Status: Active (:

My Brother


Matt Howard's annual bonfire. January 10th, pretty cold but no snow on the ground, so that's good.

It was 11 o'clock, and we were all sitting in a circle around the huge bonfire. I was laying on one of their benches, my head in Jordyn's lap and my feet in Christian's. Matt, Andrew, Tre, Sterling, Spencer, Brian, Josiah, Jeremiah, Clifton, and Brady were playing football while Rachel, Callie, Grayson, and the other guys girlfriends were freaking out about them hurting themselves in the dark. I was wearing my jeans and ugg boots, and a brown and white jacket. I was also wearing my ushankra.

Christian had his 'hood music' playing. We were all having a good time. When the bonfire was over at 11:30, Andrew, Christian, Tre, Sterling, Jeremiah, and Clifton were spending the night at Matt's, and Callie, Grayson, Ally, Ashlynn, Sydney, and I were spending the night at Rachel's.

We had a really good time, listening to the music and stuff. After awhile everyone was playing football, running into trees and stuff.

"Guys! I think it's time to come inside!" Matt's mom yelled at around 12:00. Luckily she had let us keep the party going longer. Matt yelled something back at her, but I don't know what it was because I wasn't paying attention. Kissing Christian and all.

Rachel got her cell phone and called her mom, then said she was on her way.

Around twenty minutes later, Rachel's mother pulled up in their van. The guys went inside, the ones with girlfriends hugging their significant others, then [most of] us girls ran to the car. Rachel got in the front beside her mom, Callie, Grayson, and I squeezed into the middle seat, and Ally, Ashlynn, and Sydney in the back.

We spent the drive to Rachel's house listening to the radio and screaming the lyrics.

We pulled into their driveway, and sprinted into the house.
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Superrrr short.