Status: Active (:

My Brother


It was halftime at the JV football game. The marching band (which includes my dearest Serena as a clarinet player) was coming out on the field. The football players were just wandering, doing what they wanted.

I sighed and grabbed a Gatorade and towel from the bench that has all our stuff on it. I wiped my forehead with the towel, and pretty much downed the whole Gatorade at once. Alexis was sitting as far away from me as possible, looking at me with an awful expression. Briana (a best friend to both of us) sat with her. I glared back at Alexis, while Briana gave me a sympathetic expression. I caught Briana's eyes and gave her a soft smile.

Molly came up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at her.

"It's gonna be okay, Ganna. There are better guys than Clifton. You've got Andrew now, and he seems to be really, really into you." she said. I smiled at her.

"Thanks, Molls. That made me feel alot better." Molly smiled back at me, and hugged me.

"Hey Morgan," I heard someone say. Molly smirked and walked off. Confused, I turned around. Andrew stood there, smirking at me. He looked so sexy, in his jersey and those tight pants. Stop thinking like that, Morgan! Not now!

"Uh, hey, Andrew," I said, blushing. He laughed.

"You wanna go back behind the bleachers...?" He asked, grabbing my hand. I nodded (losing control of my voice), and he lead me past the bleachers, and to the back of the building where the bathrooms were.

"I thought we were going to the bleachers?" I said, raising an eyebrow and smiling. He smiled back.

"I figured this would be more private..." he whispered. He grabbed my waist and pushed us both against the building, attacking my lips with his. I moaned quietly, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Have you ever read Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging? It's a great book. But anyway, in that book, the girls hav this kissing scale-

1- Holding Hands
2- Arm Around
3- Goodnight Kiss
4- Kiss Lasting 3 Minutes
5- Open Mouth Kissing
6- Tounge
7- Upper Body Fondling- Outdoors
8- Upper Body Fondling- Indoors (In Bed)
9- Below Waist Activity
10- The Full Monty

Andrew and I got to 10.

*2 months later*

"You and Andrew did WHAT?!?!?" Molly said.

"We had sex, Molly! How many times do I have to say it????"

"It's just really hard to take in."

"Well, to make matters worse..."


"I think I might be pregnant."

"HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!"

"Yeah, I got like 3 tests..."

"Did you take them?"



"Positive. All of them."