Sequel: Volver a Tus Brazos

The Thrill Is Gone

A Press Conference

“On Saturday night, a stranger broke into my home with the intention of planting a listening device on my cell phone that would’ve granted him access to my private conversations. He also wished to copy the files present on my laptop onto a flash drive. This individual invaded my privacy in order to gain private information on my life, information that I have actively worked to protect. He didn’t stop to think that what he was doing was illegal, that there would be repercussions for his actions, and perhaps he believed that he would be able to slip out before I realized that he had even been there.” She took in a deep breath, calming the nerves that were raging inside her. “Unfortunately for this individual and his employer, I awoke before he carried out his mission. I engaged him by striking with a baseball bat. There are those that argue that I used more than reasonable force when I struck him. I wish to remind those individuals that I am a twenty-three year old woman whose home was broken into by an unknown man. And although he was not there to physically impose himself on my person, I believe – given the context – it was only natural for me to react as if that had been his purpose in being there. I am sure that my fellow women will agree with me on that point.” She glanced over at her team of lawyers, all whom were looking ahead except for one, Gloria Allred was looking earnestly at Paulina’s face, showing concern and compassion as her client spoke, and when Paulina turned to look at her, Gloria offered the dark haired youth a reassuring smile that urged her to continue with the speech. “That said, as soon as I took control of the situation, I contacted the local authorities, and the culprit was then taken into custody. With him apprehended by the authorities, my apartment then became the location for a thorough investigation which brought about the discovery of the devices necessary to tap my phone and the flash drive that was intended for my laptop. It was then clear to me that I had been the target of News of the World, a tabloid magazine that undoubtedly became fed up with my refusal to talk with the press. They decided that since I have made no attempt at giving statements and answering questions, that they then had a right to invade my privacy and forcefully learn more about me and those closest to my heart. I condemn the actions of their reporter as a gross violation of my privacy, and as a blatant disregard for the laws that govern this sovereign state. As a result of the actions undertaken by News of the World and their reporter, I found myself morally obligated to file criminal complaints against them.”

“The criminal complaints were filed at 8:17 this morning.” Gloria took over. “Miss Balcázar filed these criminal complaints in hopes that in the near future, this organization will no longer have the ability to continue invading the privacy of those who are in the public eye or the influence to continuously get away with these heinous actions. As stated prior, I, Gloria Allred, alongside Mr. Alexander Prewitt and Miss Eloise Chadha will act on behalf of Miss Paulina Aureliana Balcázar.” She paused, letting the press take in that information. “Any questions that will undoubtedly arise as the case progresses may be directed towards my colleagues or my own office, but I want to be explicit in stating that there will be no discussion of our client’s romantic life. As her lawyers, we are simply at liberty to discuss the case at hand and the legal issues pertaining to it.” She took in a deep breath. “In just a moment, we will open the floor for questions. As stated prior, no inquiries regarding her current relationship will be acknowledged. Also, Paulina will not be answering any questions.” There was an outburst of protest from the crowd, but Gloria kept speaking. “We will, however, be happy to answer them to the best of our abilities. Now, please use the time wisely.”

A few reporters thought they would outsmart the lawyers by arguing that there was no way they would have accurate information without speaking directly to Paulina, but Gloria easily quieted them down with a few quick words that shattered their confidence. After that, those in the audience decided that directing their questions towards the other lawyers, the ones that were British, was a better idea. They asked if the reporter was still in jail or if News of the World had been made aware of their complaint. Both Miss Chadha and Mr. Prewitt answered the questions with great depth, making sure to cover all the bases and explain it in a direct manner that would not confuse the reporters, because often times when lawyers start going on with legal terminology, it’s hard to follow along if ones not well versed in the language. There were a few questions regarding the police report, and to those, the lawyers told the press to visit their websites where a public copy of the report had been published or to obtain an official copy from the station where the report had been filed.

As the press exchanged words with the three attorneys, Paulina sat in silence, staring earnestly at her legal representation in an attempt to appear engaged in the dialogue, despite her having been barred from actively participating in it. Gloria had thought it best if Paulina refrained from answering questions. In her experience, the press had a nasty habit of manipulating people into answering questions they would’ve otherwise avoided and they would also take words out of context, making them take on, another meaning. It was better to avoid that and the potential drama that could arise from it. So Paulina sat there, her brow slightly furrowed and eyes fixed on Gloria’s profile. She still couldn’t believe that the Gloria Allred was representing her. It felt like just yesterday, she’d been typing out an e-mail to the legendary lawyer, and now she was sitting next to her at a press conference.

