke Alistair when they arrived at the suite. “His Royal Highness is currently awaiting your arrival in the company of His Royal Highness Prince William. Before you enter, might I be so bold as to inquire whether there is something that you might wish for me to acquire or a task that you might desire to have carried out?”

“A task?” she repeated. “Uh, I don’t think I have any of those that need carrying out,” she said, somewhat awkwardly. “But thanks for the offer, Alistair. It’s good to know you’re always fussing over us.”

“I do not fuss.” Alistair blurted out. “Pardon, what I meant to say is –”

“Alistair, there’s no need to be so formal with me. You partied with me on my birthday and got pretty drunk, not belligerent drunk, but pleasantly intoxicated, so I like to think that we are friends, even though you insist on calling me, Miss.” After two years of knowing him, she honestly didn’t know why he hadn’t given into calling her by her name. “And you do fuss over us. You might not like to think you do, but you do. And I appreciate it because I know we can be a fucking handful, especially when we’re not at our best, but even then, you’re there for us and I’m grateful for it. So thank you. Seriously, thank you.” She reached out and touched his hand, giving it a friendly squeeze. “Now go get some rest. This is gonna be a long day for all of us.”

“I will, Miss.” Alistair reassured. “But you must enter before I retire.”

“Ah. That’s right, protocol.” She’d forgotten that Alistair had to stand at the door until she was safely inside, just to make sure no one came running down the hall to kidnap her. Not that she could imagine any scenario in which she would be kidnapped. There’d been no threats made to her person, but it was just one of those rules she had to follow whenever she went on vacation with Harry. “Well since I’m sure you have better things to do, I’ll go ahead and let myself in. I’ll see you later, Alistair. And remember to sneak in a nap!”

That said, she retrieved the room key from her pant pocket and let herself in. The moment she stepped inside, she was struck by Harry and William’s booming voices, but they weren’t welcoming her back from her morning’s outing with Zara. The pair was far too busy yelling at some sports program that was going on about England’s horrendous performance against Algeria. Harry and William were still very much pissed off at their national team for only managing a tie against their opponents. How could England have tied have against Algeria? Better yet, how the fuck could England be tied with the United States in overall points for their group? How the fuck did that happen? England was meant to be superior when it came to football, and yet they were tied with the United States, a country whose people honestly cared little for the sport. They cared so little for it that they didn’t even refer to it as everyone else in the world did. To Americans it wasn’t football, it was soccer. And the MLS was nothing when compared to the NFL, nothing at all. Yet somehow England was tied for points with the United States, in the group phase of the World Cup. Somehow, they had managed to not live up to the standards of English football, and the two Princes were absolutely furious about that, Harry more so than William.

The pair was so engrossed with yelling at the sports commentators, that they were completely oblivious to Paulina entering the living room area. They were so focused on the television that they didn’t notice when she hung up her satchel on the coat rack or when she took off her light jacket. In fact, she was able to stand there for a good while, watching in amusement as they argued with the television. It wasn’t until she got bored of that that she decided to speak up.

“Sounds like you guys are finally over yesterday’s match,” she said, teasingly. “What a relief! For a moment, I seriously thought you were still gonna be all hung up about it.”

“When’d your arse get in?” Harry blurted out.

“What a rude little ginger,” she playfully scolded him. “Here I was, rushing to get back to you, and you don’t even sound the least bit pleased to have me back. I reckon I should just tell Zara that she can have me for the rest of the day. We’ll continue strolling through the streets and feasting and drinking. Hmm, but on second thought, if I run off with her, I won’t be able to meet Rooney. And I can’t risk not seeing that lovely asshole.”

“Oi!” exclaimed Harry, chuckling lightly. “If ya keep going on about him like that, I won’t bloody introduce you.”

“And who says that I need you to introduce me?” She began to move towards Harry. “I’m sure that William would be more than happy to introduce me to Rooney.”

“Course I would,” said William. “But why you so keen on meeting Rooney?”

“Because she fancies him,” Harry explained.

“You fancy Rooney?” William couldn’t believe that. He couldn’t believe how anyone on earth could possibly fancy Rooney. “As in Wayne Rooney, the bloke that’s always losing his temper?”

“That’s the one.” Paulina replied.

“Why?” William blurted out.

“Because she thinks he’s fit.” Like his brother, Harry didn’t understand how his girlfriend could possibly have a crush on the balding Wayne Rooney. He could understand her crush on David Tennant, but not Rooney. “Don’t even try to make sense of it Wills. Ya won’t be able to. And it’s not like it matters, she won’t be running off with that bastard.”

