Status: Active (:

My Brother

Winter Carnival

"I....AM....SEXAYYY!!!" I yelled, running around the dark carnival grounds, holding my jacket out behind me. The lights from the rides lit up everything...well that and the streetlights. My dearest friends, who were walking behind me, busted out laughing.

I had gone to the Winter Carnival with Christian, Sterling, and his *cough*ugly*cough* girlfriend, Jenn. Seriously, I hate her. She's annoying, needy...has a big nose that takes up 88% of her face. I don't know why they're going out. It won't last long. I mean, she's really into him, but he's not that into her. I remember last week, when me, Dad, Leigh, and Sterling went to Sonic at about 10 at night. Sterling and I were drinking smoothies, yum.

"So, Sterlin, is Jenn your girlfriend now?" Leigh had asked.

"I dunno." Sterling said, shrugging and taking a sip of his smoothie.

I giggled. "What do you mean, you don't know?"

"It depends."


"If I go to church with her tonight."

I busted out laughing. "That sounds like a good thing to base your relationship on," Leigh said.

Sterling just nodded.

Anyways. I call her Sexy. I love sarcasm. Sterling gets really mad when I call her that. He won't care when they break up. In a week. I call her Sexy to her face, she thinks I do it because I'm her friend and I think she really is pretty. Ha. She calls me ManYo, which only my close friends and family call me. We'll be lucky if I don't punch her before Sterling breaks it off.

Sterling, Jenn, Christian and I walked to the Zipper.

"Let's ride this!!!" Sterling yelled. Christian and Jenn nodded in agreement.

"Noooo!" I yelled, letting go of Christian's hand and backing away.

"Oh come on can hold on to me," Christian said.

"Oh, gross..." Sterling said. Jenn giggled and held onto his arm. Eww.

"Fine...I'll ride," I said, sighing. This would be interesting.

After standing in line for like twenty minutes, they let us on. They put Sterling and Jenn in one small, gated compartment. The zipper moved, and the next compartment came. Christian and I got in. I slid in first, and Christian got in next to me. They locked us in, then closed and locked the door. I held onto Christian's hand for dear life. The ride started. The rest of the ride was spent with me yelling and holding onto Christian, while he laughed until he cried.

After it was over, Christian bought me some cotton candy to make up for it.

"Hey guys, wanna go ride the Zipper again?" Sterling asked.

"Yeah!" Jenn yelled. I resisted the urge to slap her.

"No. No. Noooo." I said.

"Oh come on, Morgan!" Sterling said.

"It's okay, you guys go ride, I'll stay with her." Christian said. I smiled up at my attractive, caring boyfriend.

"Alright." Sterling said, shrugging. Sterling and Jenn ran off to the ride.

Christian and I walked around until we got to actual Tuscaloosa Civic Center building. We went around the side, where no one was, or could see.

Christian wrapped his arms around my waist while I wrapped mine around his neck. We began a heavy makeout session, as he pushed me against the wall. I moaned as he grabbed my ass, and I did the same.

Once again...having sex against a building.

I am a fourteen year old whose had sex twice, but never in a bed. And with two different guys. Slut?

When we were done, we calmed ourselves down a bit and tried to regain our energy. My cell phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said, hitting the 'talk' button.

"Morgan! Where are you?" Sterling said.

"Doesn't matter. Christian and I will meet you by the pizza stand."

"Alright. See you in a few."



Christian smiled at me. He gently brushed my hair out of my face.

"I love you..." he whispered, staring me directly in the eyes.

"I love you, too." I said, a huge smile on my face.

He grabbed my hand, and we walked together to the pizza stand to meet Sterling and Jenn.