Only five days had passed since the break in, but so much had happened since then. She’d written her e-mail asking for help, and thanks to the fact that her former legal studies professor from Stanford was friends with Gloria, she had been able to secure her as her legal representation, and best of all, it was being done pro bono. The other two lawyers had been courtesy of Senator Kennedy whom, upon hearing word that Paulina had been the target of News of the World, had contacted MP Harriet Harman who then took it upon herself to get in touch with her cousin, Alexander Prewitt. Alexander detested News of the World and Rupert Murdoch with everything he had. In the past, Alexander had sued News of the World on other charges. Those lawsuits had come with some minor victories along with a defeat, but this time, he was determined to deliver a swift blow to the media mogul by bringing to light its use of illegal practices. Eloise Chadha was an associate at the law firm in which he worked, and when Alexander decided to take on Paulina’s case, he knew Eloise was precisely the partner he’d need. Gloria was initially hesitant about sharing the case with other lawyers. She’d already made her own strategy on the flight over, but after receiving a call from Senator Kennedy, telling her that the pair were highly accomplished and sought after in Britain, she decided that it would be best to have lawyers in the country full time. She would only be able to say in London for short periods, since she had other cases pending in America. So having them there, for Paulina to turn to if a situation suddenly arose, would be a massive benefit.

“There’s enough time left for one last question,” announced Eloise in an authoritative voice. “You, Sir, in the grey jumper,” she called out to a young man with thick spectacles.

The young man stood up, holding his recording device tightly in his hands. “While I understand the outrage that Miss Balcázar is experiencing in the aftermath of the break in, I cannot help but wonder that she may have, perhaps, been naïve in her expectations of what being the girlfriend of His Royal Highness Prince Harry, would entail. Do you not think that she should have taken further precautions to ensure her home would be kept safe?”

Paulina tensed at the question, her eyes darting towards the reporter as they flickered with annoyance. How the hell could he say she was naïve? And what kind of damn precautions could she have taken to ensure that her apartment wouldn’t have been broken into? She locked the doors, the windows as well, everything had been properly secured. That man had climbed up to her balcony, disregarded the lock on the window by breaking it, and now . . . now someone had the audacity to put some of the blame on her, now some asshole in ridiculous glasses was making it seem like she was partly to blame, because she hadn’t planned to have a jerk try to bug her phone.

That question didn’t just annoy Paulina. It annoyed her entire legal team. She couldn’t believe that someone was trying to make it seem like she hadn’t been as protective of her privacy as she’d claimed, that she was naïve and didn’t understand that when people date royalty, their homes may be the target for some illegal activity.

“I’ll answer this one,” said Paulina in a low voice, covering the microphone with her hand.

Gloria leant towards her. “You don’t have to. I'm fairly certain that I know exactly what you want to say, and I will tell him off for you no problem.”

“Thank you, but I’d rather do it myself. If that’s okay with you and Mr. Prewitt and Miss Chadha,” she added.

“Let me ask.” Gloria turned to them, and after a quick discussion turned back to Paulina. “Go ahead. Just remember what we’ve gone over.”

“I will.” Paulina removed her hand from the microphone. “I find it interesting that you wish to accuse me of naivety in this instance. Because can I truly be considered naïve for expecting reporters to adhere to the laws that govern the land? Can I be naïve in believing that a locked window and locked door would be enough to keep a stranger from entering my home?” she questioned, pausing for effect. “I dare argue that there is nothing naïve about thinking that citizens will follow laws that, are set in place to protect the privacy of those that live in this great land. Now, I understand that you believe that as a result of my being a person of interest, I should have been aware of the fact that people would want to know everything they can about me. I am, indeed, aware of that fact. And I am made aware of it, every single time I leave my home or any other private space, and step outside, where there is always a crowd of photographers waiting to snap pictures of my every move. I have not complained about that. I understand that when I step onto public space, I consent to having my picture taken. I am aware of the legality of five grown men with cameras hanging around their necks, following around a young woman when she’s trying to go on a bike ride. I am aware of the legality of you snapping photographs of me while I pick up feminine products at the local market in Oxford, and please Sir, don’t say you haven’t done so, because I have a remarkable memory, and I specifically remember you wearing that exact same jumper while you hid behind a toilet paper display.” The man’s face colored, but she carried on. “I have not been naïve in my expectations. I knew that when I became a person of interest, I would no longer have any privacy, that my every move in public would be carefully watched, but I will tell you this, I did not expect for my home to be invaded, for a stranger to break my window in the middle of the night and sneak in with the sole intention of bugging my phone and getting private information off of my laptop. Those are things that I did not expect, because I thought the press had some boundaries. I believed that despite your incessant stalking, because that’s what this is, this is stalking, this is grown adults following a young woman around, and if it weren’t for the cameras, I could have restraining orders taken out, but since you’re members of the press, you are legally allowed to follow me wherever it is that I go. And although I am not thrilled by that, I accept it. But I will not accept having my apartment broken into, I will not accept having attempts at bugging my phone made, I refuse to have my rights violated. And that, kind Sir, concludes this press conference. Thank you for your time.”