“And how do you know that? We might hit it off for all you know.”

“Would ya really leave your güerito for that bastard?” Harry pouted, knowing full on that she wouldn’t. She just felt like teasing him a bit.

“Hmm . . .” she pursed her lips together, pretending to be deep in thought. “I guess not, but only because I like you so much.”

“What a relief.” Harry grinned. “And now that we’ve settled that you’re not running off anywhere, come here.” He patted the seat next to him, and she gladly sat down. “How were things with Zara?”

“They were rad. We had a really great time, and then we weren’t hassled that much by the press so we got to just enjoy ourselves, and walk around without freaking out. That reminds me! I got you guys something.” She ran back to where her purse was and pulled out two neatly wrapped packages. “I don’t know if you want to have them right now or later on but they’re these really good pastries from the restaurant Zara took me to, and they’re just so delicious.” She handed William a bag of pastries and then handed Harry the one she’d brought for him. “Hopefully they’ll help make you feel better about last night’s game.”

“The only thing that’ll make us feel better about last night’s match will be a massive victory in their upcoming one,” grumbled Harry.

“There’ll have to be at least a three point difference.” William added. “Just to make it clear to everyone that we’re not mucking about, because if we only get by with a goal, the damn commentators will still be running at the mouth.” It was then that he took a bite out of one of the biscuits. “By the way, these are fantastic. Where’d you get them again?”

“Some restaurant that Zara took me to, I don’t remember the name, but I can ask her later on when we’re at the reception.” Paulina replied.

“I reckon we’ll have to go tomorrow for breakfast,” Harry said, his mouth full of biscuits. “We can pop by before we head over to the airport.”

“Am I allowed to come with or is this just for you two lovebirds?” William asked.

“Well I was hoping you wouldn’t come along, but I guess it’d be alright, if ya really have to.” Harry joked.

“Aren’t you just the sweetest brother in the world?” William fought back a laugh. “I’ll have to get you some sort of plaque for being so considerate.”

“Only a plaque?” said Harry. “Honestly Wills, I’ve said ya can come along. I deserve at least a plaque and a knighthood.”

“You’re already a Prince. Your arse doesn’t need to be knight.”

“It’s the principality of the matter.” Harry declared. “Darling, wouldn’t you fancy being with a knight?”

“I think I would.” She answered, resting her head on his chest. “Oh come on, William. Make him a knight.”

“Hmm, I suppose I could, but only because I like you so much.” William said. “It’ll take awhile though, a couple of decades most likely.”

“I’ll hold your arse to it.” Harry chuckled. “And Paulin’s my witness. So you better make me a Knight or else we’ll ride off with your favorite horses.”

“He’ll ride off with your favorite horses.” Paulina corrected. “I’ll be on the car trying to keep up.”

“I’ve a feeling that you’ll be quite at home on horseback by then.” William stated. “Especially since Granny is so keen on having you ride with her.”

“She told you?” Paulina was surprised to her the Queen was discussing their plans.

“Of course she did, she’s quite keen to have you in Balmoral so she’s been talking about it quite a bit. Not excessively, of course, but she’s mentioned it to myself and father.” William informed her. “And just so you know, she will have you ride. She’s made that perfectly clear. She won’t admit defeat.”

“Well, she’ll have me mount, but I can’t say that I’ll ride.” The mere thought of being on a galloping horse was enough to make her faint of breath.

“You’ll be alright, darling.” Harry reassured. “She’ll give you a great horse, one that’s gentle and well trained.”

“She truly will,” agreed William. “And you better take to it, because now that you’ve been invited to Balmoral to hunt and ride, I’m sure that father’s going to be quite keen on having you over for that as well.”

“He’s already started pestering me about when you’ll be back in England.” Harry wasn’t just saying that to say, his father had actually pestered him about when it was that Paulina could visit. “He wanted to take you to the highlands in late July, but I told him it wouldn’t happen, since you’ll be back in America long before then. So I told him we’d be better off waiting until next year.”

“Next year sounds great. I’ll just let you know when it is that I’ll be flying out.” Paulina didn’t know whether she wanted to spend the first half of her break with Harry or the last half.

“Alright then, well, whenever we’ve got that figured out just let me know.” Harry suppressed a yawn. “Oi!” he exclaimed. “Wills, when are we meant to be at the reception again?”

“At five,” replied William.

