Status: Active (:

My Brother

Tim and Eric

"Tim and Eric...awesome show. Tim and Eric...awesome show. Great job!" I sang along with the theme song of one of my favorite shoes. It was two in the morning, the day after Christmas, and I was sitting on my bed with my legs stretched out, moving my feet to the beat of the song.

Sterling walked in, and raised his eyebrows when he saw what I was watching. He closed the door and sat beside me on my bed.

"Tim and Eric Awesome Show?" he asked.

"Great Job." I added.

"Why do you watch this? It's so...weird!"


"What's the point of it?"

"I don't know. It makes me feel like I'm on acid."

"I understand why."

"I gotta get this on DVD."

"Oh God. Are you gonna make me watch it all the time?"

"Oh yeah."

"You suck."

"I wear my dad's dirty socks! I wear my dad's dirty socks! Why do you wear those dirty socks? I just wear my dad's dirty socks! Gimme them socks, what do they smell like? Sniff sniff sniff sniff! They smell like my dad, smell like his cologne! I miss my dad, cuz he is never home. Smells like other mom's lips. Sniff sniff sniff sniff! My dad stays out late, the socks they smell like sweat, dancing with his friends, having fun in bed! I wear my dad's socks when I'm alone." I sang along.

"It's sad you know the words." he said.

"Maybe. So did you talk to Jenn today?"



"I broke up with her."


"She wasn't that bad."

"She was grody."

"I guess. Did you talk to Christian?"

"Of course!"

"Stupid question."

"Slop in the morning, slop in the evening, slop at suppertime..." I whispered with the guy on TV.

"How do these people have a show?"

"Because Adult Swim guys are fuckin' geniouses, that's how."

"Who would watch this?"


"Oh. Well you've gotta be the only one."

"Lies. It's been on for five seasons."

"No shit?"

"Yeah. NOOOO!"


"It's over!"