Without saying anything further, Paulina turned to look at Gloria, whose face was adorned with a proud expression. It was the sort of look that, in any other situation, would have filled Paulina with confidence, but at that moment she was trembling, her nerves were getting the best of her, and the realization that she had just insulted the entire British tabloid press, had her feeling like she was going to throw up at any moment. She wanted to run away, to go somewhere where she could kick something and to scream at the top of her lungs, but that was out of the question, she had to be poised until they reached the safety of Gloria’s hotel room. And even there, she wouldn’t be able to have her proper meltdown, because she didn’t want her lawyers thinking she was insane.

Not long after Paulina finished speaking, Gloria stood up and motioned for Paulina to follow her out. The three lawyers escorted their client into the awaiting vehicle that had dark tinted windows to keep the cameras from taking high quality images.

“I'm so sorry,” blurted out Paulina when they were inside the vehicle. “I . . . I shouldn’t have said anything. I know I shouldn’t have, but when he accused me of being naïve, I lost it and had to stand up for myself, but that was idiotic of me. Wasn’t it?”

“I thought it rather brilliant.” Eloise spoke. “You were quite passionate, but more importantly, you were eloquent in your delivery. And I daresay that those in the press that actually report news, such as the BBC, will be very much pleased with your performance. Don’t you agree, Alexander?”

“Very much so,” he replied, his light brown eyes fixed on Paulina’s face. “I must admit I thought it a bit rash, but you demonstrated that you are indeed a force to be reckoned with. And might I add that I am thoroughly enjoyed that you made no attempt at mentioning His Royal Highness? Others would have undoubtedly dropped his name or mentioned the rank he holds, in an attempt to intimidate the press, but you did not tread into that territory. You spoke in terms of yourself, of your own person. You made no attempt at lumping yourself with him, and you spoke of what you expected, what you will not put up with, and though it may seem trivial, that is immensely important. Because your decision to not take him onstage or mention him, sent out a message that you do not depend on royalty to see your matters tended to. You shall see them done on your own accord, and that is not only good news for the case, but it will serve to silence those that argue that you are a social climber.”

“If it manages to shut them up, I’ll consider myself victorious.” Paulina replied. “They print page after page talking about how I'm enjoying the attention, and yet every single picture they take of me, states otherwise. It’s been ages since I smiled in public.” She’d never hated anything or anyone more than she did the British media, not even George W. Bush’s administration. “You think they’d run important articles or follow around people that are actually famous for something, but nope, it’s me.”

“It’s because you’re dating royalty.” Alexander reminded.

“They follow me around more than Kate.” Paulina argued, petulantly. “And she’s dating the future king.”

Eloise smiled softly. “Well no offense, but I suppose you’re more interesting than Kate. At least to the press you are. You’ve a vibrant history and are very much accomplished. But don’t worry, we’ll win this case, News of the World will be delivered a blow that they will never recover from, and your privacy will be protected.”

“You really think so?” asked Paulina.

“Of course,” it was Gloria who answered. “We’re not accustomed to losing, and with so much evidence mounted against them, it’s only a matter of time before there’s a legal victory. Though I suspect they might try to negotiate an out of court settlement, just to keep things quiet.” She paused. “How would you feel about that?”

“I wouldn’t agree to a settlement.” Paulina declared. “I didn’t file a complaint, because I want them to throw money at me. I filed it because I want the man who broke into my home to go to jail, and I want his employer to suffer legal ramifications for their involvement. I know that just because I'm dating a royal, people seem to be under the impression that I care about wealth and status, but I don’t. Money isn’t the most important thing to me. My integrity is. And I’d rather continue to be a middle class kid than to get rich by selling out. That’s not me. And I hope you’re fine with that, because I know that I'm not paying you and maybe a huge settlement would . . .”

“We’re not here for money.” Eloise declared. “I'm here, because Rupert Murdoch is a bastard that’s attempting to monopolize the media, and he needs to be stopped. That’s why I agreed to take on the case with Alexander.”

“And I took it on because of our mutual friend, Linda. No one’s here for a payday, we’re here because we couldn’t pass up on a chance to fuck over Rupert. Because if we can do damage to News of the World, then Fox News isn’t so far behind.” Gloria smiled before redirecting her attention to the window. “Now enough talking, I'm sure we could all use some quiet.”

Nothing further was said, they fell into a comfortable silence, each left alone with their thoughts. They had plans for the future, strategies that they wanted to implement, and as the lawyers alternated between thinking about the case and their personal lives, Paulina focused on the fact that come Monday evening, she would be meeting Prince Charles’ at Harry’s birthday dinner.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really wanted to write Harry’s birthday in this update, but I realized that I had to write a little more on the break in subject. And in the future, there’ll be some information scattered into the chapters, but um, this will be the only chapter that will deal solely on it. I hope to have another update out in the near future. Thank you so much for commenting! I absolutely adore hearing from you :)

Thanks for your lovely Comments!

Teenage Waste.
Tom Hardy