“Five?” exclaimed Paulina. “Harry! You’d told me that we weren’t supposed to be there until six. Fucking hell, now I have to jump in the shower and straighten my hair and . . . oh my god, I don’t think I’m going to have time to wash straighten and style my hair. I just won’t wash it. I washed it last night so I should be good. Sorry William, but I have to get started with getting ready for the reception. Excuse me,” she made a move to stand up but Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and forced her onto his lap. “Let me go, you oaf! I’ve got to get ready.”

“You’ve two hours to get bloody ready.”

“Not two hours. If we’re gonna be there at five, then we have to leave fifteen minutes early, and its like 3:20 ish right now, so I’ve got to get a move on, especially since I’ve got to get fixed up to meet the Swedes.”

“Don’t even straighten your hair,” said Harry. “Ya know I like it when it’s left to its unruly curls.”

“You like it, but it’s not right for the event.” Paulina said, very matter-of-factly. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” She maneuvered her way off of Harry’s lap and made her way to the bedroom to get what she’d need to shower.

“She’s mad, she is.” Harry stated when she disappeared into the bedroom. “I honestly don’t see why she’s fussing about her hair. Victoria’s always got hers in a bloody bun so it won’t matter if Paulin doesn’t do whatever style she’s practiced.”

“It matters to her.” William commented. “And she’s only doing it because she wants to make sure she’ll do well by the family.”

“She does better than well by us.” Harry stated, defensively.

“I’m not saying she doesn’t, ya daft ginger.” William fought back a laugh. “All I’m saying is that she’s keen to do things right, and that’s why she’s gonna scramble to do her hair. And now that she’s off scrambling, I reckon I ought to call Kate and then get dressed.” He stood up. “I’ll see ya later then.”

“See ya in a bit, ya wanker.” Harry turned off the teli and then walked into the bedroom where Paulina was putting her dirty clothes into their makeshift hamper. He didn’t say anything, he quietly made his way behind her, and when she began to straighten up to make a go for the bathroom he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in tight. “Where you off to in such a hurry?” he whispered into her ear.

“You already know where, you oaf.” Her eyes fluttered as one of his hands began to travel downwards. “N-now let me go, I’m running late.”

“Late?” he repeated, sliding his hand between her thighs. “You’re not late, not at all.”

“Henry, you better –” it was too late. His fingers slid between her lips, going as far back as they could before returning to her erect clit that was desperately awaiting the return of his fingers. “Ten minutes,” she breathed out, shakily. “Ten fucking minutes, Henry . . .”

“Ten minutes?” he mused aloud as he kissed the back of her neck. “Well, since I’ve only got ten minutes, I suppose this’ll have to wait.” He was about to remove his hand, but the moment she felt his fingers stop, she clamper her thighs, forcing it to remain in place. “Does that mean I’ve twenty?”

“Yes,” she breathed out.

“Good,” he said, allowing his fingers to commence indulging her with pleasure. “Because I fully intend to have you every which way I want.”
♠ ♠ ♠
First things first, I am so incredibly, massively sorry for not having updated in nearly a month. The personal assistant that I share a boss with, decided to run off to Europe for three and a half weeks, so I had to pick up the slack and it got really hectic and I didn’t have any time to get on here and just write. And then when I did get on here, I got banned. Why? Because I posted a blog in which I explained with some very colorful words how much of a despicable little shit I thought my fellow personal assistant is. And if I get banned again, just know that it’s because of this authors note, but hopefully it won’t come to that. Because I’m not bashing anyone on this site, I’m bashing a thirty something year old man that runs off on an almost month long vacation and leaves a twenty-three year old to look after him. Not rad. So yeah, that’s why I hadn’t updated sooner.

Secondly, this chapter was supposed to be twenty pages, but then I felt really bad because if I wrote it out to be twenty pages, then that meant that I wouldn’t be able to post until at least Tuesday or Wednesday, and that’s not rad. So I’m splitting the chapter into two parts, and in the next part, Victoria and Daniel are going to make an appearance. Hoorah! And since I’ve added that additional chapter, that means that this story won’t end until Ch 112. I know that I could end it on 111, but I’ve got this thing about odd numbers. So yeah . . . Again, I’m so sorry that I hadn’t updated in such a long time, but we’re nearly at the end. Just stay with me and be a little patient, I promise it’ll be worth it. I love and appreciate all of you! And now I have to run off because I have a Quinceanera to get to!

Thanks so much for Commenting!

Freeing Conscience