Status: Active (:

My Brother

Being Random

I rolled on the floor of the living room, holding my stomach, suffering from uncontrollable laughter. Sterling was doing the same. Dad walked in, eating a buiscut, and froze the minute he saw us. He raised an eyebrow at us.

"What the hell are you two doin'?" he asked.

"Laughin'!" I said as best as a could, but was soon consumed by another fit of laughter.

"At what?"

"We don't know!" Sterling said.

Dad looked at us, then went back into the kitchen, shaking his head. Eventually Sterling and I calmed down, and sat up. I was crying from laughing so hard.

"Why did we even do that?" I asked, still slightly giggling.

"I have absolutely NO idea." Sterling said. We pulled ourselves off the ground. I swear, we laughed so much I had to have a six pack by now. My stomach was hurting like hell. I sighed.

"This hurts! Bad idea, Sterlin, bad idea!" I said, beginning to laugh again. Sterling smiled and ruffled my hair. "What was that for?" I asked.

"I don't know..." he walked into his room to get changed into his football gear.

"DAD!!!" I yelled.

"WHAT!" he yelled back.







I walked out of the door, before realising I had no ride. I walked back inside and knocked on Sterling's bedroom door. He opened it seconds later, wearing his under armour shirt and loose shorts, his football duffle bag over his shoulder.


"I was walking out the door to go meet Clifton at the fair when I realised I have no ride, so-"

"So you want me to take you before practice."


"Okay, well I'm ready. Are you?"

"I just said I was leaving, so yes, I'm ready."

"Alright, let's go."

We walked outside and got into Papa Smurf (his blue truck, for those of you with bad memory). It was about a ten minute ride to the fair. He stopped and I hopped out. I waved at him, then ran over to the front gates. Clifton was standing there, with his brother Jeremiah, and his girlfriend/my friend, Grayson. I gave them all hugs, and Clifton kissed me.

"Awww!" Grayson said. I just laughed.

We went inside the fair and spent the rest of the night laughing, riding, playing jokes on each other, eating cotton candy and drinking sodas, and me and Clifton kissing.

It was a good night.