Perhaps If You Can't Get Your Head out of the Clouds, I Can Come Join You up There Instead

Perhaps if You Can't Get Your Head Out of the Clouds, I Can Come Join You Up There Instead

Roro Danes had found the perfect spot.

The strong trunk was just thick enough for her to comfortably rest her slender back.

The cool breeze could ruffle her voluminous black hair just so between the branches of the old oak.

The view was as perfect as a picture of the majestic black lake, which was miraculously still given all the life that existed in its depths. Roro’s long black eyelashes blinked over her golden eyes as she continued to take in the beautiful springtime scene.

And the best part of all was that this spot was all hers. Nobody else would ever have to know.

Roro sighed with content as she settled into a perfectly comfortable position and pulled out her sketchbook. Whenever she found the time to let her mind wander, she let her quill do the same.

Some of her best work came when she wasn’t really thinking about the way her hand was dancing across parchment. Thoughts of the past and the future and life in general would be transformed into fearsome dragons and magical knights and gorgeous landscapes.

If there was anything Roro loved more than drawing it was just sitting down and thinking. Thinking about everything. Most people with this tendency find it annoying, a bad habit of sorts, but Roro certainly didn’t. She could take the smallest thing in her life and turn it into a beautiful and elaborate metaphor. “You’re head is always in the clouds,” people would tell her when she’d try to explain her reveries. Roro didn’t believe there was any better compliment.

On this particular sunny April day, a simple but rare smile from Severus Snape in the Slytherin Common room today was enough to motive Roro to come out here and play it over and over in her head.

She was just about to completely lose herself in her musings when a voice muttering from down below caught her attention.

It was Severus! Pacing back and forth with his signature lurk, no doubt grumbling over the most recent shenanigans of Potter, Lupin, Black and Pettigrew. He sat at the base of the old tree and sighed. Roro was watching on from above when an idea came into her head.

“Diffindo Neveno,” she whispered pointing her elm-and-unicorn-hair wand at a piece of her parchment. The paper silently ripped into hundreds of tiny, perfectly unique snowflakes that floated under the control of a little cloud of periwinkle light pouring from Roro’s wand.

Readjusting herself on the thick branch, Roro slowly shook her wand back and forth, causing the paper snowflakes to start to fall towards where Severus sat.

She couldn’t help but think about how intriguing she found this fellow fifth year. Despite his tough exterior, Roro saw something deeply honest and true within Severus- his heart. The boy could love no matter how much it seemed to pain him. That pain is what transformed into his standoffish attitude. Fractured love was enough to make anyone shy away from the world. Roro wanted Severus to give that love to her, because she knew she would never give him reason to regret it.

As the snowflakes fell around Severus like a miniature flurry, he began to look around in confusion. His long, black hair whipped back and forth as he looked right, then left, then behind him, then finally up at a smiling Roro. He couldn’t help but smile too. Maybe Roro could share her secret spot after all.

“Hello there, Miss Danes. I should have known it’d be you up there!” He said cordially. “Perhaps if you can't get your head out of the clouds, I can come join you up there instead.”